A Discussion on Clean Energy in Missoula

Last weekend I traveled to beautiful Missoula, Montana, to engage in a lively panel conversation about America’s energy future at the 20th Annual Conference for the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ). The conference, hosted by the University of Montana, drew journalists from across the country who focus on essential issues affecting our environment, and who were eager to discuss efforts underway to grow the clean energy economy.

Promoting a sustainable, clean energy economy that creates jobs is a priority for this Administration.  We have shown our commitment through a $90 billion Recovery Act investment in renewable energy, and setting new fuel-economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards for vehicles, among other critical measures.  We’re also leading by example by setting ambitious sustainability goals for Federal Agencies for energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas pollution, conserving water, and promoting sustainable communities.

Open conversations like the one we had at SEJ are crucial as we confront today’s environmental and economic challenges.  Engaging people with a range of views and backgrounds helps us to achieve a shared vision of a healthy and prosperous future for the U.S.  I left Missoula optimistic about America’s potential to seize the opportunity of clean energy. 

Nancy Sutley is Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality

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