Office of National Drug Control Policy

ONDCP Excel Sixty-Second Row

Action Item Number: 
Action Item Name: 
Facilitate Access to Housing for Reentering Offenders
Action Item Description: 

Stable and affordable housing is often identified as the most difficult barrier for individuals to overcome when they are released from prison or jail.

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Mapping work by the Council of State Governments Justice Center confirms that in many states, there are specific neighborhoods containing large numbers of people under criminal justice supervision. Federal investments in reentry should focus on these neighborhoods and communities and encourage services for the criminal justice population that would not only reduce recidivism and increase public safety, but also support the long-term goals of recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. Supportive living environments and a drug-free home are a key part of recovery. They represent a remarkably effective and low-cost method of preventing relapse. It is important to identify the types of settings or interventions that might promote health service utilization and more positive health outcomes following release from jail for those with substance abuse issues and co-occurring disorders. Structured and supportive recovery homes are keys to promoting healthy outcomes and increasing positive health behaviors through social support. Many of these housing programs are primarily self-financed through rent paid by residents. HUD and DOJ will support sober recovery and reentry housing.

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