ONDCP Excel Fourth Row
Action Item Number:
Action Item Name:
Strengthen the Drug Free Communities Program
Action Item Description:
The Drug Free Communities Support program is a signature effort to bring a broad range of community stakeholders together to prevent youth drug, alcohol, and tobacco use.
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In partnership with SAMHSA, ONDCP has administered the Drug Free Communities (DFC) program since 1997. The DFC program is a matching grant effort designed to help community coalitions identify and respond to local youth substance use problems. With 746 grants in 726 communities, the DFC program has been implemented in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Palau, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and in tribal communities. Community-based coalitions bring together more than a dozen sectors (e.g., law enforcement, schools, faith leaders) to change local environmental risk factors. Communities are best equipped to identify local drug problems, mobilize local resources, and implement community-based action plans. The Administration will work to provide best practices information to community coalitions and to integrate their work into new Federal prevention efforts. Additionally, the Administration will encourage further outreach of DFCs into special populations, including tribal communities.
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