Council on Women and Girls

Moms Matter in Our Fight Against Climate Change

Ed. note: This is cross-posted on the EPA Connect blog. See the original post here.

Our children mean the world to us.  So as moms, when we say we must meet our moral obligation to leave the next generation a world that is safe and healthy, we mean it.  For us moms, it’s personal. It’s our children and grandchildren who are currently suffering from the effects of pollution.  It’s our children and grandchildren who make up the future generations each one of us is obligated to protect.   This March marks Women’s History Month; a time to recognize the unwavering strength of the mothers coming together to organize, speak out, and stand up for the health of their children.

EPA plays a critical role in protecting our children from pollution by keeping our air and water clean and safe, and by taking historic steps to fight climate change.  And it turns out, efforts to combat climate change double as public health protection, too.  The carbon pollution that fuels climate change comes packaged with other dangerous pollutants that cause smog and soot.  With 1-in-10 children in the U.S. today already dealing with asthma—and even higher rates in communities of color—we must do all that we can to reduce harmful exposure.

That’s why EPA’s effort to set first-ever limits on our biggest source of pollution, power plants, is so important. And EPA is proud to work with mothers like us around the country, compelled to action on behalf of our kids’ health—and the health of generations to come.

It’s with pleasure that we highlight the words of us moms who choose to bear the burden of fighting pollution and climate change, so our kids don’t have to bear a greater health burden if we fail to act:

  • Lisa Hoyos of Climate Parents: “Latino families, and communities of color more broadly, are disproportionately impacted by power plant pollution, and are strong advocates for clean energy. The Clean Power Plan will help to expand ‘kid safe, climate safe’ energy in all fifty states.”
  • Harriet Shugarman of Climate Mama: “It’s time once again for us to stand up, speak out, and demand action on what is clearly the defining issue and greatest challenge we will ever face, climate change. Addressing climate change must be central to all we say and do.”
  • Kuae Mattox of Mocha Moms: “As mothers of color, we know that our children and families are disproportionately affected by climate change and stand the most to lose. Many of our communities suffer from the devastating effects of being near coal-fired plants…The right to have clean air is as fundamental as any other right, and many of us won’t rest until we make better headway.”
  • Dominique Browning of Moms Clean Air Force: “Whether tackling issues of justice, power, civil rights, poverty, or education, women have been driving forces…. That’s why women are once again harnessing our power, our wisdom, our compassion—and yes, our love—to fight the climate pollution that is endangering the very future of human civilization”.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said “a woman is like a tea bag—you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Climate change puts us all in hot water.  We all see it.  Many of our families feel it.  Thanks to smart, strong women and moms coming together, we can be confident that we have what it takes to do something about it.

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