Office of National Drug Control Policy

ONDCP Excel Thirty-First Row

Action Item Number: 
Action Item Name: 
Expand the Innovations of the Department of Veterans Affairs Substance Use Disorder
Action Item Description: 

The VA has made major advances in the care of veterans who have substance use disorders, including expanded addiction treatment, primary care-based screening and intervention, path-breaking research on psychosocial and medication-based treatments, and integration of addiction treatment-based information and services into the broader health care system.

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  In addition to continuing to expand and improve its state-of-the-art system, VA will take an active role in sharing its knowledge and innovations with other Federal systems.  VA and DOD will continue to work collaboratively to develop evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of substance use disorders and related conditions, and each agency will continue to fund research projects on the role of substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and traumatic brain injury on the well-being of former (VA) and current (DOD) military personnel and their families.  Through its Centers for Excellence in Substance Abuse Treatment and Education, VA will also provide ongoing consultation to HRSA and IHS as they improve the integration of care for substance use disorders into the health care systems they oversee.

Lead Agency: 