Office of National Drug Control Policy

The White House

Office of the National Drug Control Policy

White House Drug Policy Director Issues Statement On National Drug Survey

Washington – Gil Kerlikowske, National Drug Control Policy Director (ONDCP) issued the following statement on the 2009 National Survey On Drug Use and Health (NSDUH):

“The 2009 National Survey On Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data show an increased use of illicit drugs, particularly marijuana, and prescription drugs.

The findings are disappointing, but not surprising. Youth attitudes about the dangers of drugs have softened in the past couple of years. In the past this has often signaled that increases in use are coming.

The good news – we know what to do. The National Drug Control Strategy, released in May, emphasizes prevention, early intervention, treatment, smart law enforcement and support for people in recovery from addiction.

The Federal government cannot do this alone. All levels of government, along with communities, parents and others who influence kids must work together.

There are two things that parents can do, today, to make a difference. First, talk to your kids about drugs. Make sure they know of the harms that can result from drug use and that you don’t approve of them. Second, when you get home today, go through your medicine cabinet and remove unused or unneeded prescription drugs.”

– Gil Kerlikowske, National Drug Control Policy Director