2010 Shanghai World Expo: Better City, Better Life

I was fortunate enough to represent the United States at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo Closing Ceremonies earlier this month.  In the great tradition of World Expos, the Shanghai Expo showcased the diverse international community and advancements in a global effort to support sustainable development.  This year’s expo focused on the theme Better City, Better Life.  I, along with more than 73 million visitors over the past six months, was impressed with each nation’s distinct pavilion.  Our own USA pavilion was no exception, as over 7 million people have packed its 6,000 square meters of carbon-neutral space.

At the Expo 2010 Summit Forum, international leaders gathered to discuss the importance of urban innovation and sustainable urban development.  I spoke at the themed forum on Green Development and Ecological City, and highlighted the Obama Administration's work to support clean energy, promote sustainable communities, and prepare the Nation to adapt to climate change. 

Brazil Pavilion

White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley tours the USA pavilion

During the trip, I was able to visit Shanghai’s Chongming Island, which is home to Dongtan Eco City.  Dongtan is working to become an environmentally and economically sustainable city, with the goal of attaining an ecological footprint of less than 60% than that of typical developments. 

It was interesting to engage in discussions on sustainability at both the Shanghai Expo and on Chongming Island.  I was happy to represent the U.S.'s work on environmental and clean energy issues.

Nancy and Jon at USA Pavilion

White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley and CEQ Chief of Staff Jon Carson at the USA Pavilion

Nancy Sutley is Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality

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