ONDCP Excel Third Row
Action Item Number:
Action Item Name:
Spread Prevention to the Workplace
Action Item Description:
Parents are a critical part of prevention efforts. Most parents of young children spend a significant part of their day at work.
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Therefore, the workplace is an excellent site to educate parents about youth substance use and ways to intervene with emerging problems. Furthermore, it is not just parents who can benefit from workplace-centered programs. In the late adolescent years, many young people are employed, and their concentration in particular industries (e.g., food service) creates opportunities for efficient targeting of worksite prevention programs. Federal job-training programs that currently provide substance abuse treatment and referrals will work to ensure continuity of services from training into employment where needed. Relevant Federal agencies will use workforce-focused strategies for delivering prevention messages to employees and their families, including more widespread adoption of effective drug-free workplace programs (which include employee education, supervisor training, testing programs, and treatment referral) by developing and promoting a “best practice” model as a foundation for all employers to implement.
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