Office of National Drug Control Policy

The White House

Office of the National Drug Control Policy

Michael Botticelli Sworn in as Deputy Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy

Former Director of Massachusetts’ Substance Abuse Services Bureau to Support Administration’s Emphasis on Public Health Approach to Drug Policy; Brings Decades of Experience to National Drug Policy Development


(Washington, D.C.) – Today, R. Gil Kerlikowske, Director of National Drug Control Policy, announced that Michael Botticelli has joined the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) as its new Deputy Director. President Obama nominated Botticelli to serve as Deputy Director of National Drug Policy in January 2012.  

Botticelli has more than two decades of experience supporting Americans who have been affected by substance use disorders.  Prior to joining ONDCP, Botticelli served as Director of the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, where he successfully expanded innovative and nationally recognized prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Botticelli also forged strong partnerships with local, state, and Federal law enforcement agencies; state and local health and human service agencies; and stakeholder groups to guide and implement evidence-based programs.  He also supported efforts to expand services, including the establishment of a treatment system for adolescents, early intervention and treatment programs in a wide variety of primary healthcare settings, jail diversion programs, re-entry services for those leaving state and county correctional facilities, and overdose prevention programs.  Botticelli is also in long-term recovery from addiction himself, celebrating more than 24 years of sobriety. 

“Michael brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of substance abuse,” said Director Kerlikowske. “As a champion of evidence-based drug policies and programs, he has improved the public health and safety of countless Americans by supporting both public health and public safety approaches to drug control. As one of millions of Americans in recovery, Michael also understands how vital it is that we treat substance use disorders as a disease that can be successfully prevented and treated. We couldn’t be more pleased to bring him on board, and we look forward to drawing on his knowledge and expertise as we continue to expand prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery support nationally.”

For a full biography of Michael Botticelli, click here

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