MCC Results Online

Millennium Challenge Corporation

Putting Results at the Forefront: Where Transparency Meets Smart U.S. Foreign Aid

The MCC is building a one-stop, comprehensive resource that compiles results as they emerge at every stage of MCC’s poverty reduction partnerships worldwide.

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The Challenge

Data and information related to the results of international development programs are often inaccessible to the public, country partners, and development practitioners. Where data are available, they are either difficult to locate or their publication is seriously delayed. This practice undermines accountability and reduces the effectiveness of foreign aid.

The Solution

Furthering a commitment to results and accountability, the MCC is increasing the transparency of its results data. Over the course of 2009, the MCC undertook a project to make all of its program performance data publicly available via an easily accessible results portal on its website. The results portal publishes:

  • Economic analyses justifying MCC investments in each country and ex ante estimates of expected benefits. Data is available for every MCC compact program, including interactive spreadsheets that can be manipulated for different scenarios.
  • Targets and actual performance data against key performance metrics for each MCC program, updated quarterly, to determine if the program is on track to achieve its objectives.
  • Actual performance against common indicators in key sectors such as roads, agriculture, irrigation, and property rights, where MCC has substantial investments. Data are updated quarterly and additional sectors are being added as common metrics are finalized.
  • Detailed information on independent impact evaluations that will be used to measure and document the actual impact MCC projects had on local incomes.
  • Qualitative information such as success stories, quarterly status reports for each compact, and fact sheets on various topics.

The Benefit

Transparency increases the incentive to achieve greater results and holds the MCC accountable for taxpayer funds. And, over the long term, it will contribute to increased development effectiveness as the lessons about what does and does not work are widely shared and factored into decision-making about future development projects.

Additional Details

The Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. Government agency working with developing countries, is based on the principle that aid is most effective when it reinforces good governance, economic freedom, and investments in people to promote economic growth and help eliminate extreme poverty.

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