Nomination Period Open for the Sustained National Climate Assessment Federal Advisory Committee
Decision-makers across the nation are increasingly focused on anticipating, mitigating, and adapting to climate change. That’s why the President’s Climate Action Plan emphasizes the importance of “actionable science”: scientific findings tailored to assist decision makers and citizens in anticipating and preparing for specific climate-change impacts.
Every four years, the United States Global Research Program (USGCRP) releases a comprehensive National Climate Assessment (NCA) report. The NCA embodies the concept of actionable science by communicating reliable information about climate changes that are happening now in the United States, and further changes that we can expect to see throughout this century.
To complement the NCA and expand the capacity of the Federal government to provide scientifically sound climate information on a timely basis, the USGCRP is implementing a sustained climate assessment process. This process will facilitate continuous and transparent participation of scientists and stakeholders across regions and sectors, enabling new information and insights to by synthesized as they emerge.
I invite you to submit nominations for members for a new Federal Advisory Committee (FAC) for the sustained National Climate Assessment.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is creating this FAC to advise the Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and the Director of the Office of Science Technology Policy on a sustained National Climate Assessment process and products. The committee’s advice will be shared with the National Science and Technology Council’s (NSTC) Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR). The FAC will be comprised of 15 members and will provide advice on sustained-assessment activities, the quadrennial National Climate Assessment, and the engagement of stakeholders. The committee will not author the quadrennial National Climate Assessment, but may be asked to provide advice on selection of the author team and to review Assessment drafts.
The FAC will include thought leaders from academia, the public and private sectors, and non-governmental organizations. Individuals are sought with expertise in communications, engagement, and education; risk management and risk assessment; economics and social sciences; technology, tools, and data systems; and/or other disciplines relevant to the sustained National Climate Assessment process. In addition, individuals are sought with expertise in climate change and variability, spanning the range from climate science (physical, biological, chemical) to impacts and societal responses. The FAC's membership is required to include a balanced in representation of viewpoints, geographic regions of the country, and diverse sectors of the U.S. society. Appointments will be for 2-year, staggered terms, and can be renewed. To help achieve long-term balance, approximately one-third of the FAC’s membership will change annually.
For more information on the application process, please click here.
Only nominations submitted through the open call for nominations will be considered. Please ensure that anyone you would like to be considered for FAC membership is nominated no later than September 14, 2015.
Following the nomination period, SGCR will review the list of nominees and make recommendations to the Undersecretary and OSTP Director on membership.
Submit your nominations here.
Kathryn Sullivan is Undersecretary of Commerce, Oceans and Atmosphere, and Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association.
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