Office of Management and Budget: Evaluating our Progress
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
High-Value Data
Score - Meets Expectations 
OMB has registered on three high-value data sets that were never before available online and in a downloadable format. OMB has released a list of annual draft rules reviewed by OMB going back to 1981, a history of economic forecasts from 1976 to the present, and improper payments for programs from 2004 to 2009.
Data Integrity
Score - Meets Expectations 
OMB has designated Controller Daniel Werfel as our high-level senior official to be accountable for the quality and objectivity of, and internal controls over, publicly-disseminated Federal spending information.
Open Government Webpage
Score - Meets Expectations 
OMB has established an Open Government Webpage that meets each instruction set forth in the Directive and informs the public of OMB's open government activities.
Public Consultation
Score - Meets Expectations 
Our Open Government Webpage incorporates a mechanism for the public to 1) provide input on our Open Government Plan, 2) provide input about which information to prioritize for publication; and 3) give feedback on assessment of the quality of published information. In addition, we have developed a plan to respond to public input. OMB views the American public as a partner in helping us achieve our goals and objectives through greater openness. To that end, OMB remains open to feedback and input from the public on ways to improve transparency, public participation, and collaboration.
Open Government Plan
Score - Progress toward Expectations
OMB has completed a self-evaluation of their Open Government Plan, that details how the Plan meets the criteria of the Open Government Directive.