Office of National Drug Control Policy

ONDCP Excel One Hundred Ninth Row

Action Item Number: 
Action Item Name: 
Strengthen Drug Information Systems Focused on Arrestees and Incarcerated Individuals
Action Item Description: 

Individuals who are arrested and/or convicted of crimes demonstrate substantially higher rates of drug use—especially chronic or hardcore use—than the general population.

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Understanding the interplay between chronic drug use and crime is critical for policymakers, administrators, and communities. To this end, the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) program collects arrestee-reported data on drug use and related behaviors in 10 counties across the country. In addition to self-reported data, ADAM collects a urine sample at the conclusion of the interview. Yet its availability in only 10 counties renders the system of limited value to national decision makers as well as to communities with characteristics different from those of the 10 counties in which data are collected. The Administration will enhance arrestee drug use monitoring to provide better and more timely information about drug use and markets, treatment, and other needs among the arrestee population throughout the country. In addition, ONDCP will coordinate with BJS and NIJ in efforts to survey incarcerated populations about substance use and other issues. BJS conducts periodic surveys of incarcerated populations and currently has a project underway to redesign these surveys to enhance measures of substance use and mental health problems among jail and prison inmates for the next survey iteration.

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