ONDCP Excel Nineteenth Row
Action Item Number:
Action Item Name:
Expand and Evaluate Screening for Substance Use in All Health Care Settings
Action Item Description:
Screening for substance use should become more broadly implemented in the health care system.
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Even when there is no serious substance use problem present, awareness of the drugs and alcohol a patient is consuming can alert the physician to the risks of adverse medication interactions. It also conveys the important message to all Americans that consideration of substance use should be a standard part of looking after one’s health. SAMHSA will work with accreditation agencies (e.g., The Joint Commission) to increase the number of health care facilities that screen for substance use and support training of health care providers on how to conduct screenings quickly and effectively. Federal agencies that support or operate health care systems (HRSA, IHS, VA, and DOD) will continue to expand screening efforts. NIDA will support these clinical practice improvement efforts by making available its NIDAMED web-based screening instrument, and by funding research on how the use of SBIRT for illicit drug use can be expanded to new health care settings.
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