The First Lady's Trip to Africa

Join a Dialogue with Young African Women Leaders

Next week, the First Lady will travel to Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa and Gaborone, Botswana during an official visit to Africa. During the trip, which will go from June 21 – 26, Mrs. Obama will deliver the keynote address to a U.S.-sponsored Young African Women Leaders Forum in South Africa.  Forum participants include young women from across sub-Saharan Africa, like Toyosi and Annah, who are leading or involved in social and economic initiatives in their own countries.  The Forum will build on the Obama Administration’s ongoing engagement with the next generation of African leaders and the momentum of the August 2010 President’s Forum with Young African Leaders held at the White House.

On Monday, June 20 at 8:30 AM EDT, join us for a pre-Forum overview and discussion with Edward Kemp, Deputy Director for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs in the Bureau of African Affairs;  and Larry Garber, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Africa at USAID and me.

Here's how you can join us to discuss the First Lady’s Forum and talk about the issues that matter to you and your community:

Keep up with the First Lady at, where you can find updates on this trip as well as engage in the conversation on Facebook and Twitter (#YoungAfrica).

Karen Richardson is a Deputy Associate Director in the Office of Public Engagement.

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