More State and Local Officials Join the Call for Compromise
Earlier, over 100 state and local officials added their voices to the growing chorus urging Congress to compromise on behalf of the American people and to remove the cloud of uncertainty that currently hangs over our economy.
Since then we’ve heard from 50 more officials urging Congress to do their job before August 2.
Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona State Senator:
“Rather than finding compromise for the sake of American families, the U.S. House GOP continues to squabble our tax dollars on political poker. The Boehner bill will leave a cloud of uncertainty hanging over our economy – something we can’t afford during such tough times. It would hurt our country’s ability to grow business, and it would shed even more jobs. The time for compromise on behalf of the American people is now. It is time to unite and conquer for the sake of the future of our country.” [7/29/2011]
Letter to Congressional Leaders from 37 Florida mayors:
“To protect our citizens from further financial hardship, we urge you to support a balanced approach to raising the debt ceiling. Reasonable cuts to domestic spending, combined with the elimination of some tax loopholes for the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations, is the most responsible way to preserve our economic security and promote future growth.” [Signed 7/29/2011]
Tom Weisner, Mayor of Aurora, Illinois and President of Metro West Council of Governments, representing 29 Illinois municipalities:
“We are asking you to apply your leadership to overcome partisanship and demonstrate to our country that Congress is focused on stabilizing our markets. We are asking you to help create jobs and ensure the success of our cities, our State, and our Country. We are asking you to please address the debt ceiling now.” [Signed 7/28/2011]
Nicholas Mavodones, Jr., Mayor of Portland Maine:
“The stakes could not be higher. As Portland and other Maine communities begin to rebound from the worst financial recession in our lifetimes, we cannot stumble. Residents and businesses need to know that tomorrow’s economic future will be brighter than today’s and this recovery is not possible without stability in Washington. The fiscal future of Maine’s towns and municipalities is intrinsically intertwined with the nation’s economic security.” [7/29/2011]
Steven Grossman, Massachusetts State Treasurer:
"At a time when new data shows that the recession was even deeper than previously thought and our recovery more fragile, Congress must put aside partisan concerns and do what is right for the American people. I strongly support the President in his effort to craft a thoughtful, balanced, and long-term solution to the current debt crisis that reflects our shared values and priorities. A credit default will hurt us all. The American people want common-sense policies that will strengthen the U.S. economy, create jobs, and protect our savings." [7/29/2011]
Letter to Congressional Leaders from 8 Missouri mayors:
“As mayors, we deal daily with our neighbors who are struggling with mortgages, medical bills, tuitions, and unemployment. Many of us are also still working to repair the damage caused by devastating tornadoes and flooding earlier this year. All of us have strained our municipalities’ resources to identify and assist our most vulnerable residents during an almost unprecedented heat wave. A downgrade of the nation’s credit caused by Congress’s disagreement and inaction would undo every small step we have made in Missouri to recover from the economic downtown and series of natural disasters.” [Signed 7/29/2011]
Missouri State Representatives Tishaura Jones, Jason Holsman and Jeanette Mott Oxford:
“America simply cannot walk away from its financial obligations. If Congressional Republicans refuse to raise the debt ceiling, they will in essence be refusing to pay the tab on money that has already been spent. Congressional Republicans must stop campaigning and start governing.” [7/29/2011]
Debbie Smith, Speaker Pro Tempore of the Nevada Assembly:
"I urge members of both parties to allow reason to prevail and forge a bipartisan compromise to avoid a catastrophic default on our debt and provide long-term stability for our economy. This is not about politics. Our representatives must make tough decisions to protect our state and our nation’s economic future and ensure Nevada seniors and veterans get the benefits they are entitled to." [7/29/2011]
Sheila Oliver, Speaker of the New Jersey Assembly:
“It’s hard to understand why the House Republicans aren’t willing to compromise for the sake of the nation and instead prefer to continue playing politics with the American economy. It’s long past time for everyone to begin working together and make protecting working class Americans and improving our economy the priority. We need to follow President Obama’s example and let compromise and common sense prevail for the benefit of the American people.” [7/29/2011]
Steve Sweeney, New Jersey Senate President:
“We have proven in New Jersey that good things can get done when leaders put aside ideology in favor of far-reaching compromise. If we can do it here, there’s absolutely no good reason that the House can’t work with President Obama on this critical issue. With our nation’s economic life on the line, this continued gamesmanship on the part of House Republicans has to stop.” [7/29/2011]
Michael Coleman, Mayor of Columbus, Ohio:
“It is long past time for Congress to heed President Obama’s call for decisive action. Too many of our representatives in Washington are choosing political gamesmanship and ideological purity over the welfare and security of the American people. This is unacceptable. Members of Congress were elected not to score political points, but to lead. The time for true leadership is now.” [7/29/2011]
Ted Wheeler, Oregon State Treasurer:
“We have reached a critical financial juncture for America and for Oregon. I believe our elected leaders can -- and will -- put our nation’s interests above politics, because the alternative is unthinkable. We need America to be on the path to fiscal sustainability and sanity, and it needs to happen today.” [7/26/2011]
Scott Surovell, Virginia State Delegate:
“The recent budget tactics asserted by the Republican Congressional Caucus has put at risk not only the credit ratings of the United States, but also the Commonwealth of Virginia and even my locality - Fairfax County. Thousands of my constituents are wondering if they are going to get their paycheck next week while hundreds of businesses are holding off on plans until they know where interest rates are after next week. President Obama is absolutely correct that we can only close our federal budget deficit with balanced and shared sacrifice by all Americans - especially those who have benefited the most from the tax policies of the last ten years.” [7/29/2011]
Cecilia Muñoz is the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs.
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