Office of National Drug Control Policy: Evaluating our Progress
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
High-Value Data
Score - Progress towards Expectations 
ONDCP has registered two high value data sets never abavilable before on-line. The Federal Drug Control Budget is available in an open, machine readable format. Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Data has also been made available. This data set is available to the public, although the public must obtain a free password to access the data. A third high-value data set will be posted in the coming weeks.
Data Integrity
Score - Meets Expectations 
ONDCP has designated a high-level official to be accountable for data integrity and quality issues. ONDCP's SES-level director of the Office of Research and Data Analysis will fulfill this responsibility.
Open Government Webpage
Score - Meets Expectations 
ONDCP has created an Open Gov page on its homepage ONDCP will aslo make its data available via an EOP-wide webpage.
Public Consultation
Score - Meets Expectations 
The ONDCP webpage contains a link that allows the public to comment on and communicate with ONDCP regardin the data sets as well as any other open government initiative issue. Information regarding FOIA resources is also available.
Open Government Plan
Score - Progress toward Expectations
ONDCP has completed a self-evaluation of their Open Government Plan, that details how the Plan meets the criteria of the Open Government Directive.