Office of National Drug Control Policy

Director Kerlikowske Participates in Small Business Saturday

Today, Director Kerlikowske joined local officials in supporting small businesses as part of Small Business Saturday.  An initiative of the U.S. Small Business Administration, Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses on one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year.

America’s small businesses are engines of job creation across our country, and President Obama is committed to creating an environment where small businesses can thrive. By cutting taxes for small businesses and increasing their access to capital, the President has encouraged small businesses to expand and create the jobs we need now—and for decades to come.  

Director Kerlikowske visited “Holy Cow,” a restaurant in Alexandria, Virginia, for a hamburger lunch.  Holy Cow gives back to its community by donating a quarter from every burger sold to local non-profits, including several organizations offering treatment services for substance use and mental health disorders and support to women who are transitioning from incarceration back into the community. In its first year of business, Holy Cow donated more than 72,000 quarters to over 120 different local Alexandria-based charitable organizations.          

To learn more about Small Business Saturday, visit

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