Adrienne Explains How College Students Are Benefiting from the Affordable Care Act

Adrienne Lowe, like many college students, was wondering how she was going to get health care after she graduates from college.  Because of the Affordable Care Act, she now has the option of remaining on her parents’ health insurance plan.  Young adults who do not have insurance through their employers may now be able to remain on their parents’ plan up to their 26th birthday.  Up to 2.4 million young adults could gain coverage through this new provision.

“I graduate in May and when I graduate I was going to be dropped from my parents’ health care.  Now that everything has been passed, I can still remain on my parents’ health care instead of being immediately kicked off.”

Listen to Adrienne tell her story and hear what’s happening in your state by visiting the 50 States/50 Stories map.

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