Blog Posts Related to the African American Community

  • West Wing Week "The Commencement at Booker T"

    Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  This week the President visited flood survivors in Memphis,TN before speaking at the Booker T. Washington High School graduation, celebrated the Situation Room's 50th birthday, and gave a speech on the change sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa.

    Find out more about the topics covered in this edition of West Wing Week:

  • President Obama at Booker T. Washington High: Commencement Challenge Winners

    UPDATE: Also watch video of the President surprising some of the students ahead of the speech, or watch the President's full remarks here.

    "Every commencement is a day of celebration," said the President at the commencement for Booker T. Washington High School in Memphis, "But this one is especially hopeful."  BTW, as the school is known, was the winner of the Race to the Top Commencement Challenge, chosen as a finalist on the basis of its inspiring turn-around story and voted the winner by the public after each finalist school submitted a video making its case.  The President continued:

    This one is especially hopeful because some people say that schools like BTW just aren’t supposed to succeed in America.  You’ll hear them say, “The streets are too rough in those neighborhoods.”  “The schools are too broken.” “The kids don’t stand a chance.” 

    We are here today because every single one of you stood tall and said, “Yes, we can.”  (Applause.)  Yes, we can learn.  Yes, we can succeed.  You decided you would not be defined by where you come from but by where you want to go, by what you want to achieve, by the dreams you hope to fulfill. 

    Supporting these kinds of turnarounds has been a focus of the President’s education policies, from the national Race to the Top contest where states competed to show real reform plans, to School Improvement Grants that demand uprooting entrenched problems, the President has insisted that funding go to states, communities and schools who have refused to give up, and shown their commitment to change so that their kids would be prepared for the competitive world that awaits them after graduation.

    President Barack Obama Watches a Performance at the Booker T. Washington High School Commencement Ceremony

    President Barack Obama sits with Principal Alisha Kiner as they watch a performance at the Booker T. Washington High School commencement ceremony at Cook Convention Center in Memphis, Tenn., May 16, 2011. The high school was the winner of the 2011 Race To The Top Commencement Challenge. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    Speaking at BTW, where graduation rates went from 55% in 2007 to 81.6% in 2010, the President was clearly inspired to see the faces that represent that kind of change.  And as he said, his passion for education is based on his own experience not only as a father, but as a child growing up years ago.  He spoke to the graduates on a personal level about the lessons he learned.

  • National Small Business Week is Here!

    Happy National Small Business Week to more than 27 million small businesses, their employees, and all Americans!  You can read the President’s proclamation here

    The facts are clear: small businesses create about two out of every three jobs in the U.S. each year, and roughly half of working Americans either own or work for a small business.   

    Today, we released a report that details the many things the Administration has done over the past two years to help small businesses do what they do best: create jobs.  It’s called The Small Business Agenda: Growing America’s Small Businesses to Win the Future

    There are seven areas where we’ve made accomplishments, including:

    • 17 tax breaks for small businesses through the Recovery Act, the Small Business Jobs Act and other laws
    • $53 billion in SBA lending support for 113,000 small businesses at a time when traditional lending was frozen
    • Nearly $100 billion in federal contracting dollars annually going to small businesses, with a new tool to help women-owned firms
    • Support for small businesses to export their products and help meet the National Export Initiative’s goal to double exports in coming years
    • Free and low-cost counseling to more than 2 million entrepreneurs and small business owners
    • Targeted mentoring and growth capital for high-growth small businesses – the biggest job creators – through new efforts like Startup America
    • More stability and protection in financial markets as well as work to reduce regulatory barriers and costs

    But our job is not done. 

    For example, we need to engage young entrepreneurs who are working to build the next generation of great American companies.  That’s why, Tuesday night at 6:30 pm EST, the White House’s Kalpen Modi and SBA’s Deputy Administrator, Marie Johns, are co-hosting a Youth Entrepreneur Summit in New York City.  Watch the livestream here.

    And don’t forget: Starting Wednesday, you can also watch livestreams of National Small Business Week events and forums happening in Washington, D.C.  Take a look at my earlier blog post to see which ones you might be interested in.

    As the President said recently, “When it comes to our economy, it’s our small businesses that pack the biggest punch.”  Thank you for taking time this week to celebrate small businesses in your community and across the nation.

  • Strengthening Social Security and Medicare

    Every year, I join my fellow members of the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees to issue reports on the financial health of these essential programs. This year’s reports, released today, show that Medicare and Social Security are strong, but there is far more work to be done. And as we move forward, it is critical that Democrats and Republicans continue to work together to address the long-term solvency of the programs so that we keep the promise of Medicare and Social Security to future generations of Americans.

    The Social Security Board of Trustees report shows that Social Security has sufficient assets to continue to provide benefits for seniors and people with disabilities in the coming decades. The combined Social Security Trust Funds have resources to pay full benefits for the coming 25 years. 

  • A Celebration of American Poetry at the White House

    The President and First Lady are welcoming accomplished poets, musicians, artists and students from across the country to the White House today for a celebration of American poetry and prose. Mrs. Obama kicked off the White House Music Series in 2009 with a Jazz Studio, and has since hosted events to promote music and arts education through the celebration of Country, Classical, Motown, a Fiesta Latina, a salute to Broadway, Music of the Civil Rights Movement and a dance tribute to Judith Jamison

  • The President’s Blueprint for Building a 21st Century Immigration System

    Editor's Note: Join the conversation to fix the immigration system for America's 21st century economy.

    Today, the President travels to El Paso, Texas – a historic, thriving and diverse border community – to discuss his commitment to fixing our broken immigration system and the importance of building a new one for the 21st century. He believes we need to reform our immigration laws so that they address our economic and security needs while also honoring our history as a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. 

    Over the last several weeks, the President has met with and heard from leaders and stakeholders from a variety of sectors, including faith, business and law enforcement officials, as well as current and former elected officials and others. Like many Americans, these leaders know that the generations of immigrants who have braved hardship and great risk to reach our shores have made America what it is today – a strong and prosperous nation, engine of the global economy and a beacon of hope around the world.

    We have already made significant progress securing the borders, enforcing the law, and improving the legal immigration system. Over the last two years, the Obama Administration has dedicated unprecedented resources to these efforts. There are more boots on the ground on the Southwest border than at any time in our history. The buildup began under the previous administration, and has continued. We have also tripled the number of intelligence analysts, deployed unmanned aerial surveillance vehicles, and nearly completed the fence that was demanded back in 2007. These efforts have helped to make our country more secure. But we cannot solve the problems of our broken immigration system through enforcement alone.