Office of National Drug Control Policy

ONDCP Excel Thirty-Fifth Row

Action Item Number: 
Action Item Name: 
Develop a Pay-for-Performance Mechanism to Promote the Quality of Publically Funded Substance Abuse Treatment
Action Item Description: 

Some States and Federal systems (e.g., VA) have had significant success in building financial incentives into public health care systems.

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In these Pay for Performance (P4P) contracting arrangements, treatment programs that do a better job of serving addicted patients promptly and effectively are rewarded. Federal funding for substance abuse treatment, which is provided to States by SAMHSA, has not historically been contingent on the quality of the services received. A trial of P4P contracting in a limited number of States may help improve treatment quality and lay the groundwork for a national effort in this area. The Obama Administration will create a mechanism at SAMHSA to incentivize a subset of States to reward those treatment programs that implement evidence-based clinical practices and are more successful at promoting and sustaining recovery.

Lead Agency: 