Office of National Drug Control Policy

ONDCP Excel Second Row

Action Item Number: 
Action Item Name: 
Collaborate with States to Support Communities
Action Item Description: 

A second requirement for reaching our goals is for States to play a more active role in helping communities prepare to implement prevention initiatives.

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State government is the appropriate venue to provide communities the types of prevention-relevant information that will guide those individual communities in the development of their prevention plans (e.g., various school and community surveys, information on drug-related arrests, hospital admissions). SAMHSA will, therefore, in conjunction with the PPC grant program, fund community prevention specialists within States to increase collaboration among State agencies in the development and implementation of community plans. In addition to providing these resources to States, the Federal government will increase efforts to ensure States support community prevention initiatives from the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment block grant funds. Twenty percent of these funds are set aside for prevention, but not all States expend the funds in support of community initiatives. SAMHSA will work closely with the States to encourage them to prioritize community prevention initiatives.

Lead Agency: 