Office of National Drug Control Policy

President Obama Names December as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

“As we strive to reduce the damage drug use inflicts upon our communities, we must address the serious and growing threat drunk, drugged, and distracted driving poses to all Americans.” – President Obama, December 1st2011

A new Presidential proclamation names December as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, which is another important step in the Administration’s effort to raise awareness about drugged driving and ensure the safety our Nation’s highways.  It is well known that drugs, even those prescribed by a physician, can impair perception, judgment, motor skills, and memory.  ONDCP is proud to stand with our Federal, state, local and tribal partners to find innovative ways to address this alarming issue.  Each of us have a role to play in reducing the consequences of drug use and encouraging healthy lifestyles. As the President said in last week’s proclamation:

While enforcement and legislation are critical elements of our strategy, we know that the parents, educators, and community leaders who work with young people every day are our Nation’s best advocates for responsible decisionmaking.”

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