Green Jobs: Watch the Panels

It's now been a week and a half since the first meeting of the Middle Class Task Force, but the lessons are still sinking in.  The ideas that emerged there will help inform the way in which the Vice President oversees the recovery act and the Administration transitions our economy toward a green future over the coming years.
The panels alone are worth watching, certainly no less relevant or informative than the day were held, and give a good idea of the kind of vision the President and Vice President are hoping to implement.
Green Jobs: What are They & How Can They Help the Middle Class
Fred Krupp, President of the Environmental Defense Fund; John Podesta, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Center for American Progress; Van Jones, President and founder of Green for All
Creating Green Opportunity: The Roles of Stakeholders
Governor Edward G. Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania; Mayor Michael Nutter, Mayor of Philadelphia; Leo Gerard, the International President of the Steelworkers of America; Cecilia Estolano, The Chief Executive Officer of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles; Mark Edlen, President of Gerding-Edlen, a Green Development

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