Vice President to Chair Middle Class Task Force Meeting on College Access and Affordability Tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon the Middle Class Task force heads back to school. We’ll be traveling north to Syracuse, New York for our second town hall meeting on College Access and Affordability. Vice President Biden will be joined by Secretary Geithner, Secretary Duncan, Syracuse University Chancellor Nancy Cantor, State University of New York Chancellor Nancy Zimpher, and a panel of education policy experts. At the meeting, the Vice President and task force members will report back on some of the work we’ve been doing to make saving and paying for college easier and more efficient. Our first college affordability meeting in St. Louis, Missouri last April was helpful and informative, so we’re very much looking forward to the discussion at Syracuse University tomorrow. Be sure to check back in with us to hear how things go.
Jared Bernstein is Chief Economist to Vice President Biden, and Executive Director of the Middle Class Task Force

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