United We Serve

On June 22, 2009, as a part of the President’s United We Serve summer service initiative, Chair Nancy Sutley, along with a group from CEQ, worked with the Anacostia Watershed Society to plant native wetland species in Kingman Lake, a 35-acre wetlands marsh adjacent to the Anacostia River. Kingman Lake is the biggest tidal wetland in Washington, D.C.
United We Serve is an extended call to service by President Obama challenging all Americans to help lay a new foundation for growth in this country by engaging in sustained, meaningful community service. The United We Serve summer service initiative began June 22nd and runs through the National Day of Service and Remembrance on September 11th. The initiative is led by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency dedicated to fostering service in communities across the country.
During this summer, the President is renewing his call to all Americans to identify needs in their communities, engage in meaningful service to create change – and stay engaged with those projects long after September. To create new service projects, to find service projects in their communities and to share stories about projects that are making a difference, Americans can visit the Corporation for National and Community Service’s website, www.serve.gov.
CEQ United we Serve 1
(Chair Nancy Sutley begins the planting process at Kingman Lake)
CEQ United we Serve 2
(Crossing Kingman Lake to reach the mud flat)
CEQ United we Serve 3
(CEQ staff plant arrow arum seedlings)

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