Preserving Jobs in Education
- Milestone: 200 Days
- Milestone: 100 Days

We are pleased to report that all states have received their State Fiscal Stabilization Fund awards with the exception of Pennsylvania (The Department of Education has provided feedback on Pennsylvania’s initial application and is awaiting a revised submission.). The funding provided to states during the past 100 days allows for the states to create or preserve over 135,000 education jobs.
Top-level, state-by-state data can be reviewed in the table below. For more detailed information, download the .csv file here.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is a strategic and significant investment in our country’s future. The Act will save and create jobs immediately while also laying the foundation for a robust and sustainable 21st century economy by modernizing our health care, improving our schools, modernizing our infrastructure, and investing in the clean energy technologies of the future.