Office of National Drug Control Policy

ONDCP Excel Ninetieth Row

Action Item Number: 
Action Item Name: 
Expand Global Prevention and Treatment Initiatives Bilaterally and Through Cooperation With the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the Colombo Plan, and Other Multilateral Organizations
Action Item Description: 

In spite of decades of research demonstrating the cost-effectiveness of drug treatment, the vast majority of countries lack sufficient infrastructure to provide quality treatment services to the millions of individuals in need.

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As described previously, this gap is present in the United States but is all the more acute in less developed countries. Over the years, the United States has provided training and technical assistance in demand reduction through a range of international programs. These efforts must be expanded and better coordinated. Whenever possible, the United States will seek to partner with the UNODC and regional organizations such as the OAS and the Colombo Plan, which have begun to scale up treatment assistance through an array of programs. Provision of evidence-based and culturally sensitive training and technical assistance related to drug abuse prevention and treatment is a primary instrument of United States’ international demand reduction programs. The State Department will intensify its training and technical assistance programs, which combine didactic and experiential learning strategies and prioritize cultural competency. The State Department will also expand research and evaluation activities that are outcome/impact focused to improve program monitoring and effectiveness. Community anti-drug coalitions and network development will also be strengthened to foster exchange of information and collaboration. Another opportunity that will be pursued is to further emphasize drug treatment as part of the comprehensive, integrated HIV package of care and treatment services for people who use injection drugs. The program is funded around the world by the United States through the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (State/OGAC). Prevention programs would also benefit from increased technical cooperation and training coordinated by the State Department in cooperation with United States agencies and international partners. The State Department will continue to support global prevention and disseminate best practices.

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