ONDCP Excel First Row
Action Item Number:
Action Item Name:
Develop Prevention-Prepared Communities
Action Item Description:
Federal agencies have historically given individual prevention grants focused on single outcomes (e.g., drug use, underage drinking, bullying) to narrow segments of communities (e.g., a parks and recreation department, a school district, a police department) with no coordination among the segments.
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A more effective approach would be for different agencies to work together to target common risk factors that cause a range of problems in youth. In such an approach, building on current programs such as Drug Free Communities, Strategic Prevention Framework-State Incentive Grants, Project LAUNCH, Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program Grants (formerly Weed and Seed) and Safe Schools/Healthy Students, the new Prevention-Prepared Communities program (PPC) will focus on youth to conduct epidemiological needs assessments; create a comprehensive strategic plan; implement evidence-based, developmentally appropriate prevention services through multiple venues; and address common risk factors for mental, emotional, and behavioral problems, including substance abuse and mental illness. Agencies would coordinate their grants and technical assistance such that communities and the youth in them are continuously surrounded by protective factors rather than protected only in a single setting or at a single age. An interagency working group, coordinated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), will collaborate on the design, implementation, and evaluation of this effort.
Lead Agency: