Office of National Drug Control Policy

The White House

Office of the National Drug Control Policy

White House Drug Policy Director Hails Success of Phoenix Area Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Programs

(PHOENIX, AZ) – Today, National Drug Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske visited TERROS, a community-based substance abuse and mental health counseling agency, and COPE Coalition. During his visit, he was briefed on the collaborative efforts by both organizations to provide a continuum of care that includes prevention, treatment, and recovery to the Phoenix community.

Director Kerlikowske is responsible for developing the Obama Administration’s National Drug Control Strategy which seeks to foster healthy individuals and safe communities by effectively leading the Nation’s effort to reduce drug use and its consequences. The collaboration between TERROS and COPE is an example of the holistic approach to preventing and treating substance abuse, a key principle of the Nation’s drug strategy.

“I am encouraged by the work done by TERROS and COPE to integrate the services and support individuals and families need to reach and sustain long-term recovery in Phoenix,” said Director Kerlikowske. “The outcomes achieved in Phoenix are evidence of the positive results we can see when the prevention, treatment, recovery, and law enforcement communities work together to address local drug problems.”

TERROS provides critical mental health and substance abuse counseling services, HIV counseling, testing and prevention services, peer support, and mobile crisis intervention for families in the metropolitan Phoenix area.

The COPE Coalition which is partially staffed by TERROS, provides youth alcohol and drug prevention programs in the Maryvale area.

To learn more about TERROS and the Cope Coalition visit and

For confidential help for you or someone you know to get free from drug use Call TERROS to schedule an appointment for a confidential assessment at 602.682.6000 ext. 1950 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.