Investing in Breakthrough Learning Technologies at the Department of Education

Technology is changing and improving many aspects of our daily lives, our economy, and our Nation. But these positive advancements aren’t coming quickly to our education sector, despite the fact that we know technology can be a powerful tool and equalizer for teachers and students. One reason for that is the lack of robust technology infrastructure in our nation’s schools. Through the President’s ConnectED Initiative and similar efforts, the Administration has made great progress in addressing this important issue.

A critical complementary investment we must also undertake is dedicated research and development (R&D) on breakthrough education technology—which is why the President has called for an Advanced Research Projects Agency for Education (ARPA-ED). Experts at the U.S. Department of Education are exploring how we might learn from the experiences of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and other cutting-edge R&D programs in pursuit of educational breakthroughs. Read more about this exciting area of innovation on the Department of Education blog, here.

Kumar Garg is Assistant Director for Learning and Innovation at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

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