Celebrating EPA's 40th Anniversary

Last week marked a major milestone for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as it turned 40 years old on December 2, 2010.  On Thursday, I joined EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson and other Obama Administration officials in wishing the agency "Happy Birthday" after four decades of work to protect the health of the environment and all Americans.  We launched the event by reading President Obama's Proclamation on the 40th Anniversary of the Environmental Protection Agency, which called on the EPA and other Federal Agencies to continue their legacies of responsible stewardship and to advance environmental quality in the face of new challenges, including global climate change. 

EPA at 40

Chair Sutley, Youngstown, Ohio Mayor Jay Williams, EPA Assistant Administrator Michelle DePass, and Former EPA Regional Administrator Mary Gade participate in the EPA @ 40 conference. (Photo by Eric Vance, US EPA)

On Friday, I joined other environmental leaders at Harvard University for its conference: "EPA @ 40: Protecting the Environment and Our Communities."  I had the opportunity to lead a panel on "Global Problems and Local Solutions," which included a dynamic discussion on EPA's history of success in working with state and local governments and communities to safeguard the health of our environment.   EPA's 40 years of leadership have fostered cleaner communities, promoted the health of children, and helped build a stronger America.   The Obama Administration is committed to continuing this proud legacy, and to leaving a clean and healthy country for future generations.  

Nancy Sutley is Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality

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