ONDCP Excel Sixty-Fifth Row
Action Item Number:
Action Item Name:
Develop and Disseminate More Effective Models of Addressing Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems Among Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
Action Item Description:
Some public and private partnerships are working to better respond to drug and mental health problems among the juvenile justice population.
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These efforts should be expanded to give correctional and health officials a wider array of options. Particular needs include the development of culturally competent screening and treatment interventions for youth housed in juvenile and other correctional facilities as well as the development of evidence-based and promising approaches to diversion and reentry to the community. Another critical need is protocols for conducting screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in juvenile justice settings. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of the problems at issue, in addition to nongovernmental partners, the DOJ will work in collaboration with HHS, DOL, ED, and other Federal agencies through its Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to support this initiative.
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