ONDCP Excel Forty-Eighth Row
Action Item Number:
Action Item Name:
Promote TASC Model of Intensive Case Management
Action Item Description:
Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC) offers a state-level model for how intensive case management of drug offenders might work to reduce crime and incarceration and support reentry programs.
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In many states and localities, governments have provided access to treatment as an alternative to prison for nonviolent offenders with substance abuse or dependence disorders. If clients meet eligibility criteria under the statute, TASC conducts an indepth assessment of their criminal justice history, the nature and extent of addiction, readiness for treatment, and likelihood of treatment success. Through a specialized system of clinical case management, TASC initiates and motivates positive behavior change and long-term recovery for individuals in criminal justice, corrections, juvenile justice, child welfare, and public aid systems. TASC case managers develop individualized service plans that include links to community-based substance abuse treatment, medical/mental health services, vocational/educational programs, and other needed social services. This approach has translated into substantial cost-savings through referrals to treatment and services. States should look to places that have effectively implemented the TASC process, such as Illinois and New York, and the Department of Justice will continue to fund alternatives to incarceration so that TASC and TASC-like processes can work effectively.
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