The Task Force in the Ocean State

After a very successful couple days in Rhode Island with members of the Ocean Policy Task Force, I am heading back to Washington. The public meeting went very well, with a few hundred people turning out for the event and a wide variety of ocean issues raised. In addition to those who joined us in person, many more chose to watch online or listen by phone. Holding these meetings has provided us with an invaluable perspective on the regions and all of the comments will be taken into consideration as we draft these final recommendations to President Obama.
Today in Rhode Island we visited the Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge and The Coastal Institute, which provided a wonderful opportunity for us to learn even more about the challenges and opportunities in the ocean and coastal areas along the East Coast.
I would like to give a special thanks to the other members and representatives of the Task Force who traveled to Rhode Island including NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Vice Admiral David P. Pekoske of the U.S. Coast Guard, Laura Davis from the Department of the Interior, Ira Leighton from the Environmental Protection Agency, and Dr. Sharon Hrynkow from the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences.
The Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force is still taking public comments and look forward to our upcoming events in the Pacific Islands on September 29, and in Cleveland and New Orleans in October.
Nancy Sutley is the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality

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