Agencies Release Action Plans for Implementing New Performance Goals

As part of the Administration’s effort to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Federal government, agencies have been setting clear, measurable goals to drive better outcomes for the American people.  In March, building on our prior goals, the Administration announced new two-year Agency Priority Goals (APG) and new longer-term Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goals. The new goals were selected based on their importance in accelerating economic growth, expanding opportunity, increasing the efficiency of the Federal government, and ensuring the nation’s long-term fiscal strength. 

To further this effort, today the Administration is releasing detailed action plans for the fifteen CAP goals – eight of which make up the core of the President’s Management Agenda.  These plans are focused on implementation and include strategies, specific milestones, timelines, and indicators to improve cross-agency coordination and measure success in key areas. CAP Goal teams are being co-led by leadership from the Executive Office of the President and Federal agencies, allowing for more broad-based ownership of cross-agency initiatives that is key to long-term success.

As we have done in the past, we will provide updates on our progress in achieving milestones for both Agency and Cross-Agency Priority Goals each quarter on, providing accountability on these important efforts to improve government performance.  

Beth Cobert is Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget.

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