Nevada: Debbie Henson #40dollars

What does $40 mean to you?
Sadly, I am unemployed for the first time in my life. I am a 59 year old highly educated professional woman. When I did have the paycheck with extra 40 dollars, it was significant. I have given my life as a Public Servant, thus in the 50 grand salary wise. Right now I seek employment 24/7, but now I perform this skill with depression, sadness, anxiety, extreme fear of my unemployment expiring in 2 weeks. I am deeply spiritual, but for the first time in my life, I want to give up. I paid into the Unemployment insurance since age 12, and have NEVER EVER been unemployed. This is a horrible time for myself and scores of colleagues whom have lost our jobs. I beg the President to help us, I truly beg him to get this extension passed.