Speeches and Remarks
Remarks by the President at White House Music Series Event Saluting Broadway
Presidente Obama Hace un LLamado a los Republicanos para que Dejen de Bloquear el Seguro por Desempleo, Insta al Congreso a que Apruebe Ayuda Cucial para Mllones de Etadounidenses
Remarks by the President in Honor of the WNBA Champion Phoenix Mercury
Remarks by the First Lady at a Broadway Music Series Student Workshop
Remarks by the President on Unemployment Insurance
Declaraciones del President Sobre la Aprobacion de la Reforma Normativa Financiera
Remarks by the President to the Press
Remarks by the President on the Passage of Financial Regulatory Reform
Remarks by the President in Holland, Michigan on Investing in Clean Energy
Vicepresidente Biden, Presidenta del Consejo de Asesores Económicos Romer Dan a Conocer Nuevo Análisis Sobre el Empleo e Impacto Económico de la Ley para la Recuperación