Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Anti-Bullying Efforts in the AAPI Community

Did you know that in many cases it is against the law to bully or harass a person in the workplace or at school? And individuals have several avenues to address these issues? According to published reports, nearly 13 million students are bullied each school year and many do not seek a way to resolve these serious issues. A significant portion of these students who experience bullying are Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students. 

On Tuesday, April 8, 2014, the New York Regional Interagency Working Group of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (Initiative) in collaboration with the New York Public LibraryScience, Industry and Business Library hosted a Google+ Hangout discussion on effective means of dealing with bullying as a young adult in the AAPI community.

The information presented in the Hangout provided tools that will empower the thousands of kids, teens, and young adults around the country who are bullied. Representatives from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), U.S. Department of EducationOffice for Civil Rights, and U.S. Department of JusticeSouthern District presented information on individual rights and cases that highlighted these rights and the tools individuals have to deal with bullying. Speakers emphasized the importance of constructively confronting the person who is bullying you and speaking with those in charge at school or the workplace, such as a principal or EEOC (workplace), until a resolution to the bullying is obtained. An individual should not be fearful of continuing to seek assistance until this serious issue is resolved. It is very important that a person who is being bullied speak to the authorities.

Presenters also answered questions from the live audience and those on the Hangout. If you missed the live stream, you can watch the YouTube download

The Regional Interagency Working Group and the Initiative will continue to work together to combat this serious issue facing AAPI youth. 

Bertha Fertil is VISN Strategic Planner for the New York/New Jersey Health Care Network (VISN 3) at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

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