Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Learn About the Health Insurance Marketplace in Chinese (Mandarin)

I’m pleased to announce that we will be continuing our Google+ Hangout Series on the Health Insurance Marketplace in Chinese.  Almost one in seven Chinese Americans lacks health insurance.  Chinese Americans are also among the highest limited English proficient populations in the nation. Almost half of all Chinese Americans (46 percent) report speaking English less than very well. So, access to information on health care in Chinese is critical to increasing health insurance coverage and access to health care among Chinese Americans.

During the Hangout, there will be a live question and answer period with Mandarin-speaking representatives from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They will respond to your questions and provide information on how to obtain health care coverage through the new Marketplace.

The Chinese language Hangout will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2014 from 3:00 - 4:00 PM (EST). We hope you will join us by watching live at a local viewing party or online by joining our Google+ Hangout.  You may also submit your questions in advance by emailing or Tweeting them to @WhiteHouseAAPI. More information about the in-language Hangouts can be found on the WHIAAPI website, and more information about the Affordable Care Act can be found at

We hope you will join the conversation – in Mandarin!  Our goal is to bring greater awareness of health care to the AAPI population, so that all people achieve their full potential for health.

Ramey Ko is a member of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

你好,我很高兴宣布,美国白宫倡议为亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民将会继续以中文透过Google+ Hangout Series 讲解健康保险。大约7分之1的华人欠缺健康保险。在美国,许多华人的英语能力是有限的。根据我们的数据显示,百分之46的华人面对沟通上的语言障碍。因此,中文的医疗保险资料的重要性是能够提高医疗保险覆盖面并提供医疗保健给华人。


我们的华语Google Hangout将在星期四,2014123日,下午3:00 - 下午4:00 (美国东岸时间) 举行。我们希望您能通过看直播在当地或网络加入我们的Google+ Hangout。参与的朋友可于Google+ Q&A问答环节以Twitter @WhiteHouseAAPI 或提前以电邮whitehouseaapi@ed.gov提交相关问题。更多关于语言Hangouts可以在WHIAAPI 网站上找到, 而更多有关医疗法的资料可以在HealthCare.gov找到


你好,我很高興宣布,美國白宮倡議為亞裔美國人和太平洋島民將會繼續以中文透過Google+ Hangout Series 講解健康保險。大約7分之1的華人欠缺健康保險。在美國,許多華人的英語能力是有限的。根據我們的數據顯示,百分之46的華人面對溝通上的語言障礙。因此,中文的醫療保險資料的重要性是能夠提高醫療保險覆蓋面並提供醫療保健給華人。


我們的華語Google Hangout將在星期四,2014123日,下午3:00 - 下午4:00 (美國東岸時間) 舉行。我們希望您能通過看直播在當地或網絡加入我們的Google+ Hangout。參與的朋友可於Google+ Q&A問答環節以Twitter @WhiteHouseAAPI 或提前以電郵whitehouseaapi@ed.gov提交相關問題。更多關於語言Hangouts可以在WHIAAPI 網站上找到, 而更多有關醫療法的資料可以在HealthCare.gov找到


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