Special Populations
While drug addiction respects no geographic, ethnic, economic, or social boundaries, there are some specific populations that deserve our focused effort. ONDCP is proposing new policies and practices that will improve the way the Federal government responds to these special populations:
- Military, Veterans, and their Families - As we honor the efforts and sacrifices of our soldiers, we should keep in mind the enduring debt we owe to our country’s military veterans. Just as no soldier fights alone, no soldier with a substance use disorder suffers alone. ONDCP is working with our Federal partners and the White House Joining Forces initiative to provide support for active duty members of the military, veterans, and their families.
- Women, Children, and Families – Women and teen girls often face different challenges when it comes to substance use disorders. Because their reasons for using drugs and challenges to seeking treatment are often different than men’s, ONDCP has a number of activities dedicated to supporting women, girls, and all families.
- Colleges and Universities – Binge drinking is far too common on college campuses and students sometimes mistakenly believe that drugs can help with increased reading comprehension, cognition, and memory. ONDCP is working with colleges and universities across the country to help provide safe and productive learning environments for America’s young adults.
- Native Americans and Alaskan Natives - Drug use exacts a heavy toll among Native Americans and Alaskan Natives in the United States. In response to these ongoing issues, ONDCP is developing programs and policies tailored to Indian Country and designed to assist Tribal authorities using a balanced strategy of prevention, treatment, recovery support, and law enforcement.