Office of National Drug Control Policy

ONDCP Excel Twenty-Third Row

Action Item Number: 
Action Item Name: 
Educate Physicians About Opiate Painkiller Prescribing
Action Item Description: 

Prescription of opioids is an increasing challenge for clinicians, who have to weigh the substantial pain relief these medications can provide against the potential for dependence, abuse, and diversion.

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Through the PCSS program described above (Section 1, Action C), SAMHSA will train prescribers on how to instruct patients in the use and proper disposal of pain killers, observe signs of dependence, and use prescription monitoring programs to detect doctor shopping. FDA, the agency responsible for reviewing and approving drug applications for prescription pain medications, will play an important role in providing effective information about the proper use and disposal of opioids through approved product labeling and other means to prescribers and patients. Federal agencies that support their own health care systems will increase continuing medical education for their prescribers on proper prescribing and disposal.

Lead Agency: 