The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Weekly Address: America’s Resurgence Is Real

WASHINGTON, DC — In this week’s address, the President reflected on the significant progress made by this country in 2014, and in the nearly six years since he took office. This past year has been the strongest for job growth since the 1990s, contributing to the nearly 11 million jobs added by our businesses over a 57-month streak.  America is leading the rest of the world, in containing the spread of Ebola, degrading and ultimately destroying ISIL, and addressing the threat posed by climate change.  And earlier this week, the President announced the most significant changes to our policy towards Cuba in over 50 years. America’s resurgence is real, and the President expressed his commitment to working with Congress in the coming year to make sure Americans feel the benefits.

The audio of the address and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, December 20, 2014.

Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
The White House
December 20, 2014

Hi, everybody.  As 2014 comes to an end, we can enter the New Year with new confidence that America is making significant strides where it counts.

The steps we took nearly six years ago to rescue our economy and rebuild it on a new foundation helped make 2014 the strongest year for job growth since the 1990s.  Over the past 57 months, our businesses have created nearly 11 million new jobs.  And in a hopeful sign for middle-class families, wages are on the rise again.

Our investments in American manufacturing have helped fuel its best stretch of job growth since the ‘90s.  America is now the number one producer of oil and gas, saving drivers about 70 cents a gallon at the pump over last Christmas.  The auto industry we rescued is on track for its strongest year since 2005.  Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, about 10 million Americans have gained health insurance in the past year alone.  And since I took office, we have cut our deficits by about two-thirds.

Meanwhile, around the world, America is leading.  We’re leading the coalition to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.  We’re leading the global fight to combat the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.  We’re leading global efforts to address climate change, including last month’s joint announcement with China.  We’re turning a new page in our relationship with the Cuban people. 

And in less than two weeks, after more than 13 years, our combat mission in Afghanistan will be over, and our war there will come to a responsible end.  Today, more of our troops are home for the holidays than at any time in over a decade.  Still, many of our men and women in uniform will spend this Christmas in harm’s way.  And as Commander-in-Chief, I want our troops to know:  your country is united in our support and gratitude for you and your families.

The six years since the financial crisis have demanded hard work and sacrifice on everyone’s part.  But as a country, we have every right to be proud of what we’ve got to show for it.  More jobs.  More insured.  A growing economy.  Shrinking deficits.  Bustling industry.  Booming energy.

Pick any metric you want – America’s resurgence is real.  And we now have the chance to reverse the decades-long erosion of middle-class jobs and incomes.  We just have to invest in the things that we know will secure even faster growth in higher-paying jobs for more Americans.  We have to make sure our economy, our justice system, and our government work not only for a few, but for all of us.  And I look forward to working together with the new Congress next year on these priorities. 

Sure, we’ll disagree on some things.  We’ll have to compromise on others.  I’ll act on my own when it’s necessary.  But I will never stop trying to make life better for people like you. 

Because thanks to your efforts, a new foundation is laid.  A new future is ready to be written.  We have set the stage for a new American moment, and I’m going to spend every minute of my last two years making sure we seize it. 

On behalf of the Obama family, I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.

Thanks, and have a wonderful holiday season.

Weekly Address: America’s Resurgence is Real

December 19, 2014 | 3:34 | Public Domain

In this week’s address, the President reflected on the significant progress made by this country in 2014, and in the nearly six years since he took office.

Download mp4 (132MB) | mp3 (3MB)

President Obama Holds the 2014 Year-End Press Briefing

December 19, 2014 | 50:25 | Public Domain

On December 19, 2014, President Obama delivered remarks at the 2014 year-end press briefing at the White House.

Download mp4 (1860MB) | mp3 (49MB)

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement By The President on S. 2673

Today I have signed into law S. 2673, the "United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014," an Act that underscores the United States unshakeable commitment to Israel's security and its future.  This bipartisan piece of legislation reflects the importance placed by my Administration on strengthening and deepening U.S.-Israel bilateral cooperation and ties.  It reinforces critical defense and security programs, which have reached an unprecedented level under my Administration.  It also lays the groundwork for increased trade and cooperation across a range of cutting-edge fields, including energy, water, agriculture, and technology.  Sections 11(b) and 12(c)(2) of this bill purport to require me to provide to the Congress certain diplomatic communications and direct the Secretary of State to undertake certain diplomatic initiatives.  Consistent with longstanding constitutional practice, my Administration will interpret and implement these sections in a manner that does not interfere with my constitutional authority to conduct diplomacy and to protect the confidentiality of diplomatic communications.


December 19, 2014.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement By The President on H.R. 3979

Today I have signed into law H.R. 3979, the "Carl Levin and Howard P. 'Buck' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015." I have signed this annual defense authorization legislation because it will provide vital benefits for military personnel and their families, as well as critical contingency authorities needed to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and to respond to emerging needs in the face of evolving terrorist threats and emergent crises worldwide.

Earlier this month, the Department of Defense transferred the last remaining third-country nationals held in U.S. custody in Afghanistan, ending U.S. detention operations in Afghanistan.  Yet halfway around the world, the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, remains open for the 13th consecutive year, costing the American people hundreds of millions of dollars each year and undermining America's standing in the world. As I have said many times, the continued operation of this detention facility weakens our national security by draining resources, damaging our relationships with key allies and partners, and emboldening violent extremists.  Closing the detention facility is a national imperative.

I have repeatedly called upon the Congress to work with my Administration to close the detention facility at Guantanamo once and for all.  Individuals from across the political spectrum have recognized that the facility should be closed.  But instead of removing unwarranted and burdensome restrictions that curtail the executive branch's options for managing the detainee population, this bill continues them.  Section 1032 renews the bar against using appropriated funds to construct or modify any facility in the United States, its territories, or possessions to house any Guantanamo detainee in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense unless authorized by the Congress.  Section 1033 likewise renews the bar against using appropriated funds to transfer Guantanamo detainees into the United States for any purpose.  The Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, contains similar provisions as well as those relating to existing restrictions on the transfer of detainees abroad.  I have consistently opposed these restrictions and will continue to work with the Congress to remove them.  More than 80 percent of detainees at one time held at the detention facility have now been transferred.  The executive branch must have the flexibility, with regard to those detainees who remain, to determine when and where to prosecute them, based on the facts and circumstances of each case and our national security interests, and when and where to transfer them consistent with our national security and our humane treatment policy.  Under certain circumstances, the provisions concerning detainee transfers in both bills would violate constitutional separation of powers principles.  In the event that the restrictions on the transfer of detainees operate in a manner that violates constitutional separation of powers principles, my Administration will implement them in a manner that avoids the constitutional conflict.

The Guantanamo detention facility's continued operation undermines our national security.  We must close it.  I call on Members from both sides of the aisle to work with us to bring this chapter of American history to a close.


December 19, 2014.


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement by National Security Council Spokesperson Bernadette Meehan on the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of Communism in Romania

Twenty-five years ago, Romanian citizens joined in a movement for freedom that swept across Central Europe and liberated millions of people from behind the Iron Curtain.  Brave men and women rose against a repressive regime and demanded their freedom.  Over a thousand Romanians lost their lives in December 1989, but their sacrifice began the ouster of the last communist regime in a Warsaw Pact nation, and the fall of the Iron Curtain.

The legacy of 1989 lives on today, as Romanians exercised their hard fought right to pick their next leader in the November presidential elections.

We live in a better world because countries like Romania did the hard work of reforming their political and economic systems, and choosing to work toward a Europe whole, free and at peace.  In just a single generation, Romania has made a remarkable journey from tyranny to freedom, from captive nation to NATO Ally.  A quarter of a century has brought tremendous change, and the future of Romania is bright.

We congratulate the people of Romania on this historic anniversary and look forward to continuing to work together to advance security, prosperity and freedom in the region and around the globe.

"America's Resurgence Is Real": President Obama Reflects on 2014

President Obama Speaks at Year-End Press Conference

President Barack Obama holds a press conference in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. December 19, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

As 2014 winds down, President Obama stopped by the press briefing room in the White House to offer his thoughts on what the past year has meant for the country. "I said that 2014 would be a year of action and would be a breakthrough year for America," he said. "And it has been." 

Here's a look at what happened this year, in the President's own words: 

Sala del Gabinete

12:01 p. m. hora del este

EL PRESIDENTE: Buenas tardes. Hoy, Estados Unidos de América empieza a cambiar su relación con el pueblo de Cuba.

En el cambio más significativo de nuestra política en más de cincuenta años, terminaremos con un enfoque obsoleto que por décadas fracasó en promover nuestros intereses y en cambio, comenzaremos a normalizar la relación entre los dos países. A través de estos cambios, es nuestra intención crear más oportunidades para el pueblo estadounidense y para el pueblo cubano y comenzar un nuevo capítulo entre las naciones del continente americano.

La historia entre Estados Unidos y Cuba es complicada. Yo nací en 1961, justo dos años después de que Fidel Castro tomó el poder en Cuba y unos meses después de la invasión en la Bahía de los Cerdos, en la que se intentó derrocar a su régimen. En las siguientes décadas, la relación entre nuestros países tuvo lugar frente al trasfondo de la Guerra Fría y la firme oposición de Estados Unidos al comunismo. Solamente nos separan 90 millas. Pero año tras año, se endureció la barrera ideológica y económica entre los dos países.

Mientras tanto, la comunidad de exilados cubanos en Estados Unidos contribuyó enormemente con nuestro país, en política, negocios, cultura y deportes. Como otros inmigrantes previamente, los cubamos ayudaron a reconstruir a Estados Unidos, a pesar de sentir un anhelo doloroso por la tierra y las familias que dejaron atrás. Todo esto forjó una relación única entre Estados Unidos y Cuba, al mismo tiempo amigos y enemigos.

Nos enorgullece que Estados Unidos ha apoyado la democracia y los derechos humanos en Cuba en estas cinco décadas. Lo hemos hecho principalmente a través de políticas dirigidas a aislarlos, evitando que se realice el más básico transporte y comercio que las personas que viven en Estados Unidos pueden llevar a cabo en cualquier otro lado. Y si bien esta política se originó con la mejor intención, ninguna otra nación impone estas mismas sanciones con nosotros, y ha tenido muy poco efecto más allá de otorgarle al gobierno cubano la lógica para aplicar restricciones sobre su gente. Hoy, Cuba todavía está bajo el gobierno de los Castros y el partido comunista que tomó el poder hace medio siglo.

Esta política rígida no sirve bien ni al pueblo estadounidense ni al pueblo cubano y se origina en eventos que ocurrieron antes de que muchos de nosotros naciéramos. Piensen que por más de 35 años hemos tenido relaciones con China, un país mucho más grande también gobernado por el partido comunista. Hace casi dos décadas, restablecimos relaciones con Vietnam, donde luchamos una guerra en la que perecieron más estadounidenses que en ninguna confrontación de la Guerra Fría.

Por eso es que, cuando asumí el cargo, prometí volver a examinar nuestra política con Cuba. Para comenzar, levantamos restricciones para las personas estadounidenses de origen cubano para viajar y enviar giros a sus familias en Cuba. Estos cambios, aunque fueron polémicos, ahora se ven como obvios. Los estadounidenses de origen cubano se han reunido con sus familias y los mejores embajadores posibles de nuestros valores. Y a través de estos cambios, una nueva generación de estadounidenses de origen cubano ha cuestionado más y más un enfoque que lo que más hace es mantener a Cuba excluida de un mundo interconectado.

Si bien personalmente he estado listo para tomar otras medidas desde hace algún tiempo, un gran obstáculo se interponía en el camino, la encarcelación injusta en Cuba de un ciudadano de Estados Unidos y un subcontratista de USAID, Alan Gross, por cinco años. Durante muchos meses mi administración ha mantenido discusiones con el gobierno cubano sobre el caso de Alan y otros aspectos de nuestra relación. Su Santidad El Papa Francisco apeló personalmente y urgió para que yo y el presidente de Cuba, Raúl Castro, resolviéramos el caso de Alan y para que atendiéramos el interés de Cuba en la liberación de tres agentes cubanos que habían sido encarcelados en Estados Unidos durante 15 años.

En el día de hoy, Alan volvió a su casa y finalmente se reunió con su familia. El gobierno cubano liberó a Alan por motivos humanitarios. Por otro lado, y como intercambio por los tres agentes cubanos, Cuba hoy liberó a uno de los más importantes agentes de inteligencia que Estados Unidos tuvo en Cuba, y que había estado prisionero durante casi dos décadas. Este hombre, cuyo sacrificio era conocido sólo por unos pocos, le dio a Estados Unidos la información necesaria para arrestar a la red de agentes cubanos que incluía a los hombres que se transfieren hoy a Cuba, como también a otros espías en Estados Unidos. Este hombre está a salvo ahora en nuestro territorio.

Habiendo recuperado a estos dos hombres que se sacrificaron por nuestro país, puedo entonces ahora tomar las medidas necesarias para establecer el interés de los pueblos de ambos países como centro de nuestra política.

Primero, he instruido al Secretario de Estado Kerry que comience inmediatamente las discusiones con Cuba para restablecer las relaciones diplomáticas que han estado interrumpidas desde enero de 1961. En adelante, Estados Unidos restablecerá una embajada en la Habana, y funcionarios de alto rango visitarán Cuba.

En donde podamos promover intereses compartidos, lo haremos, en asuntos como salud, inmigración, antiterrorismo, tráfico de drogas y respuesta a catástrofes. De hecho, ya hemos observado los beneficios de la cooperación entre nuestros países antes. Fue un cubano, Carlos Finlay, quien descubrió que los mosquitos transmiten la fiebre amarilla. Su trabajo ayudó a Walter Reed en su lucha. Cuba ha enviado a cientos de trabajadores de la salud a África a ayudar en la lucha contra ébola y creo que los trabajadores de salud de Estados Unidos y Cuba deberían trabajar mano a mano para detener la transmisión de esta enfermedad fatal.

Pero bien, en donde estamos en desacuerdo, plantearemos esas diferencias de manera directa, como lo continuaremos haciendo con los asuntos relacionados con la democracia y los derechos humanos en Cuba. Pero yo creo que podemos hacer más para apoyar al pueblo de Cuba y promover nuestros valores mediante a través de la participación. Después de todo, estos 50 años han demostrado que el aislamiento no funcionó. Es hora de un nuevo enfoque.

Segundo, he instruido al Secretario Kerry que revise la designación de Cuba como un Estado Patrocinador de Terrorismo. Esta revisión será guiada por los hechos y las leyes. El terrorismo ha cambiado en las últimas décadas. En un momento en el que nos concentramos en las amenazas desde Al Qaeda hasta ISIL, una nación que cumple con nuestras condiciones y renuncia al uso de terrorismo no debería enfrentar esta sanción.

En tercer lugar, estamos tomando las medidas para aumentar el transporte, el comercio y el flujo de información de y hacia Cuba. Fundamentalmente esto es sobre libertad y apertura, y también expresa mi creencia en el poder de la participación entre las personas. Con los cambios que estoy anunciando hoy, será más fácil para las personas que viven en Estados Unidos viajar a Cuba, quienes podrán usar tarjetas de crédito y débito de Estados Unidos en la isla. Nadie representa los valores de Estados Unidos mejor que su gente y yo creo que este contacto, en última instancia, hará más para empoderar a la gente de Cuba.

También creo que más recursos deberían llegarle a la gente de Cuba. Así que aumentamos significativamente la cantidad de dinero que se puede enviar a Cuba y eliminamos los límites en giros que apoyan proyectos humanitarios, al pueblo de Cuba y a su emergente sector privado.

Creo que las empresas estadounidenses no deberían ponerse en desventaja y que un aumento en el comercio es bueno para los estadounidenses y para los cubanos. Por lo tanto, facilitaremos transacciones autorizadas entre Estados Unidos y Cuba. Se permitirá a las instituciones financieras de EE. UU. abrir cuentas en instituciones financieras cubanas. Y será más fácil para exportadores de EE. UU. vender productos en Cuba.

Yo creo en el libre flujo de información. Desafortunadamente, nuestras sanciones sobre Cuba han negado a los cubanos el acceso a tecnología que ha empoderado a individuos de todo el mundo. Por lo tanto, he autorizado el aumento de las conexiones de telecomunicaciones entre Estados Unidos y Cuba. Las empresas podrán vender los productos que les darán a los cubanos la habilidad para comunicarse con Estados Unidos y otros países.

Estas son las medidas que yo puedo tomar como Presidente para cambiar esta política. El embargo que se ha impuesto durante décadas ahora se codifica en la legislación. A medida que estos cambios se desarrollan, espero poder envolver al Congreso en una discusión seria y honesta sobre la eliminación del embargo.

Ayer, hablé con Raúl Castro para finalizar la liberación de Alan Gross y el intercambio de prisioneros y para describir cómo progresaremos en adelante. Dejé claro lo que creo firmemente, que la sociedad cubana está oprimida por las restricciones sobre sus ciudadanos. Además del regreso de Alan Gross y de la liberación de nuestro agente de inteligencia, nos da gusto la decisión de Cuba de liberar a un gran número de prisioneros cuyos casos fueron planteados directamente por mi equipo frente al gobierno cubano. Nos agrada la decisión de Cuba de proveer un mayor acceso a internet a sus ciudadanos y la continua participación con instituciones internacionales como las Naciones Unidas y el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja que promueve valores universales.

Pero no dudo sobre las barreras continuas para la libertad que permanecen para los cubanos ordinarios. Los Estados Unidos creen que ningún cubano debe enfrentar acosos, arrestos o golpizas simplemente porque ejerce un derecho universal de expresar su pensamiento, y continuaremos apoyando a la sociedad civil en ese asunto. Si bien Cuba ha hecho reformas para abrir su economía de manera gradual, continuamos creyendo que los trabajadores cubanos deben ser libres para formar uniones, de la misma manera que sus ciudadanos deben ser libres para participar en el proceso político.

Además, dada la historia de Cuba, espero que continuará aplicando políticas extranjeras que a veces estarán en fuerte desacuerdo con los intereses de los Estados Unidos. No espero que los cambios que estoy anunciando hoy brinden una transformación de la sociedad cubana de la noche a la mañana. Pero estoy convencido que a través de una política de participación, podemos defender nuestros valores de forma más efectiva y ayudar a los cubanos a que se ayuden a sí mismos a medida que entran en el siglo XXI.

Para aquellos que se oponen a los pasos que anuncio hoy, permítanme decirles que respeto su pasión y comparto su compromiso de la libertad y democracia. La cuestión es cómo mantenemos ese compromiso. No pienso que podamos seguir haciendo lo mismo durante más de cinco décadas y esperar un resultado distinto. Además, intentar empujar a Cuba al colapso no beneficia los intereses de Estados Unidos ni los de los cubanos. Incluso si eso funcionara —lo cual no ha funcionado durante 50 años— sabemos por medio de experiencias obtenidas con esfuerzo que es más probable que los países disfruten de una transformación duradera si la gente no está sujeta al caos. Hacemos un llamado a Cuba para que desencadene el potencial de 11 millones de cubanos al poner un punto final a las innecesarias restricciones impuestas en sus actividades políticas, sociales y económicas. Con ese mismo espíritu, no debemos permitir que las sanciones de EE. UU. impongan una carga aún mayor a los ciudadanos cubanos a los que estamos intentando ayudar.

Para los cubanos, Estados Unidos les extiende una mano de amistad. Algunos de ustedes nos han buscado como fuente de esperanza, y continuaremos alumbrando una luz de libertad. Otros nos han visto como un antiguo intento de colonización para controlar su futuro. José Martí una vez dijo, "La libertad es el derecho de cada hombre de ser honesto." Hoy, estoy siendo honesto con ustedes. Nunca podremos borrar la historia entre nosotros, pero creemos que deben estar empoderados para vivir con dignidad y autodeterminación. Los cubanos tienen un dicho sobre la vida diaria: “No es fácil”. Hoy, los Estados Unidos quieren ser un socio para hacer que la vida de los cubanos ordinarios sea un poco más fácil, más libre y más prospera.

Para aquellos que han respaldado estas medidas, les agradezco por ser socios de nuestros esfuerzos. En particular, quiero agradecer a su Santidad el Papa Francisco, cuyo ejemplo moral nos muestra la importancia de proseguir en el mundo de la manera que tiene que ser, en lugar de simplemente establecerlo como está; al gobierno de Canadá, que ha sido sede de nuestros debates con el gobierno cubano; y a un grupo bipartidista de congresistas que han trabajado sin descanso para el comunicado de Alan Gross, y por un nuevo enfoque con respecto a nuestros intereses y valores en Cuba.

Finalmente, nuestro cambio de política con Cuba llega en un momento de liderazgo renovado en el continente americano. En abril pasado, hicimos una preparación para que Cuba se uniera a otras naciones del hemisferio en la Cumbre de las Américas. Pero insistiremos para que la sociedad civil se una a nosotros, y que de esa forma los ciudadanos y no solo los líderes, formen nuestro futuro. Y hago un llamado a que los demás líderes le brinden un significado a este compromiso con la democracia y los derechos humanos en el corazón de la Carta Interamericana. Permítanos dejar atrás el legado de la colonización y comunismo, la tiranía de los carteles de droga, dictadores y farsas electorales. Es posible tener un futuro de mayor paz, seguridad y desarrollo democrático si trabajamos juntos, no para mantener el poder, no para asegurar el interés personal, sino para promover los sueños de nuestros ciudadanos.

Estimados conciudadanos, la ciudad de Miami se encuentra a solo 200 millas o menos de la Habana. Un sinnúmero de cubanos han ido a Miami, en aviones y balsas improvisadas; algunos sin más que una playera y con esperanza en su corazón. Hoy a menudo se le refiere a Miami como la capital de Latinoamérica. Pero también es una ciudad profundamente estadounidense; un lugar que nos recuerda que los ideales importan más que el color de nuestra piel, o las circunstancias de nuestro nacimiento; una demostración de lo que los cubanos pueden lograr, y la apertura de los Estados Unidos con nuestra familia con el sur. Todos somos americanos.

El cambio es duro, en nuestras propias vidas y en las vidas de las naciones. Y el cambio es aún más duro cuando llevamos el peso de la historia en nuestros hombros. Pero hoy estamos haciendo estos cambios porque es la cosa correcta que hay que hacer. Hoy, Estados Unidos elige deshacerse de las cadenas del pasado para poder llegar a un mejor futuro para los cubanos, estadounidenses, para todo el hemisferio y para el mundo.

Gracias. Que Dios los bendiga y que Dios bendiga a Estados Unidos de América.


12:16 p. m. hora del este

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Executive Order--- Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay

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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Statutory Pay Systems.  The rates of basic pay or salaries of the statutory pay systems (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 5302(1)), as adjusted under 5 U.S.C. 5303, are set forth on the schedules attached hereto and made a part hereof:

(a) The General Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5332(a)) at Schedule 1;

(b) The Foreign Service Schedule (22 U.S.C. 3963) at Schedule 2; and

(c) The schedules for the Veterans Health Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs (38 U.S.C. 7306, 7404; section 301(a) of Public Law 102–40) at Schedule 3.

Sec. 2.  Senior Executive Service.  The ranges of rates of basic pay for senior executives in the Senior Executive Service, as established pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5382, are set forth on Schedule 4 attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Sec. 3.  Certain Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries.  The rates of basic pay or salaries for the following offices and positions are set forth on the schedules attached hereto and made a part hereof:

(a) The Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5312–5318) at Schedule 5;

(b) The Vice President (3 U.S.C. 104) and the Congress (2 U.S.C. 4501) at Schedule 6; and

(c) Justices and judges (28 U.S.C. 5, 44(d), 135, 252, and 461(a)) at Schedule 7.

Sec. 4.  Uniformed Services.  The rates of monthly basic pay (37 U.S.C. 203(a)) for members of the uniformed services, as adjusted under 37 U.S.C. 1009, and the rate of monthly cadet or midshipman pay (37 U.S.C. 203(c)) are set forth on Schedule 8 attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Sec. 5.  Locality-Based Comparability Payments.  (a)  Pursuant to section 5304 of title 5, United States Code, and my authority to implement an alternative level of comparability payments under section 5304a of title 5, United States Code, locality-based comparability payments shall be paid in accordance with Schedule 9 attached hereto and made a part hereof.

(b)  The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall take such actions as may be necessary to implement these payments and to publish appropriate notice of such payments in the Federal Register.

Sec. 6.  Administrative Law Judges.  Pursuant to section 5372 of title 5, United States Code, the rates of basic pay for administrative law judges are set forth on Schedule 10 attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Sec. 7.  Effective Dates.  Schedule 8 is effective January 1, 2015.  The other schedules contained herein are effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2015.

Sec. 8.  Prior Order Superseded.  Executive Order 13655 of December 23, 2013, is superseded as of the effective dates specified in section 7 of this order.


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President in Year-End Press Conference

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

1:53 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, everybody.  We've really got a full house today, huh?  Well, all I want for Christmas is to take your questions.  (Laughter.)  But first let me say a little bit about this year. 

In last year’s final press conference, I said that 2014 would be a year of action and would be a breakthrough year for America.  And it has been.  Yes, there were crises that we had to tackle around the world, many that were unanticipated.  We have more work to do to make sure our economy, our justice system, and our government work not just for the few, but for the many.  But there is no doubt that we can enter into the New Year with renewed confidence that America is making significant strides where it counts.

The steps that we took early on to rescue our economy and rebuild it on a new foundation helped make 2014 the strongest year for job growth since the 1990s.  All told, over a 57-month streak, our businesses have created nearly 11 million new jobs.  Almost all the job growth that we’ve seen have been in full-time positions.  Much of the recent pickup in job growth has been in higher-paying industries.  And in a hopeful sign for middle-class families, wages are on the rise again.

Our investments in American manufacturing have helped fuel its best stretch of job growth also since the 1990s.  America is now the number-one producer of oil, the number-one producer of natural gas.  We're saving drivers about 70 cents a gallon at the pump over last Christmas.  And effectively today, our rescue of the auto industry is officially over.  We've now repaid taxpayers every dime and more of what my administration committed, and the American auto industry is on track for its strongest year since 2005.  And we've created about half a million new jobs in the auto industry alone.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, about 10 million Americans have gained health insurance just this past year.  Enrollment is beginning to pick up again during the open enrollment period.  The uninsured rate is at a near record low.  Since the law passed, the price of health care has risen at its slowest rate in about 50 years.  And we’ve cut our deficits by about two-thirds since I took office, bringing them to below their 40-year average.

Meanwhile, around the world, America is leading.  We’re leading the coalition to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL -- a coalition that includes Arab partners.  We’re leading the international community to check Russian aggression in Ukraine. We are leading the global fight to combat Ebola in West Africa, and we are preventing an outbreak from taking place here at home. We’re leading efforts to address climate change, including last month’s joint announcement with China that’s already jumpstarting new progress in other countries.  We’re writing a new chapter in our leadership here in the Americas by turning a new page on our relationship with the Cuban people. 

And in less than two weeks, after more than 13 years, our combat mission in Afghanistan will be over.  Today, more of our troops are home for the holidays than any time in over a decade. Still, many of our men and women in uniform will spend Christmas in harm’s way.  And they should know that the country is united in support of you and grateful not only to you but also to your families.

The six years since the crisis have demanded hard work and sacrifice on everybody’s part.  But as a country, we have every right to be proud of what we’ve accomplished -- more jobs; more people insured; a growing economy; shrinking deficits; bustling industry; booming energy.  Pick any metric that you want -- America’s resurgence is real.  We are better off. 

I’ve always said that recovering from the crisis of 2008 was our first order of business, and on that business, America has outperformed all of our other competitors.  Over the past four years, we’ve put more people back to work than all other advanced economies combined.  We’ve now come to a point where we have the chance to reverse an even deeper problem, the decades-long erosion of middle-class jobs and incomes, and to make sure that the middle class is the engine that powers our prosperity for decades to come. 

To do that, we're going to have to make some smart choices; we've got to make the right choices.  We're going to have to invest in the things that secure even faster growth in higher-paying jobs for more Americans.  And I’m being absolutely sincere when I say I want to work with this new Congress to get things done, to make those investments, to make sure the government is working better and smarter.  We're going to disagree on some things, but there are going to be areas of agreement and we've got to be able to make that happen.  And that's going to involve compromise every once in a while, and we saw during this lame duck period that perhaps that spirit of compromise may be coming to the fore.   

In terms of my own job, I'm energized, I'm excited about the prospects for the next couple of years, and I'm certainly not going to be stopping for a minute in the effort to make life better for ordinary Americans.  Because, thanks to their efforts, we really do have a new foundation that's been laid.  We are better positioned than we have been in a very long time.  A new future is ready to be written.  We've set the stage for this American moment.  And I'm going to spend every minute of my last two years making sure that we seize it.

My presidency is entering the fourth quarter; interesting stuff happens in the fourth quarter.  And I'm looking forward to it.  But going into the fourth quarter, you usually get a timeout.  I'm now looking forward to a quiet timeout -- Christmas with my family.  So I want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a Happy New Year.  I hope that all of you get some time to spend with your families as well, because one thing that we share is that we're away too much from them.

And now, Josh has given me the “who’s been naughty and who’s been nice” list -- (laughter) -- and I'm going to use it to take some questions.  And we're going to start with Carrie Budoff Brown of Politico.  There you go, Carrie.

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  I’ll start on North Korea -- that seems to be the biggest topic today.  What does a proportional response look like to the Sony hack?  And did Sony make the right decision in pulling the movie?  Or does that set a dangerous precedent when faced with this kind of situation?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, let me address the second question first.  Sony is a corporation.  It suffered significant damage.  There were threats against its employees.  I am sympathetic to the concerns that they faced.  Having said all that, yes, I think they made a mistake.
In this interconnected, digital world, there are going to be opportunities for hackers to engage in cyber assaults both in the private sector and the public sector.  Now, our first order of business is making sure that we do everything to harden sites and prevent those kinds of attacks from taking place.  When I came into office, I stood up a cybersecurity interagency team to look at everything that we could at the government level to prevent these kinds of attacks.  We’ve been coordinating with the private sector, but a lot more needs to be done.  We’re not even close to where we need to be.
And one of the things in the New Year that I hope Congress is prepared to work with us on is strong cybersecurity laws that allow for information-sharing across private sector platforms, as well as the public sector, so that we are incorporating best practices and preventing these attacks from happening in the first place.

But even as we get better, the hackers are going to get better, too.  Some of them are going to be state actors; some of them are going to be non-state actors.  All of them are going to be sophisticated and many of them can do some damage. 

We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States.  Because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a satirical movie, imagine what they start doing when they see a documentary that they don’t like, or news reports that they don’t like.  Or even worse, imagine if producers and distributors and others start engaging in self-censorship because they don’t want to offend the sensibilities of somebody whose sensibilities probably need to be offended.
So that’s not who we are.  That’s not what America is about.
Again, I’m sympathetic that Sony as a private company was worried about liabilities, and this and that and the other.  I wish they had spoken to me first.  I would have told them, do not get into a pattern in which you’re intimidated by these kinds of criminal attacks.  Imagine if, instead of it being a cyber-threat, somebody had broken into their offices and destroyed a bunch of computers and stolen disks.  Is that what it takes for suddenly you to pull the plug on something?

So we’ll engage with not just the film industry, but the news industry and the private sector around these issues.  We already have.  We will continue to do so.  But I think all of us have to anticipate occasionally there are going to be breaches like this.  They’re going to be costly.  They’re going to be serious.  We take them with the utmost seriousness.  But we can’t start changing our patterns of behavior any more than we stop going to a football game because there might be the possibility of a terrorist attack; any more than Boston didn’t run its marathon this year because of the possibility that somebody might try to cause harm.  So let’s not get into that way of doing business.

Q    Can you just say what the response would be to this attack?  Wwould you consider taking some sort of symbolic step like watching the movie yourself or doing some sort of screening here that --

THE PRESIDENT:  I’ve got a long list of movies I’m going to be watching.  (Laughter.)

Q    Will this be one of them?

THE PRESIDENT:  I never release my full movie list. 

But let’s talk of the specifics of what we now know.  The FBI announced today and we can confirm that North Korea engaged in this attack.  I think it says something interesting about North Korea that they decided to have the state mount an all-out assault on a movie studio because of a satirical movie starring Seth Rogen and James Flacco [Franco].  (Laughter.)  I love Seth and I love James, but the notion that that was a threat to them I think gives you some sense of the kind of regime we’re talking about here.

They caused a lot of damage, and we will respond.  We will respond proportionally, and we’ll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose.  It’s not something that I will announce here today at a press conference.

More broadly, though, this points to the need for us to work with the international community to start setting up some very clear rules of the road in terms of how the Internet and cyber operates.  Right now, it’s sort of the Wild West.  And part of the problem is, is you’ve got weak states that can engage in these kinds of attacks, you’ve got non-state actors that can do enormous damage.  That’s part of what makes this issue of cybersecurity so urgent.

Again, this is part of the reason why it’s going to be so important for Congress to work with us and get a actual bill passed that allows for the kind of information-sharing we need.  Because if we don’t put in place the kind of architecture that can prevent these attacks from taking place, this is not just going to be affecting movies, this is going to be affecting our entire economy in ways that are extraordinarily significant.

And, by the way, I hear you’re moving to Europe.  Where you going to be?

Q    Brussels. 


Q    Yes.  Helping Politico start a new publication. 

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, congratulations. 

Q    I’ve been covering you since the beginning.

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I think --

Q    It’s been a long road for the both of us.

THE PRESIDENT:  I think there’s no doubt that what Belgium needs is a version of Politico.  (Laughter.) 

Q    I’ll take that as an endorsement. 

THE PRESIDENT:  The waffles are delicious there, by the way. 
Cheryl Bolen.  You’ve been naughty.  (Laughter.)  Cheryl, go ahead.

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  Looking ahead to your work with Congress next year, you’ve mentioned as an area of possible compromise tax reform.  And so I am wondering, do you see a Republican Congress as presenting a better opportunity for actually getting tax reform next year?  Will you be putting out a new proposal?  Are you willing to consider both individual and corporate side of the tax ledger there?  And also, are you still concerned about corporate inversions?

THE PRESIDENT:  I think an all-Democratic Congress would have provided an even better opportunity for tax reform.  But I think, talking to Speaker Boehner and Leader McConnell that they are serious about wanting to get some things done.  The tax area is one area where we can get things done.  And I think in the coming weeks leading up to the State of Union, there will be some conversations at the staff levels about what principles each side are looking at.

I can tell you broadly what I’d like to see.  I’d like to see more simplicity in the system.  I’d like to see more fairness in the system.  With respect to the corporate tax reform issue, we know that there are companies that are paying the full freight -- 35 percent -- higher than just about any other company on Earth, if you're paying 35 percent, and then there are other companies that are paying zero because they’ve got better accountants or lawyers.  That's not fair. 

There are companies that are parking money outside the country because of tax avoidance.  We think that it’s important that everybody pays something if, in fact, they are effectively headquartered in the United States.  In terms of corporate inversion, those are situations where companies really are headquartered here but, on paper, switch their headquarters to see if they can avoid paying their fair share of taxes.  I think that needs to be fixed. 

So, fairness, everybody paying their fair share, everybody taking responsibility I think is going to be very important. 

Some of those principles I’ve heard Republicans say they share.  How we do that -- the devil is in the details.  And I’ll be interested in seeing what they want to move forward.  I’m going to make sure that we put forward some pretty specific proposals building on what we’ve already put forward.

One other element of this that I think is important is -- and I’ve been on this hobby horse now for six years.  (Audience member sneezes.)  Bless you.  We’ve got a lot of infrastructure we’ve got to rebuild in this country if we're going to be competitive -- roads, bridges, ports, airports, electrical grids, water systems, sewage systems.  We are way behind. 

And early on we indicated that there is a way of us potentially doing corporate tax reform, lowering rates, eliminating loopholes so everybody is paying their fair share, and during that transition also providing a mechanism where we can get some infrastructure built.  I’d like to see us work on that issue as well.  Historically, obviously, infrastructure has not been a Democratic or a Republican issue, and I’d like to see if we can return to that tradition.

Julie Pace.

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  I wanted to ask about Cuba. What would you say to dissidents or democracy advocates inside Cuba who fear that the policy changes you announced this week could give the Castro regime economic benefits without having to address human rights or their political system?  When your administration was lifting sanctions on Myanmar you sought commitments of reform.  Why not do the same with Cuba?

And if I could just follow up on North Korea.  Do you have any indication that North Korea was acting in conjunction with another country, perhaps China?

THE PRESIDENT:  We’ve got no indication that North Korea was acting in conjunction with another country.

With respect to Cuba, we are glad that the Cuban government have released slightly over 50 dissidents; that they are going to be allowing the International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations human rights agencies to operate more freely inside of Cuba and monitor what is taking place.

I share the concerns of dissidents there and human rights activists that this is still a regime that represses its people. And as I said when I made the announcement, I don’t anticipate overnight changes, but what I know deep in my bones is that if you’ve done the same thing for 50 years and nothing has changed, you should try something different if you want a different outcome.
And this gives us an opportunity for a different outcome, because suddenly Cuba is open to the world in ways that it has not been before.  It’s open to Americans traveling there in ways that it hasn’t been before.  It’s open to church groups visiting their fellow believers inside of Cuba in ways they haven't been before.  It offers the prospect of telecommunications and the Internet being more widely available in Cuba in ways that it hasn’t been before.

And over time, that chips away at this hermetically sealed society, and I believe offers the best prospect then of leading to greater freedom, greater self-determination on the part of the Cuban people. 

I think it will happen in fits and starts.  But through engagement, we have a better chance of bringing about change then we would have otherwise.

Q    Do you have a goal for where you see Cuba being at the end of your presidency?

THE PRESIDENT:  I think it would be unrealistic for me to map out exactly where Cuba will be.  But change is going to come to Cuba.  It has to.  They’ve got an economy that doesn’t work.  They’ve been reliant for years first on subsidies from the Soviet Union, then on subsidies from Venezuela.  Those can’t be sustained.  And the more the Cuban people see what’s possible, the more interested they are going to be in change. 

But how societies change is country-specific, it’s culturally specific.  It could happen fast; it could happen slower than I’d like; but it’s going to happen.  And I think this change in policy is going to advance that.

Lesley Clark.

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  I had a number of questions on Cuba as well.  Appreciate that.  I wanted to --

THE PRESIDENT:  Do I have to write all these down?  How many are there?  (Laughter.)  “A number” sounded intimidating.

Q    As quick as I can.  As quick as I can.  I wanted to see if you got an assurances from the Cuban government that it would not revert to the same sort of -- sabotage the deal, as it has in the past when past Presidents had made similar overtures to the government.
THE PRESIDENT:  Meaning?  Be specific.  What do you mean?

Q    When the Clinton administration made some overtures, they shot down planes.  They sort of had this pattern of doing provocative -- provocative events.
THE PRESIDENT:  Okay, so just general provocative activity.

Q    Provocative activities any time the U.S. has sort of reached out a hand to them.  I wanted to see what is your knowledge of whether Fidel Castro -- did he have any role in the talks?  When you talked to President Raul Castro, did Fidel Castro’s name come up?  Or did you ask about him?  How he’s doing?  People haven't seen him in a while.  Given the deep opposition from some Republicans in Congress to lifting the embargo, to an embassy, to any of the changes that you’re doing, are you going to personally get involved in terms of talking to them about efforts that they want to do to block money on a new embassy?

THE PRESIDENT:  All right, Lesley, I think I’m going to cut you off here.  (Laughter.)  This is taking up a lot of time.

Q    Okay, all right.

THE PRESIDENT:  All right.  So, with respect to sabotage, I mean, my understanding of the history, for example, of the plane being shot down, it’s not clear that that was the Cuban government purposely trying to undermine overtures by the Clinton administration.  It was a tragic circumstance that ended up collapsing talks that had begun to take place.  I haven't seen a historical record that suggests that they shot the plane down specifically in order to undermine overtures by the Clinton government.

I think it is not precedented for the President of the United States and the President of Cuba to make an announcement at the same time that they are moving towards normalizing relations.  So there hasn’t been anything like this in the past. That doesn’t meant that over the next two years we can anticipate them taking certain actions that we may end up finding deeply troubling either inside of Cuba or with respect to their foreign policy.  And that could put significant strains on the relationship.  But that’s true of a lot of countries out there where we have an embassy.  And the whole point of normalizing relations is that it gives us a greater opportunity to have influence with that government than not. 

So I would be surprised if the Cuban government purposely tries to undermine what is now effectively its own policy.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they take at any given time actions that we think are a problem.  And we will be in a position to respond to whatever actions they take the same way we do with a whole range of countries around the world when they do things we think are wrong.  But the point is, is that we will be in a better position I think to actually have some influence, and there may be carrots as well as sticks that we can then apply.

The only way that Fidel’s name came up -- I think I may have mentioned this in the Davie Muir article -- interview that I did -- was I delivered a fairly lengthy statement at the front end about how we’re looking forward to a new future in the relationship between our two countries, but that we are going to continue to press on issues of democracy and human rights, which we think are important. 

My opening remarks probably took about 15 minutes, which on the phone is a pretty long time.  And at the end of that, he said, Mr. President, you’re still a young man.  Perhaps you have the -- at the end of my remarks I apologized for taking such a long time, but I wanted to make sure that before we engaged in the conversation he was very clear about where I stood.  He said, oh, don’t worry about it, Mr. President, you’re still a young man and you have still the chance to break Fidel’s record -- he once spoke seven hours straight.  (Laughter.) 

And then, President Castro proceeded to deliver his own preliminary remarks that last at least twice as long as mine.  (Laughter.)  And then I was able to say, obviously it runs in the family.  But that was the only discussion of Fidel Castro that we had. 

I sort of forgot all the other questions.  (Laughter.) 

Q    I have a few more if you’re -- how personally involved are you going to get in --

THE PRESIDENT:  With respect to Congress?  We cannot unilaterally bring down the embargo.  That’s codified in the Libertad Act.  And what I do think is going to happen, though, is there’s going to be a process where Congress digests it.  There are bipartisan supporters of our new approach, there are bipartisan detractors of this new approach.  People will see how the actions we take unfold.  And I think there’s going to be a healthy debate inside of Congress. 

And I will certainly weigh in.  I think that ultimately we need to go ahead and pull down the embargo, which I think has been self-defeating in advancing the aims that we’re interested in.  But I don’t anticipate that that happens right away.  I think people are going to want to see how does this move forward before there’s any serious debate about whether or not we would make major shifts in the embargo.

Roberta Rampton.

Q    I want to follow on that by asking, under what conditions would you meet with President Castro in Havana?  Would you have certain preconditions that you would want to see met before doing that?  And on the hack, I know that you said that you’re not going to announce your response, but can you say whether you’re considering additional economic or financial sanctions on North Korea?  Can you rule out the use of military force or some kind of cyber hit of your own?

THE PRESIDENT:  I think I’m going to leave it where I left it, which is we just confirmed that it was North Korea; we have been working up a range of options.  They will be presented to me.  I will make a decision on those based on what I believe is proportional and appropriate to the nature of this crime.

With respect to Cuba, we’re not at a stage here where me visiting Cuba or President Castro coming to the United States is in the cards.  I don’t know how this relationship will develop over the next several years.  I’m a fairly young man so I imagine that at some point in my life I will have the opportunity to visit Cuba and enjoy interacting with the Cuban people.  But there’s nothing specific where we're trying to target some sort of visit on my part.

Colleen McCain Nelson.

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT:  There you are.

Q    You spoke earlier about 2014 being a breakthrough year, and you ended the year with executive actions on Cuba and immigration and climate change.  But you didn't make much progress this year on your legislative agenda.  And some Republican lawmakers have said they're less inclined to work with you if you pursue executive actions so aggressively.  Are you going to continue to pursue executive actions if that creates more roadblocks for your legislative agenda?  Or have you concluded that it’s not possible to break the fever in Washington and the partisan gridlock here?

THE PRESIDENT:  I think there are real opportunities to get things done in Congress.  As I said before, I take Speaker Boehner and Mitch McConnell at their words that they want to get things done.  I think the American people would like to see us get some things done.  The question is going to be are we able to separate out those areas where we disagree and those areas where we agree.  I think there are going to be some tough fights on areas where we disagree. 

If Republicans seek to take health care away from people who just got it, they will meet stiff resistance from me.  If they try to water down consumer protections that we put in place in the aftermath of the financial crisis, I will say no.  And I’m confident that I’ll be able to uphold vetoes of those types of provisions.  But on increasing American exports, on simplifying our tax system, on rebuilding our infrastructure, my hope is that we can get some things done. 

I’ve never been persuaded by this argument that if it weren’t for the executive actions they would have been more productive.  There’s no evidence of that.  So I intend to continue to do what I’ve been doing, which is where I see a big problem and the opportunity to help the American people, and it is within my lawful authority to provide that help, I’m going to do it.  And I will then, side-by-side, reach out to members of Congress, reach out to Republicans, and say, let’s work together; I’d rather do it with you.

Immigration is the classic example.  I was really happy when the Senate passed a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration bill.  And I did everything I could for a year and a half to provide Republicans the space to act, and showed not only great patience, but flexibility, saying to them, look, if there are specific changes you’d like to see, we're willing to compromise, we're willing to be patient, we're willing to work with you.  Ultimately it wasn’t forthcoming.

And so the question is going to be I think if executive actions on areas like minimum wage, or equal pay, or having a more sensible immigration system are important to Republicans, if they care about those issues, and the executive actions are bothering them, there is a very simple solution, and that is:  Pass bills.  And work with me to make sure I’m willing to sign those bills. 

Because both sides are going to have to compromise.  On most issues, in order for their initiatives to become law, I’m going to have sign off.  And that means they have to take into account the issues that I care about, just as I’m going to have to take into account the issues that they care about.
All right.  I think this is going to be our last question.  Juliet Eilperin.  There you go.
Q    Thanks so much.  So one of the first bills that Mitch McConnell said he will send to you is one that would authorize the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.  When you talked about this in the past, you’ve minimized the benefits and you highlighted some of the risks associated with that project.  I’m wondering if you could tell us both what you would do when faced with that bill, given the Republican majority that we’ll have in both chambers.  And also, what do you see as the benefits?  And given the precipitous drop we’ve seen in oil prices recently, does that change the calculus in terms of how it will contribute to climate change, and whether you think it makes sense to go ahead with that project?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I don’t think I’ve minimized the benefits, I think I’ve described the benefits.  At issue in Keystone is not American oil.  It is Canadian oil that is drawn out of tar sands in Canada.  That oil currently is being shipped out through rail or trucks, and it would save Canadian oil companies and the Canadian oil industry an enormous amount of money if they could simply pipe it all the way through the United States down to the Gulf.  Once that oil gets to the Gulf, it is then entering into the world market, and it would be sold all around the world. 

So there’s no -- I won’t say “no” -- there is very little impact, nominal impact, on U.S. gas prices -- what the average American consumer cares about -- by having this pipeline come through.  And sometimes the way this gets sold is, let’s get this oil and it’s going to come here.  And the implication is, is that’s going to lower gas prices here in the United States.  It’s not.  There’s a global oil market.  It’s very good for Canadian oil companies and it’s good for the Canadian oil industry, but it’s not going to be a huge benefit to U.S. consumers.  It’s not even going to be a nominal benefit to U.S. consumers.
Now, the construction of the pipeline itself will create probably a couple thousand jobs.  Those are temporary jobs until the construction actually happens.  There’s probably some additional jobs that can be created in the refining process down in the Gulf.  Those aren’t completely insignificant -- it’s just like any other project.  But when you consider what we could be doing if we were rebuilding our roads and bridges around the country -- something that Congress could authorize -- we could probably create hundreds of thousands of jobs, or a million jobs. So if that’s the argument, there are a lot more direct ways to create well-paying Americans construction jobs.
And then, with respect to the cost, all I’ve said is that I want to make sure that if, in fact, this project goes forward, that it’s not adding to the problem of climate change, which I think is very serious and does impose serious costs on the American people -- some of them long term, but significant costs nonetheless.  If we’ve got more flooding, more wildfires, more drought, there are direct economic impacts on that. 

And as we’re now rebuilding after Sandy, for example, we’re having to consider how do we increase preparedness in how we structure infrastructure and housing, and so forth, along the Jersey Shore.  That’s an example of the kind of costs that are imposed, and you can put a dollar figure on it.

So, in terms of process, you’ve got a Nebraska judge that’s still determining whether or not the new path for this pipeline is appropriate.  Once that is resolved, then the State Department will have all the information it needs to make its decision. 

But I’ve just tried to give this perspective, because I think that there’s been this tendency to really hype this thing as some magic formula to what ails the U.S. economy, and it’s hard to see on paper where exactly they’re getting that information from.

In terms of oil prices and how it impacts the decision, I think that it won’t have a significant impact except perhaps in the minds of folks -- when gas prices are lower, maybe they’re less susceptible to the argument that this is the answer to lowering gas prices.  But it was never going to be the answer to lowering gas prices, because the oil that would be piped through the Keystone pipeline would go into the world market.  And that’s what determines oil prices, ultimately.

Q    And in terms of Congress forcing your hand on this, is this something where you clearly say you’re not going to let Congress force your hand on whether to approve or disapprove of this?

THE PRESIDENT:  I’ll see what they do.  We’ll take that up in the New Year.

Q    Any New Year’s resolutions?

THE PRESIDENT:  I’ll ask -- April, go ahead. 

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  Last question, I guess.  (Laughter.)  Six years ago this month, I asked you what was the state of black America in the Oval Office, and you said it was the “the best of times and the worst of times.”  You said it was the best of times in the sense that there was -- has never been more opportunity for African Americans to receive a good education, and the worst of times for unemployment and the lack of opportunity.  We're ending 2014.  What is the state of black America as we talk about those issues as well as racial issues in this country?

THE PRESIDENT:  Like the rest of America, black America in the aggregate is better off now than it was when I came into office.  The jobs that have been created, the people who’ve gotten health insurance, the housing equity that’s been recovered, the 401 pensions that have been recovered -- a lot of those folks are African American.  They’re better off than they were.

The gap between income and wealth of white and black America persists.  And we’ve got more work to do on that front.  I’ve been consistent in saying that this is a legacy of a troubled racial past of Jim Crow and slavery.  That’s not an excuse for black folks.  And I think the overwhelming majority of black people understand it’s not an excuse.  They’re working hard. They’re out there hustling and trying to get an education, trying to send their kids to college.  But they’re starting behind, oftentimes, in the race.

And what’s true for all Americans is we should be willing to provide people a hand up -- not a handout, but help folks get that good early childhood education, help them graduate from high school, help them afford college.  If they do, they’re going to be able to succeed, and that’s going to be good for all of us.

And we’ve seen some progress.  The education reforms that we’ve initiated are showing measurable results.  We have the highest high school graduation that we’ve seen in a very long time.  We are seeing record numbers of young people attending college.  In many states that have initiated reforms, you’re seeing progress in math scores and reading scores for African American and Latino students as well as the broader population.  But we’ve still got more work to go.

Now, obviously, how we’re thinking about race relations right now has been colored by Ferguson, the Garner case in New York, a growing awareness in the broader population of what I think many communities of color have understood for some time, and that is that there are specific instances at least where law enforcement doesn’t feel as if it’s being applied in a colorblind fashion. 

The task force that I formed is supposed to report back to me in 90 days -- not with a bunch of abstract musings about race relations, but some really concrete, practical things that police departments and law enforcement agencies can begin implementing right now to rebuild trust between communities of color and the police department.

And my intention is to, as soon as I get those recommendations, to start implementing them.  Some of them we’ll be able to do through executive action.  Some of them will require congressional action.  Some of them will require action on the part of states and local jurisdictions. 

But I actually think it’s been a healthy conversation that we’ve had.  These are not new phenomenon.  The fact that they’re now surfacing, in part because people are able to film what have just been, in the past, stories passed on around a kitchen table, allows people to make their own assessments and evaluations.  And you’re not going to solve a problem if it’s not being talked about.

In the meantime, we’ve been moving forward on criminal justice reform issues more broadly.  One of the things I didn’t talk about in my opening statement is the fact that last year was the first time in 40 years where we had the federal prison population go down and the crime rate go down at the same time, which indicates the degree to which it’s possible for us to think smarter about who we’re incarcerating, how long we’re incarcerating, how are we dealing with nonviolent offenders, how are we dealing with drug offenses, diversion programs, drug courts.  We can do a better job of -- and save money in the process by initiating some of these reforms.  And I’ve been really pleased to see that we’ve had Republicans and Democrats in Congress who are interested in these issues as well.

The one thing I will say -- and this is going to be the last thing I say -- is that one of the great things about this job is you get to know the American people.  I mean, you meet folks from every walk of life and every region of the country, and every race and every faith.  And what I don’t think is always captured in our political debates is the vast majority of people are just trying to do the right thing, and people are basically good and have good intentions.  Sometimes our institutions and our systems don’t work as well as they should.  Sometimes you've got a police department that has gotten into bad habits over a period of time and hasn’t maybe surfaced some hidden biases that we all carry around.  But if you offer practical solutions, I think people want to fix these problems.  It’s not -- this isn’t a situation where people feel good seeing somebody choked and dying.  I think that troubles everybody.  So there’s an opportunity of all of us to come together and to take a practical approach to these problems.

And I guess that's my general theme for the end of the year -- which is we’ve gone through difficult times.  It is your job, press corps, to report on all the mistakes that are made and all the bad things that happen and the crises that look like they're popping.  And I understand that.  But through persistent effort and faith in the American people, things get better.  The economy has gotten better.  Our ability to generate clean energy has gotten better.  We know more about how to educate our kids.  We solved problems.  Ebola is a real crisis; you get a mistake in the first case because it’s not something that's been seen before -- we fix it.  You have some unaccompanied children who spike at a border, and it may not get fixed in the time frame of the news cycle, but it gets fixed. 

And part of what I hope as we reflect on the New Year this should generate is some confidence.  America knows how to solve problems.  And when we work together, we can't be stopped. 

And now I’m going to go on vacation.  Mele Kalikimaka, everybody.  (Laughter.)  Mahalo.  Thank you, everybody.

2:45 P.M. EST