Council on Environmental Quality: Evaluating our Progress


Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)

High-Value Data 

Score - Progress toward Expectations Progress


CEQ has submitted three high value data sets to OMB for posting on One set was not in machine readable form, and therefore cannot be posted. However, two are in the process of being posted to the site. The first data set, the NEPA ARRA Reports to Congress, track the progress of federal agencies’ compliance with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This data set provides for accountability and transparency throughout the federal government. The second data set, the Ocean Policy Task Force Comments, tracks the public outreach and comments on the proposed recommendations for a national policy that ensures protection, maintenance, and restoration of oceans, our coasts and the Great Lakes, also providing greater transparency within government.

Data Integrity 

Score - Meets Expectations Meets Expectations


Michelle Moore, the Federal Environmental Executive, is designated the CEQ Senior Agency Official for Open Government.  The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE) is responsible for promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship throughout Federal government operations, including the GreenGov program which is CEQ’s OpenGov flagship initiative.

Open Government Webpage 

Score - Meets Expectations Meets Expectations


As an agency of the EOP, CEQ has supplied the White House New Media Office with a script for all the information necessary to comply with the Directive. The White House is hosting all of their component's open government webpages.

Public Consultation 

Score - Meets Expectations Meets Expectations


CEQ has established an email account solely for public consultation on Open Government Plan.

Open Government Plan

Score - Progress toward Expectations Progress


CEQ has completed a self-evaluation of their Open Government Plan, that details how the Plan meets the criteria of the Open Government Directive.

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