The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President at Pride Month Celebration

East Room

5:40 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, everybody.  (Applause.)  Well, I want to thank Jim and Patrick.  First of all, I think they supported me in my state Senate campaign.  (Laughter.)  Those were some early supporters, and we might not be here if it hadn’t been for them.  Congratulations on finally tying the knot after 51 years.  (Applause.)  I looked it up, and depending on how you count, the traditional gift for your next anniversary is either paper, for year one -- or whatever you want, because there is no traditional gift for 52 years.  (Laughter.)  But I think it’s so important to understand how rare relationships like yours are.  And however you celebrate, we hope you have many, many more years together. 

And with that, why don’t you guys sit down, because that knee is acting up.  (Laughter.) 

I want all of you to know how much it means to us for you to be able to join here at this year’s Pride Celebration.  We’ve got some terrific public servants who are here today, including our Secretary of Labor Tom Perez.  (Applause.)  We’ve got mayors, and we’ve got state legislators, and we’ve got LGBT members of my administration.  We also have three judges that I was proud to name to the federal bench:  Todd Hughes, Judy Levy, and Nitza Quinones Alejandro.  Give them a big round of applause.  (Applause.) 

Before I took office, we had only one openly gay federal judge to be confirmed by the Senate.  Now, along with Todd, Judy, and Nitza, that number is 11.  So we’re making some progress.  (Applause.) 

Three other people I want to mention.  First of all, Tobias Wolff, who’s been advising me since my first presidential campaign and has had a great impact on my administration and how we’ve thought about a bunch of issues.  Please give Tobias a big round of applause.  (Applause.) 

Number two -- a special treat for me -- my college professor when I was a freshman in college at Occidental, Dr. Lawrence Goldyn is here.  I want to just talk a little bit about Lawrence.  When I went in as a freshman -- this is 1979 at Occidental College -- and according to Lawrence, I guess there were maybe a couple of other gay professors, but they weren’t wildly open about it.  Lawrence was not shy.  (Laughter.)  And I took a class from him, and because he was one of the young professors, we became really good friends.  But also, he was the first openly gay person that I knew who was unapologetic, who stood his ground.  If somebody gave him guff, he’d give them guff right back, and was I think part of a generation that really fought so many battles that ultimately came into fruition later.  And he also played a huge role in advising lesbian, gay and transgender students at the school at a time when that was still hard for a lot of young college kids.  And he went on to become a doctor and ran an AIDS clinic, and now is the head of a health center.

But I just wanted to acknowledge him because he helped shape how I think about so many of these issues, and those sort of quiet heroes that sometimes don’t get acknowledged.  So give Lawrence a big round of applause.  (Applause.)   

Finally, I have to mention a man who’s made life at the White House very sweet.  This is one of Michelle and my favorite people -- our executive pastry chef Bill Yosses -- (laughter) -- who’s here tonight with his husband, Charlie.  (Applause.)  Where’s Bill? 

MRS. OBAMA:  But he’s leaving.

THE PRESIDENT:  He’s -- this is the problem.  We call Bill the “Crustmaster” because his pies -- I don't know what he does, whether he puts crack in them, or -- (laughter) -- but --

MRS. OBAMA:  No, he doesn't.  (Laughter.)  There is no crack in our pies.  (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT:  I’m just saying that when we first came to the White House, I don't know if some of you remember this -- the first year, like, my cholesterol shot up.  (Laughter.)  And the doctor was like, what happened?  You had like this really low cholesterol.  You were really healthy.  And I thought, it’s the pie.  (Laughter.)  It’s the pie.  So we had to establish like a really firm rule about no pie during the week.  (Laughter.) 

But he’s also just a wonderful person.  And after seven years, he’s leaving the White House.  So we just want to give Bill and Charlie the best of luck.  And we love them.  Thank you.  (Applause.)

So a lot has happened in the year since we last gathered here together.  Same-sex marriage has gone into effect in 10 more states -- (applause) -- which means that 43 percent of Americans now live in states where you’re free to marry who you love.  The NFL drafted its first openly gay player.  (Applause.)  Harvey Milk got a stamp.  (Applause.)  Laverne Cox was on the cover of TIME.  (Applause.)  Coca-Cola and Honeymaid were unafraid to sell their products in commercials showing same-sex parents and their children.  (Applause.)  And perhaps most importantly, Mitch and Cam got married, which caused Michelle and the girls to cry.  (Laughter and applause.)  That was big.  (Laughter.)

MRS. OBAMA:  It was big. 

THE PRESIDENT:  This year, we mark the 45th anniversary of Stonewall.  And I know some of you were there.  And this tremendous progress we’ve made as a society is thanks to those of you who fought the good fight, and to Americans across the country who marched and came out and organized to secure the rights of others.  So I want to thank all of you for making the United States a more just and compassionate place.

I want to thank you for offering support and guidance to our administration.  Because of your help, we’ve gone further in protecting the rights of lesbian and gay and bisexual and transgender Americans than any administration in history.  (Applause.)

In 2009, I told you at this reception that I would sign an inclusive hate crimes bill with Matthew Shepard’s name on it, and I did -- because hate-driven violence has taken the lives of too many people in this community, and it has to end.

When we came together in 2010, I told you we’d repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell.”  Some of you didn't believe me.  (Laughter.)  You know who you are.  (Laughter.)  We did that, too –- because nobody should have to hide who you love to serve the country you love.  (Applause.) 

That same year, we released the first-ever comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy to unite our entire government behind fighting this disease and helping those most at risk.  (Applause.)

In 2011, I said my administration would no longer defend the so-called Defense of Marriage Act.  And thanks to Edie Windsor, and Robbie Kaplan, and the Department of Justice, that law was overturned, and we’ve extended benefits to legally married same-sex couples across the country.  (Applause.)

In 2012, I promised that my administration would do more to address and prevent bullying and discrimination in our classrooms.  And we have –- because it’s not enough just to say it gets better; we have to actually make it better, like so many Americans are trying to do every day. 

We’ve got here today Pete Cahall, who is the principal of Woodrow Wilson High here in Washington.  (Applause.)  At a school Pride event this month, inspired by brave students, Pete stood up and said something he’d never said at the school before, which is:  “I am a proud gay man.”  And the students all cheered.  Pete is here today.  Because of his example, more young people know they don’t have to be afraid to be who they are; no matter who they love, people have their backs.  So we’re proud of you.  (Applause.)

Last year, I promised to implement the Affordable Care Act so this community could get quality, affordable health care like you deserve.  And we did that, too.  (Applause.)  And thanks to that law, you can no longer be denied health insurance on the basis of your sexual orientation or gender identity.  (Applause.)

We’ve still got a little more work to do.  I’ve repeatedly called on Congress to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.  Right now, there are more states that let same-sex couples get married than there are states who prohibit discrimination against their LGBT workers.  We have laws that say Americans can’t be fired on the basis of the color of their skin or their religion, or because they have a disability.  But every day, millions of Americans go to work worried that they could lose their job -– not because of anything they’ve done -- (baby cries) -- I know, it’s terrible -- (laughter) -- but because of who they are.  It’s upsetting.  It is wrong.

The majority of Fortune 500 companies already have nondiscrimination policies to protect their employees because it’s the right thing to do and because many say it helps to retain and attract the best talent.  And I agree.  So if Congress won’t act, I will.  I have directed my staff to prepare an executive order for my signature that prohibits discrimination by federal contractors on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.  (Applause.)

And I’ve asked my staff to prepare a second executive order so that federal employees –- who are already protected on the basis of sexual orientation –- will now formally be protected from discrimination based on gender identity as well.  (Applause.) 

So we’ve got a lot to be proud of, but obviously we can’t grow complacent.  We’ve got to defend the progress that we’ve made.  We’ve got to keep on reaching out to LGBT Americans who are vulnerable and alone, and need our support –- whether it’s teenagers in rough situations to seniors who are struggling to find housing and care.  (Baby cries.)  I know, it’s tough.  (Laughter.) 

We’ve got to keep fighting for an AIDS-free generation, and for the human rights of LGBT persons around the world.  (Applause.)

And I would also ask all of us to direct some of the energy and passion and resources of this movement towards other injustices that exist.  Because one of the things that I think we should have learned -- (applause) -- Dr. King said an “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”  And that means that we’ve got to be able to set up a community that extends beyond our own particular narrow interests; we’ve got to make sure that we’re reaching out to others who need our help as well.  (Applause.)

And that means fighting for poor kids.  And it means fighting for workers to get a decent wage.  It means showing compassion for the undocumented worker who is contributing to our society and just wants a chance to come out of the shadows.  (Applause.)  It means fighting for equal pay for equal work.  It means standing up for sexual -- standing up against sexual violence wherever it occurs.  It means trying to eliminate any vestige of racial or religious discrimination and anti-Semitism wherever it happens.

That’s how we continue our nation’s march towards justice and equality.  That’s how we build a more perfect union –- a country where no matter what you look like, where you come from, what your last name is, who you love, you’ve got a chance to make it if you try.  You guys have shown what can happen when people of goodwill organize and stand up for what’s right.  And we’ve got to make sure that that’s not applied just one place, in one circumstance, in one time.  That’s part of the journey that makes America the greatest country on Earth.

So thank you, everybody.  God bless you.  God bless America.  (Applause.) 

5:53 P.M. EDT

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest, 6/30/2014

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

12:37 P.M. EDT

MR. EARNEST:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Apologize for the scheduling switcheroo we had a little earlier today.  It was my intention to be done by now, but instead we are just getting started.

I do not have announcements here at the top, Nedra, so I’ll let you kick off the fireworks here.

Q    Thanks, Josh.  Can you give us your reaction to the Hobby Lobby ruling? 

MR. EARNEST:  I suspected that might be your first question today. 

The Supreme Court ruled today that some bosses can now withhold contraceptive care from their employees’ health coverage based on their own religious views that their employees may not even share.  President Obama believes that women should make personal health care decisions for themselves rather than their bosses deciding for them.

Today’s decision jeopardizes the health of women who are employed by these companies.  As millions of women know firsthand, contraception is often vital to their health and wellbeing.  That’s why the Affordable Care Act ensures that women have coverage for contraceptive care, along with other preventative care like vaccines and cancer screenings.

We will work with Congress to make sure that any women affected by this decision will still have the same coverage of vital health services as everyone else.

President Obama believes strongly in the freedom of religion.  That’s why we’ve taken steps to ensure that no religious institution will have to pay or provide for contraceptive coverage.  We’ve also made accommodations for non-profit religious organizations that object to contraception on religious grounds.  But we believe that the owners of for-profit companies should not be allowed to assert their personal religious views to deny their employees federally mandated benefits.

Now, we’ll of course respect the Supreme Court ruling and we’ll continue to look for ways to improve Americans’ health by helping women have more, not less, say over the personal health decisions that affect them and their families.

Q    Can you talk a little more about what options you’re considering to make sure that women have access to free contraceptives?

MR. EARNEST:  I’m not in a position to do that right now.  Frankly, we’re still assessing the decision and its legal implications.  We’re also assessing what practical implications there are from this decision, including what companies are actually covered by the Supreme Court decision.  As you saw, the ruling referred pretty narrowly to closely held private-sector companies.  And I’ve described in my original statement that there are a range of other institutions that are treated in different ways.

We’re also taking a look at what kinds of health care plans these companies have, and how many employees are actually affected by this decision. 

So as we gather some more information, we may be in a position to better consider the range of options that are available to the President.  It is our view, as I said here at the top, though, that Congress needs to take action to solve this problem that’s been created, and the administration stands ready to work with them to do so.

Q    On another topic -- some advocates are expressing some outrage over the letter that the President sent this morning on unaccompanied minors.  And they say it’s wrong to send minors right back to a violent situation in their home country.  Can you respond to that?

MR. EARNEST:  I can.  Our concern principally right now is that we have seen, gathered on the southwestern border of the United States, an alarming increase in the number of children who have traveled from Central American countries to our border on the southwest expecting to gain entry and to be welcomed into the United States.

They are principally motivated by a disinformation campaign that’s being propagated by criminal syndicates that are preying on vulnerable populations of people who are living in pretty desperate situations.  In some cases, they’re living in communities that are racked by violence.  In other cases, they’re facing pretty dire economic circumstances.  And it has led to a humanitarian situation that the President is very concerned about.

The fact of the matter is this administration is going to enforce the law.  And what the law requires is ensuring that these children are -- once they are detained at the border -- and that is to be clear -- in many cases what’s happening, we’re finding these children who are showing up at the border and turning themselves in to Border Patrol agents.  And the law requires that these children be -- that their needs be met, that their basic humanitarian needs be provided for.

Now, what is also true is that we also want to surge resources to this problem by making sure that we increase the number of immigration judges and asylum officers, and other CBP lawyers to make sure that we can properly process these claims quickly.  Each child is certainly due -- is owed due process, and they’ll get the benefit of that.  But at the same time, what we’re seeing is we’re seeing such a large influx of children at the border that we’re having a difficult time processing the large number of cases that are now getting backed up in the immigration court system.

So we have asked for additional resources to make sure that we can process these claims as quickly as possible.  We’ve also asked for additional authorities that could be used at the discretion of the Secretary of Homeland Security to process the cases as, ultimately, if it is found that the child or an adult that is here with children does not have a legal right to stay in the country, that they can be returned to their home country and properly reintegrated.  That means that we’re also working with some of these countries where the root of this problem exists. 

You saw that a couple weeks ago the Vice President traveled to Central America and met with the leaders of Honduras and Guatemala and El Salvador.  Secretary Kerry is traveling to the region this week as well, and he’ll be having similar conversations with leaders of countries in that region while he is attending the inauguration of the President of Panama.


Q    Josh, on that point, how much are you actually asking for?  Is it $2 billion, $3 billion?  How much?

MR. EARNEST:  We’ll have more information about the actual request for supplemental appropriations in the next couple of weeks.

Q    Now, back on the Court, the Court suggested in its ruling today that the Obama administration could expand an exemption on birth control coverage that you worked out for no-profit groups that have religious affiliations like hospitals and universities.  Is that what you’re talking about doing for this case?

MR. EARNEST:  No, what we’re talking about doing is pressing Congress to actually take the step that’s required to address this problem, to make sure that the women who work for these companies have access to the preventative coverage that they deserve and that the Institute of Medicine that’s run by impartial, nonpolitical scientists believes that they should have access to.  So that’s what we’re focused on, and we believe that because of the Supreme Court decision today that Congress should act to address the concerns of the women who are affected by this decision.

Q    But with Congress as divided as it is now, how likely is that to happen?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, we’ll see.  As we have with a range of other things, we’ll consider whether or not there’s an opportunity for the President to take some other action that could mitigate this problem as well.  But, again, we’re still assessing the decision, so it’s too early for me to state what kind of action would be available to the President or what kind of action he would even consider at this point.  But what is clear is that there is an opportunity for Congress to take the kinds of steps that would mitigate this problem, and we hope they will.

Q    And do you see this as a major impact on the Obamacare law?  There was one Republican who said it was a devastating blow

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think what would have been a devastating blow is if the Supreme Court -- if this same Supreme Court two years ago had decided to declare the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.  They did not.  In fact, they essentially upheld the Affordable Care Act, and that has preserved benefits for millions of Americans, who many for the first time now have access to quality, affordable health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act.  It also put in place and protected a wide range of consumer protections -- everything from ensuring that young adults up to the age of 26 could remain on their parents’ health insurance, to ensuring that individuals couldn’t be discriminated against just because they had a preexisting condition.  So all those protections remain in place.

This is one specific group of companies and one group of women who are affected when it comes to the specific access to certain contraceptive services.  And that specific problem that has essentially been created by the Supreme Court -- the problem is that the Institute of Medicine says that women should have access to these kinds of preventative services, but the ruling allows the bosses of these women to essentially step in and say, well, I have a religious concern so you’re not allowed to make your own decision about whether or not you’d like to benefit from these services; we’re going to make sure that they aren’t provided.  We strongly disagree with that.  We believe that Congress should take action to fix it.


Q    Josh, following up on that, does the White House have a reaction to the fact that in the majority you had all men writing the decision and in the minority you had three out of the four justices being women?  And the President has talked in the past about Democrats needing to be energized to vote in the midterm elections.  Might this case energize Democrats on this issue?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, in terms of the political fallout, I’ll let the political analysts out there make that decision.  The President does, however, believe that there is a very important principle at stake, which is the President believes that women should have the freedom to make their own decisions about their health care coverage, and that interference by their boss for whatever reason -- based on their religious views or just their scientific opinion -- is inappropriate.  And one of the core goals of the Affordable Care Act was to put freedom in the hands of families all across the country to give them access to greater choices to quality, affordable health insurance that would be in the best interest of their family.

This decision today, while we’ll respect it, runs counter to that principle and the President is going to look to Congress to put in place a solution.

Q    And on Bob McDonald, the President’s choice to head the VA, this selection seems to have come out of nowhere.  It’s been greeted as sort of an unorthodox pick.  And it turns out Mr. McDonald has made contributions to Republican candidates in the past.  Did you view that as something that might help Mr. McDonald get through the Senate because it might discourage Republicans from blocking his nomination?

     MR. EARNEST:  Mr. McDonald was principally chosen because he has the kind of record as a solid manager that will be required of the next Secretary of the Veterans Affairs Department to put in place the reforms that are needed to live up to our covenant that we have made, that our nation has made, with our men and women in uniform.  Those management chops are going to be critical to his success, and they’re going to be critical to ensuring that our country lives up to the commitment that we’ve made to our men and women in uniform.

     Now, I’d also point out that Mr. McDonald himself served in the military.  He graduated near the top of his class at West Point.  He served in the United States Army for five years.  And he has a pretty compelling story to tell in terms of his management record at Procter & Gamble.  He started at that company as an entry-level employee, and over the course of 33 years rose to be the CEO, to be the top boss.  That demonstrates a lot of character and a lot of tenacity, and those two things will be required in the next Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

     I’ll say one last thing.  While he was at Procter & Gamble, Procter & Gamble was widely credited with their success in mentoring leaders at the middle-management level.  And facilitating -- having the kind of management style that inspires other people in an organization to assume leadership skills is something that, based on the problems have been unearthed at the VA, will be really critical to their success over there as well.

     Q    Does the President feel like this is somebody who can go in there and clean house? 

     MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think this is somebody who has a lot of experience and has enjoyed a lot of success in managing a large company.  And the VA is a large organization that is performing very important work.  And there are some important changes that need to be made to ensure that that important work is actually getting done. 

     And so having somebody that has experience in the military, has strong bipartisan support for taking the job, and has a proven track record of implementing changes in large organizations to great effect makes him the right choice for this task.

     Q    Can I sneak in one question about airport security?  There have been some reports that a terrorist threat in Syria may be translating into concerns about security at the nation’s airports.  Is that something the White House has been meeting on here?  Is that something the administration is going to be looking at?  A lot of people are heading out and traveling for vacation plans this summer; is that something that Americans should be concerned about?

     MR. EARNEST:  Well, Jim, I have seen those reports.  I’m not in a position to comment on them.  The Department of Homeland Security is regularly reviewing our security procedures to adapt to the threat that is faced by our transportation system.  And as advisories are required to adequately inform the traveling public, we’ll make those announcements.    

     I don’t have an announcement here at this point to make.  But for more information, I’d refer you to the Department of Homeland Security.

     I’m going to move around just a little bit.  Nadia.

     Q    The Russians seem to be providing a dozen or so fighter jets to Prime Minister Maliki.  Do you find it ironic that both the United States, the Russians, and the Iranians are sending military experts to aid Prime Minister Maliki?

     MR. EARNEST:  Well, Nadia, what we have -- the United States has also offered to support the Iraqi government.  And over the course of the last several years, the United States has provided significant assistance to the Maliki government in the form of training that is ongoing through the embassy there in Iraq but also in Jordan.  There have also been a number of military sales from the United States to Iraq to try to support the Maliki regime and the Iraqi government

     Now, what we have been disappointed by is the fact that Prime Minister Maliki has not pursued the kind of inclusive governing agenda that we believe is going to be required to ensure the long-term success of the nation of Iraq.  And so we are in close touch with the Maliki government and with all of the political leaders in Iraq.  You’ve seen the number of phone calls between Secretary Kerry and Iraqi leaders and Vice President Biden and Iraqi leaders in pursuit of encouraging the government to pursue a more inclusive agenda.  And that’s what we’re focused on.

     Now, when it comes to -- there is one piece of military equipment that has attracted a lot of attention, and that’s a delivery of F-16s that’s scheduled for later this year.  I can tell you that the United States remains committed to delivering the F-16s to Iraq as quickly as possible.  The delivery of the first two aircraft have long been scheduled for this fall, pending final preparations for housing and securing the aircraft, completion of pilot training, and completion of required financial and administrative details which the Iraqi government has been slow to complete.

     So there are some logistical details that still need to be accounted for here, but that once those logistical concerns have been addressed, we’re still committed to moving forward. 

     Q    I know the White House says that they do not interfere of who’s going to be the next Prime Minister, but do you believe that Prime Minister Maliki is a viable candidate right now?

     MR. EARNEST:  That’s a decision for the Iraqi people and the Iraqi political leadership to decide.  We’re urging Iraq’s leaders to come to an agreement on the three critical posts that are key to forming Iraq’s next government.  Those posts, as you know, are the parliamentary speaker, the president and the prime minister.  We’re hoping that they’ll act quickly so that the government formation can move forward after the first session of the new parliament is convened on July 1st. 

     We’re urging all leaders across the spectrum to treat the situation with extreme urgency and quickly begin a very serious negotiation to determine the makeup of the next government.  And that government, in our view, as I said, has to be a broadly inclusive one in order to provide stability to the country.

     I’ll move around a little bit.  J.C.

     Q    Just want to follow up a sec.  Under these circumstances -- and the U.S. is committed, they’ve sent advisers -- has the President had any conversations with any world leader in terms of their commitment in kind?  In other words, their kind of Special Forces advisers, et cetera, to go in there and to situate into this crisis?

     MR. EARNEST:  Well, over the course of the last couple of weeks, J.C., you’ve seen that we’ve read out a number of conversations that the President has had with world leaders, some of them on Ukraine, some of them on the situation in Iraq, and some of them -- some of the conversations covered both topics. 

     I don’t have any additional details to read out from those conversations.  But the President and this administration is interested in working in a collaborative fashion with our allies but also with other countries that have an interest in the region to try to encourage the political leadership in Iraq to pursue this kind of inclusive governing agenda. 

     In order to confront the existential threat that is posed by ISIL in Iraq, the government of Iraq needs to represent the interests of all of the people of that country and to make it clear that each citizen has a stake in that country’s future and in that country’s prosperity.

     Q    If I may, is the President hopeful that any of his allies, friends, former allies, world representatives will, in fact, encourage -- be encouraged to send advisers or Special Forces to Iraq, as the U.S. has committed?

     MR. EARNEST:  Again, I’m not in a position to read out those conversations in any more detail.  I would assume -- and I think with a lot of confidence -- that the leaders of these other countries will be making a similar calculation to the one that the President has made, which is that our interest in that country -- or our activity in that country will be governed by what the President assesses to be in the best interest of American national security.  That will continue to be the criteria that the President will use as he makes decisions about U.S. actions there, and I assume that other countries and other country’s leaders will be making a similar calculation.


     Q    On Hobby Lobby -- does the constitutional lawyer who sits in the Oval Office agree with the Supreme Court premise that companies have freedom of speech and companies have freedom of religion?

     MR. EARNEST:  Well, as you’ve heard -- and I think -- well, as the constitutional lawyer who sits in the Oval Office would tell you, is he would read the entire decision before he passed judgment in terms of his own legal analysis. 

     What we have been able to assess so far, based on the preliminary reading of that decision, is that there is a problem that has been exposed, which is that there are now a group of women of an indeterminate size who no longer have access to free contraceptive coverage simply because of some religious views that are held not by them, necessarily, but by their bosses.

     We disagree, and the constitutional lawyer in the Oval Office disagrees, with that conclusion from the Supreme Court.  And that’s why we -- primarily because he’s concerned about the impact that it could have on the health of those women; ultimately, that the goal of the Affordable Care Act, remember, was to provide greater freedom to Americans to allow them to make more decisions and have access to more options as they seek health care coverage.  And that’s the source of the concern that we have, and that’s the problem that we want Congress to fix.

     In terms of the broader legal analysis, that’s something that we’ll get to.

     Q    Okay then.  If I could change subjects to the unaccompanied minors.  The law that is applicable says --currently, the one that’s in effect now, from 2008 -- says that a child should not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others.  So these facilities that you’re proposing building and expanding, it appears that the law says now they shouldn’t be put there unless they’re a danger to themselves or others.  Is this one of the laws -- one of the parts of the law that the administration wants to change?

     MR. EARNEST:  Well, to be clear, the facilities that are being opened now are being opened specifically to meet the humanitarian needs of these children; to make sure that they have a bed to sleep in, a roof over their heads, access to food and other basic needs that any child has.  That’s the point of these facilities that are being opened at a couple of different military facilities.  And so you’ve seen FEMA step forward and perform a coordinating function, working with DHS and HHS, who has the responsibility for housing these children, to make sure that these needs are met. 

More broadly, what we’re asking for additional funding to do is to deploy more immigration judges, ICE lawyers, asylum officers to more quickly and efficiently evaluate the cases of these children.  And when it is determined after going through that legal progress that these children don’t have a legal basis for remaining in the country, the administration is seeking greater authority to be expressed -- or a greater authority that could be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to resolve their case.  And in many cases, that means returning them to the country where they came from.

Q    About 80 to 85 percent, according to the figures given by the DHS, of those children are, in fact, staying in the United States and staying with either family or foster homes, and they’re not staying in facilities because they’re not allowed to by law.  Are you trying to change this law itself?  Are you going to ask Congress to change this law that was passed in 2008?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, in terms of that specific legal request, I’d refer you DHS.  What we are trying to do is to confront a very specific problem, which is the large number of children that have appeared on the southwest border unaccompanied by any adults, who are vulnerable to human trafficking and other criminal elements, and making sure that their humanitarian needs are met.

Q    And can you do that legally?

MR. EARNEST:  Can we do -- can we meet their --

Q    Can you do these things?  You’re saying you want to send more of them back home, or you want to put them in detention centers so they’re not out and adopted by other families and in the fabric of American society.  Can you do that legally now, or do you have to change the law?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, it is my understanding that the greater authority that we’re seeking for the Secretary of Homeland Security would allow us to address this problem more directly; would put the administration in a posture where we can more quickly process the claims to do a better job of more efficiently determining who actually has a legitimate claim for remaining in this country and who doesn’t.

And if it’s determined -- and if and when it’s determined that they do not, that these -- again, that these children or these adults who have arrived on the southwest border with children could be returned quickly to their [country] and repatriated to the country when they came from.

I do want to make one thing clear -- and this is important for people to understand as well -- that as we’re enforcing the law, the priority for enforcement continues to be basic public safety and national security and border security.  Those are where our priorities lie.  In this case, we’re largely talking about children and a humanitarian situation that has the potential to only get worse.  And so that’s why it’s important that we follow the law in terms of meeting the basic humanitarian needs of these children, but also making it clear, as the President did in an interview last week with your network, that parents who may find themselves in an increasingly desperate situation in their home countries, despite that desperation should not be looking for an opportunity to put their children in the hands of a stranger, who is likely a criminal, to transport them safely to the United States.  That is not a good option and it is not one that any parent should pursue.


Q    Josh, to follow up on that, given that many of these children are fleeing violent situations and, as you said, vulnerable to begin with, is the President concerned at all that speeding up the process by which they are processed and removed could, in fact, be violating their due process rights and could send them back to a more dangerous situation?  And what is the administration planning to do about that?

MR. EARNEST:  We are committed to making sure that we’re following due process rights.  That’s why, in fact, we’re seeking to make sure that we have access to more judges, more ICE officials and more asylum officials who can make sure that these due process rights are being respected.

When it comes to repatriation, one of the things that we have done -- and this was part of the conversation that the Vice President had with the leaders of these Central American countries 10 days ago, and will be part of the conversations that the Secretary of State has with leaders of these countries this week -- will be about American resources that can be used to try to help stem the flow of these refugees at the source; that if there are things that we can do to improve security in some of these individual countries.  We have ongoing partnerships arrangements with law enforcement officials and, in some cases, military officials in these countries; what we want to do is work them closely to try to meet some of the needs of these communities to try to stem the flow of people from desperate situations.

Q    But for these children now, won’t it send them back to more danger?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, we’re closely coordinating with these countries to make sure that we have a way to repatriate these kids in a way that’s as safe as possible.  But again, this underscores the need for people in this country and in those Central American countries to understand that putting their child in the hands of a stranger who is promising to deliver them to the United States is not at all a wise decision.


Q    Josh, in addition to Hobby Lobby, there are maybe six or seven other high-profile setbacks for the President this term at the Supreme Court.  Can you describe how concerned and/or frustrated he is about the direction the Supreme Court is pushing the country and the law?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, that’s a pretty broad generalization, and I think I’d hesitate to wade too far down the line on that one.  I think I’ve been pretty clear about where our disagreement lies when it comes to this specific ruling and the problem that it creates for women who are employed by the countries [companies] as described by the Supreme Court in today’s ruling.  That disagreement notwithstanding, this administration will obviously abide by the rulings of the Supreme Court.

Q    For example, there has been a recess appointment ruling last week, campaign finance, the abortion buffer rule ruling.  It just seems that -- I’m wondering if the President is worried that the Supreme Court is pushing the kind of center point of judicial oversight in a more conservative direction as opposed to previous sessions.

MR. EARNEST:  I’d hesitate to make a broad assessment like that from this podium.

April, did you have a question?

Q    Yes, I did.  Thank you.

MR. EARNEST:  I saw your hand was raised earlier and it wasn’t now, and so I just wanted to -- it’s not a pop quiz, I just wanted to give you an opportunity to ask a question if you’d like.  (Laughter.)

Q    Thank you for being very attentive.  (Laughter.)  I wasn’t being funny.  Okay, I want to go to a question that was asked about the VA.  And it’s just simple:  Basically, leading into this process of naming the new -- well, we expect the naming of a new head of the VA, who has the President consulted with when he was working on this whole process?  Who was in his ear?  Who was in the White House’s ear?  Who was in Rob Nabors’s ear?  We need to know how this came to be.

MR. EARNEST:  I don’t have any specific conversations, April, but there was a commitment by this administration to reach out to all the stakeholders, or I should say to a wide range of stakeholders, to make sure that the criteria that was being used for deciding to nominate Mr. McDonald was inclusive of the qualities that will be required in new leadership over there.

So that sort of highlights the kinds of credentials that Mr. McDonald brings to this task.  He is somebody who served bravely in our military.  He graduated near the top of his class at West Point.  He served for five years in the 82nd Airborne Division in the United States Army, and has decades of experience running a large organization, a multinational company that’s headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.  And so he brings a wealth of experience and skills to this task, and determining that he is the best person for the job was based on the skills that he brings.  And the skills that are required is something that was discussed by senior members of the White House here as they conducted this search with a wide range of stakeholders.

Q    Well, as you know, this is an issue that has passions running the gamut, and there are some who are passionate who also had names that they wanted to present to the President.  They even had petitions on the White House website to include Montel Williams, who he is a television personality but he also worked in the military, he was in intelligence for 20-some odd years who he wanted to talk to people.  So if you could, could you give us the list of people -- if the President has talked to some -- who have I guess presented names to him or just talk -- because we’re hearing a lot of people out there are very passionate about this issue.

MR. EARNEST:  There is no question that there are a lot of people who are passionate about this issue.  I think there are millions of people across the country who are passionate about making sure that this country is living up to the promises that we’ve made to our men and women in uniform.  We welcome the active interest of so many people in making sure that we live up to that covenant.  And this will certainly be part of the task that Secretary -- or that Mr. McDonald will face when he gets that job, will be to find ways to help every American who is interested get invested in this idea that we want to make sure that we are caring for our men and women in uniform after they leave military service.


Q    ISIL, or ISIS, has declared, effectively, a state.  I’m sure the administration doesn’t recognize that, but I wanted to get its impression of the broader ambitions of ISIL to represent itself as representing not only territory but a way of life and an ideology.  And whether or not it’s recognized by the United State or anyone else in a de facto way territorially, there is something that has to be reckoned with here.  Is it the policy of this administration to eradicate this ambition and these people, and the territory they now say they control?  And is that part of not only the conversations you have internally, but externally -- getting to Jon-Christopher’s question about others participating -- in dealing with this particular asserted reality in the north central part of Iraq?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, let me answer that question in a couple of ways.  The first is that what we have seen from ISIL is a campaign of terror, of gross domestic -- I’m sorry, of gross acts of violence and repressive ideology that pose a grave threat to Iraq’s future.  ISIL is not, as it claims, fighting on behalf of Sunnis.  ISIL is not fighting for a stronger Iraq; ISIL is fighting to destroy Iraq.  And that’s why you’ve seen this administration work closely with Iraq’s political leaders to encourage them to unite the country as they confront this existential threat. 

In fact, ISIL’s name suggests that they desire to form a caliphate in the region.  But what we would like to do is to make sure that after more than a decade of sacrifice that was made by American military personnel and others who served in that region to give the Iraqi people the opportunity to determine their own future, to play a stake in deciding who should lead their country and what their country should look like.  And that’s why it’s so important for Iraq’s political leaders to pursue this inclusive governing agenda.  That’s what’s going to be required to defeat ISIL, it’s also what’s going to be required to make sure that every citizen in that country has a stake in that country’s future.

Q    On the issue of the unaccompanied minors, it’s a procedural question but it may loom large for the two things you’re trying to accomplish -- one, get money and, two, obtain these authorities.  Will you seek a sort of an emergency supplemental off the normal appropriations process when you come up with an amount of money, and within that try to obtain the legal authorities you’re seeking for the Department of Homeland Security?  Or are you going to work this through the abnormally normal appropriations process we’ve come to know?

MR. EARNEST:  There is an explicit supplemental appropriations request that will be coming from the administration in the next couple of weeks that will include a specific request for funds to accomplish some of the tasks that we’ve laid out.  It will also include a request for additional authorities being granted to the Secretary of Homeland Security so he can exercise greater discretion about how to more efficiently process these cases through the immigration system.

Q    So this will be something you hope to achieve within a very short order, I assume.

MR. EARNEST:  We certainly would like to see Congress act pretty quickly on this.  I would point out that members of both parties have expressed some concern about this situation.  Some have publicly wondered whether or not -- whether the administration has the resources necessary to deal with it.  So now that the administration is coming forward with a specific request for how we would like to deal with it and a specific request for the amount of money that’s required to deal with it, we hope that Congress will act.

Q    Which is not yet ready.

MR. EARNEST:  Which is not yet ready but will be in the next couple of weeks.  So when we do, we hope that Congress will act quickly.

Q    On the VA, to those who might wonder what someone who spent most of his professional career in merchandising -- selling soap and all sorts of other consumer products -- why that would make him particularly well positioned to deal with a fast, oftentimes dense, oftentimes unresponsive Veterans Administration -- those are not my words; those are the White House’s own words and those of congressional investigators and others -- why do those things match up?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, let me answer your question in two ways.  The first is, the success that he enjoyed at P&G is not irrelevant.  This is a company that has more than 120,000 employees.  They do business by selling products to more than 180 countries, and they have more than -- in more than 2.5 million stores that essentially reaches 5 billion customers.  So there are some unwieldy challenges in the context of the P&G bureaucracy that Mr. McDonald grappled with, and he did so with a lot of success.  That’s what allowed him to rise through the ranks through that company in a pretty dramatic way. 

I guess the other thing I would point you to are the statements of others who know him well, who seem to think that he is the right person for this job.  I would point out that even Speaker Boehner has said that Bob McDonald is a good man, a veteran and a strong leader with decades of experience in the private sector.  Senator Portman, his home-state Senator, a Republican from Ohio, pointed out that he was glad to see the President reach out to someone with a wealth of experience managing a complex organization who has also had a distinguished career, military career, as a West Point graduate and Army Ranger.  That’s why Senator Portman says that he intends to support Mr. McDonald’s nomination and will vote for him.  So there is already an indication that there are other members of Congress, including some Republicans, who share the President’s assessment that Mr. McDonald is the right man for the job.

Q    Will Rob Nabors remain at the Veterans Administration as the President’s point person through the confirmation process and thereafter?  Should we regard Rob’s presence over there as something that’s either going to be permanent or, at least for the foreseeable future, semi-permanent?

MR. EARNEST:  I don’t have a timeframe to share with you now.  It is not -- the decision to send Rob to go and try to assess the condition of the VA was not intended to be a permanent appointment.  You saw that Mr. Nabors’s report was presented to the President at the end of last week, where Mr. Nabors identified a pretty wide range of challenges that are facing the VA.  This is an unsparing report that singled out a lot of significant problems.  There were also a wide range of reforms that were proposed.

Q    I guess I’m wondering if the President wants him to stay there to help this new Secretary upon confirmation, should that happen, work that process through.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I do anticipate that, at least for the time being, Rob will remain at the VA as they continue to implement some of the reforms that have already been suggested by outside groups, including by the inspector general, and that Rob will play a role in helping Mr. McDonald, who hopefully will be confirmed rather quickly to help him get up to speed on some of these issues and to talk through with him what exactly the challenges are and what kinds of reforms might substantially address the problems that they’re facing.


Q    Josh, I couldn’t help but notice the President mentioned the World Cup today.  Do you know if he is planning to watch the Belgium game?  And if so, where?

MR. EARNEST:  I don’t know if he is going to have a chance to do that, but I will try to get that information in advance of kickoff tomorrow.


Q    On McDonald, he was, in fact, forced out by shareholders who felt he hadn’t done enough to grow the company.  So obviously the President is aware of that, and I ask again what makes him think that he can handle an agency with the challenges that Mr. Nabors found the VA to have.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, again, this is somebody who led a large multinational company.  And the challenges associated with managing a large company like that in the private sector is certainly comparable, at least, to managing the difficult bureaucratic challenges that are posed by a large government agency.

Q    You can fire people in the private sector that you cannot fire who are government workers.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, let me say a couple other things, which is that there are a couple of people who do have a good vantage point from which to judge Mr. McDonald’s success over at P&G, and those are people who served on his board. 

So let me read you a quote from Jim McNerney, who is the Chairman and CEO of the Boeing Company who served on the board at P&G when Mr. McDonald was the CEO of that company.  Mr. McNerney described Mr. McDonald as an “outstanding choice for this critically important position.”  He said the nominee’s “business acumen coupled with his dedication and love of our nation’s military and veteran community make him a truly great choice for the tough challenges we have at the VA.” 

So this is somebody who actually knows the business world well himself as he runs a large multinational company.  He also had an opportunity to watch Mr. McDonald up close as he managed a large bureaucracy.  And he believes that he is the right choice, in the same way that the President does, to lead the VA through the difficult challenges that they face right now.

Q    On another subject, Ahmed Abu Khatallah-- Congressman McCaul says the administration spent time building a case on Khatallah instead of arresting him as quickly as he was basically identified and located.  Is that a fair criticism?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, in terms of prosecuting Mr. Khatallah, I’d encourage you to check with the Department of Justice.  What the President said the day after the attack on the American diplomatic outpost in Benghazi was that he was determined to use the resources of the United States government to bring to justice those who were responsible for perpetrating that violence and taking the lives of four Americans who were representing our interests overseas.  You have seen in the successful mission to detain Abu Khatallah and bring him to justice here in the United States the President made good on that effort. 

Now, there are likely other people who are involved, and there continues to be work ongoing to bring additional people who were involved in that effort to justice.

Q    But it’s taken the better part of two years to bring Khatallah to justice. 

MR. EARNEST:  I think it’s a pretty good indication that the United States of America, and certainly this President doesn’t forget, and that this is something that we’re focused on and determined to bring to justice those who are responsible for taking the lives of four brave Americans.

Q    Follow up on a couple of things.  Let me start with the VA.  And when you have investigations that show you pretty dramatically what’s wrong you look, obviously, for someone who can answer those problems.  What was it about someone, obviously McDonald in particular, with private sector experience as opposed to government or military management experience that this choice was made?  Why private sector?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think in this case what the President was looking for was somebody that had significant management experience.  There’s an opportunity to get some good management experience in government service, but there also is ample opportunity to get that kind of experience and be exposed to dealing with large-scale bureaucratic challenges in the private sector as well.

Q    But as Wendell pointed out, there are some very major differences between the way the public and the private sector operate.

MR. EARNEST:  There are.  And the benefit of Mr. McDonald’s résumé is that he has both kinds of experience -- both in terms of his extensive private sector management experience, but also his experience serving in the military.  This is somebody who understands how the military operates, and he’s somebody who succeeded in the military.  He graduated near the top of his class at West Point, he served for five years in the 82nd Airborne Division in the United States Army, and he’s somebody who, even as he returned to the private sector, continued to be involved in military affairs.  He’s a lifetime member of the U.S. Army Ranger Association and the 75th Ranger Regiment Association.  He’s also a member of the Association of Graduates of West Point.

So this is somebody who despite -- or I guess alongside his significant private sector accomplishments is somebody who has remained engaged in supporting military families.  And that’s why -- it’s that combination of skills and experience and interests that make him the right person for the job.

Q    Let me ask you about the challenges at the border, because the President has stated, including in his letter to Congress, a message to parents in Central America -- don’t send your children here, it’s dangerous, we’re going to send them back.  Advocates for these children have suggested that the White House misunderstands that these parents have done an analysis and that they believe that the situation in leaving them there, and the threat that is posed by organized crime in those countries against their children, is a greater threat than sending them to the border.  Is it fair to say that the White House has misunderstood the motivations of those parents?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, we’ve been pretty clear about our desire to try to address some of the problems that are making people feel increasingly desperate.  There is ongoing work at the State Department and other relevant government agencies to work with these countries -- principally this is Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador -- to address the security situation in those countries.  That is contributing significantly to the desperation that many people are feeling, and it’s what makes them vulnerable to the misinformation that’s being spread by these criminal syndicates. 

So there is an effort to try to address this problem at its root.  And the other thing that we have seen is it’s not just immigration to this country that we’ve seen spike, there are other countries in Central America, those that are more stable, that have also experienced a spike in children and adults traveling with children seeking to immigrate to those countries. 

So this is a problem that is being felt throughout the region, and that is why we’re trying to work cooperatively with countries in the region to try to mitigate the vulnerability that so many of these people are feeling. 

Q    And can you answer a specific allegation that was made by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and I think has been echoed by some other advocacy organizations, that sending these children back is analogous to sending a child back into a burning building and locking the door?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, what this administration is doing is working closely with these host countries to also ensure that we can repatriate these children in the most humanitarian way possible. 

The reason that we are focused on this problem is because we are concerned about the humanitarian situation that’s been created.  We’re concerned about the wellbeing of these children.  And there is a way for us to balance two imperatives -- one is to enforce the law, but also demonstrate the kinds of humanitarian values that allow our country to stand out from so many others in the international scene.

So that’s what we’re -- that’s an effort that we’re engaged in.  It’s not an easy one, but that is why we are seeking to ramp up facilities that are available here in this country to detain and house these kids when they are first apprehended along the border.  It’s why we are increasing the resources that are dedicated to these immigration courts to make sure that these children and the adults that have traveled with children have access to basic legal protections; that the process that they go through is subject to the rule of law and due process.  And when it is determined that they do not have legal standing to remain in the country, we’re working with the host country to make sure that we can find a safe and humanitarian way to repatriate them.

So again, these are complicated problems, but this administration is doing exactly what you would expect as we try to balance the need to both enforce the law, but also to treat people with basic respect for their rights as fellow human beings. 


Q    Back to Iraq.  Doesn’t the influence -- the increasing involvement of powers like Russia and Iran, which are working elsewhere in the world to thwart U.S. foreign policy aspirations, make it less likely that Prime Minister Maliki will do what the U.S. wants and embrace an inclusive form of government?

MR. EARNEST:  Not necessarily.  And the reason that I think I’ve arrived at a different conclusion than the one that you’ve set up is simply that it is not in the interest of Iran for there to be this sectarian strife, instability, these grotesque acts of violence and terrorism being perpetrated on their borders; that it’s in the best interest of Iran for there to be a -- for them to have a stable neighbor. 

And the best way for Iraq to be stable and to confront the destabilizing threat that’s posed by ISIL is for the political leadership in Iraq to come together and unite the country in the face of that threat.  And by uniting the country and governing in an inclusive way, Iran can have the kind of stable neighbor on their border that they would like to have, that’s in the best interest of their country.

Q    And just to follow up on the announcement last week about support for Syrian rebels, who does the administration now see any rebels trained by the U.S. as fighting?  It is still to combat President Assad and overthrow him, or is now the main focus going after these ISIL forces inside Syria?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, what we would like to do and the way that we have described the goal of this assistance that’s being provided to the moderate opposition is to bolster their efforts to defeat the Assad regime.  And, again, the reason for that is that the Assad regime has lost its legitimacy to rule because it has perpetrated terrible acts of violence against the Syrian people.

So by bolstering the capability and the stature of the moderate elements of the Syrian opposition, we can have the effect of accomplishing both goals, which is enhancing their ability to defeat the Assad regime, or at least to withstand the terrible violence of the Assad regime, and make it more difficult for extremist elements to capitalize on the instability in that country.

So this is complicated work.  It’s why we’re working closely with our other partners in the region to try to accomplish it.  The President for some time has been concerned that the lawlessness and violence that we’ve seen in Syria does have a destabilizing, dangerous impact on the broader region, and that is what we’re seeing in Iraq right now.  And the way to address that, in our view, is to bolster the moderate opposition, provide them additional assistance, and hopefully get to a place where we can reach a diplomatic or a political solution that would result in Assad leaving power and finally bringing some stability to that country.


Q    Thank you.  About two, three, four weeks ago in Brussels at the G7, the President said Russia has two, three, four weeks to stop doing what it’s doing or the sanctions are going to go forward, the sectoral sanctions, whether they be a sledgehammer or a scalpel or whatever it is now -- the adjective that we’re using.  On Friday, you reiterated a June 30th deadline for Russia to do several things; it was four things:  turn over border checkpoints, initiate a ceasefire, release OSCE prisoners.  So here we are, it’s June 30th, it’s four weeks after the President laid down that marker.  Are sanctions ready to go forward against Russia because of Ukraine?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, Mike, what we want to see is a diplomatic and peaceful resolution to the crisis.  And so we support ongoing efforts such as President Poroshenko’s peace plan, the OSCE-facilitated negotiations, and the high-level talks among Germany, France, Ukraine, and Russia.  So there are ongoing discussions about how to finally deescalate the conflict in Ukraine and we’re supportive of those efforts.  We have always said, though, that if Russia doesn’t use the influence that they have in eastern Ukraine for a constructive purpose, that we’re prepared to act in concert with our allies to further isolate President Putin and Russia from the international community.

Q    So there’s no hard deadline?  Today is not a hard deadline, or the four weeks that the President enunciated at the G7 is not a hard deadline?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think what the President enunciated at the G7 was a desire for the member European Union countries, the EC countries, to come together at the meeting that they had at the end of last week to -- on their agenda for business during that meeting was to further discuss the situation in Ukraine and what action might be necessary among European countries to further press for de-escalation of that conflict. 

So we remain in close touch with world leaders who I’ve read out a number of phone calls that the President had with world leaders last week to talk about the situation.  And we remain prepared to act, if necessary, to further isolate Russia.  We’ve been very clear about what we’d like to see Russia do, which is to stop providing weapons and materiel to separatists, and to encourage those separatists to lay down the weapons that they do have and abide by the ceasefire agreement that’s floated by President Poroshenko.

Q    And no deadline?

MR. EARNEST:  Go ahead, Mike.

Q    Talks continue.  Is there a concern that Russia and Vladimir Putin are doing just enough to keep Europeans -- reluctant Europeans -- Europeans reluctant to go forward with sanctions satisfied or at least provide them with enough argument against the United States, who is pushing them in that direction?  In other words, Vladimir Putin is making all the right moves, but just enough of those moves to divide Western allies on the question of sanctions.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think the way that I would describe it is the way that I did last week, which is that we welcome some of the reassuring comments that have been made by President Putin.  There were also some important symbolic actions that were taken.  The Duma for example, as I recall, decided to pull back authorization to use military force in Ukraine by the Russian military.  Those were important steps.  But what we’re looking at, most importantly, are tangible actions taken by President Putin and Russia.  And we are still in a situation where those actions do not indicate a seriousness of purpose when it comes to deescalating the situation in eastern Ukraine, and that’s what continues to leave Russia at risk of facing additional steps that could further isolate them in the international community and have a negative impact on their economy.

Go ahead, Mara.

Q    You’re leaving the impression that the deadline, it’s kind of like the Syrian red line -- he didn’t really mean that they had to --

MR. EARNEST:  I obviously disagree with that assessment.

Q    Yes, I know, but I’m confused here because before he said they have a time period where they need to do these things.  You just said they haven’t really done them because you haven’t seen actions, you’ve only seen these symbolic moves, and that we’re just -- they’re still at risk of sanctions and we’re just talking about it, but there’s no deadline for when those sanctions would go into place?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think you’re mixing up a couple of different things here.  There’s one thing that we -- or there are two things that we have long asked the Russians to do, which is stop providing weapons and materiel to the separatists in eastern Ukraine, and to use -- and for Russia to use their influence in eastern Ukraine to encourage the separatists to abide by the ceasefire.  So those are two long-running things that we have asked them to do.

Q    That they haven’t done yet.

MR. EARNEST:  We have not seen to our satisfaction evidence that that’s something that they’re serious about pursuing.  And that's a source of some disappointment, and it is why Russia remains at risk of facing additional economic costs when it comes to the situation.

That's why there are regular conversations between this President and our allies in Europe about additional sanctions that could be in place.  But again, we’re watching the actions of the Russians, and we will make an assessment about whether additional sanctions are required based on the course that's pursued by President Putin.

Q    Well, what was the “two, to three, to four weeks” statement meant to mean?

MR. EARNEST:  It was meant to mean that there would be an additional conversation at this meeting of European allies in Europe last week to discuss, again, the way that the international community will confront President Putin in Russia and their destabilizing actions in Ukraine.

Q    But doesn't that put you at risk of looking completely toothless and threatening something that turns out not to be real?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I don't think --

Q    I mean, if you put timelines on --

MR. EARNEST:  I’m not standing up here making threats.  I think I’m merely observing what happens to be the current United States policy and the policy that's been adopted by many of our allies, which is that we have already put in place some economic costs that have been borne by Russia as a result of the actions that have already -- that they’ve already perpetrated in Ukraine.  And there are additional steps that we could take if Russia doesn't decide to take the kinds of concrete actions that are required to deescalate the conflict there.  That's simply our policy.  That's not a threat.  That is a statement of fact.

Q    There’s no -- it sounds like there’s always additional actions that we could take.  The President gave some sense of urgency that we -- that in a couple weeks if they didn't do certain things, we would take those actions.

MR. EARNEST:  I think, Mara, the point is if Russia were to follow through on preventing weapons and materiel from flowing to the separatists, and if Russia were to step forward and actually use their influence in eastern Ukraine to encourage those separatists to abide by the ceasefire, then we’d be in a situation where those additional costs are less likely.  

Q    Right, but even if they don't do these things, these costs aren’t necessarily likely.  Sanctions aren’t --

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I don’t know what your basis is for saying that.

Q    Based on the evidence so far.

Q    Yes, yes -- it sounds like you’re saying that they don't do the things you want them to do, there’s no guarantee they're going to be punished.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, again, I think that's different than what I’m saying.  What I’m saying is that if they continue to take the actions that we have urged them not to do, that they are at risk, that -- that's our policy.

So, Zeke, I’ll give you the last one.

Q    Thank you.  Got a couple for you.  First off, in the era of the pen and the phone, why is the President calling on Congress to act so quickly here instead of applying the same regulatory fix that was used for nonprofits here?  Clearly, when you said before that this decision jeopardizes the health of women, why the focus on Congress right away?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, because ultimately what the Supreme Court was ruling on was they were adjudicating a statute that was passed by the House, passed by the Senate and signed into law by the President, right?  So this is what was something -- this is something a little bit different than what we saw from previous Supreme Court decisions that were based solely on executive actions that were taken by the President. 

So the Supreme Court was ruling on the application of a specific law that was passed by Congress, so what we’d like is for Congress to take action to pass another law that would address this problem.

Now, I guess I’ll make clear that you are evincing some skepticism about Congress’s ability to act quickly to solve commonsense problems.

Q    Was I?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, maybe I’m evincing that disposition.  So what I’ll say is that as we assess the impact of this decision, we’ll consider whether or not there is a range of other options that may be available that don't require legislative action.

Q    As for a timeline on that review when the President -- has the President asked the Counsel’s Office to look at this -- before the midterms he’ll be looking at that?

MR. EARNEST:  I don't have a timeline to lay out.  I don't have a timeline to lay out.

Q    And also, finally, on a very different note, apparently a few minutes ago the Israeli government announced that they have discovered the bodies of the three missing Israeli teenagers, including one of them an American citizen.  I was wondering -- not to put you on the spot -- but if you have any -- if there are any discussions you can read out between the American government and the Israeli government or any quick reaction that you might have on the news.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, we obviously condemn in the strongest possible terms violence that takes the lives of innocent civilians.  But I don't want to react any further without having a chance to take a look at those reports myself.  And we’ll get you a reaction that reflects those reports later today.

Thanks, everybody. 

1:39 P.M. EDT

President Obama Speaks at Pride Month Celebration

June 30, 2014 | 14:56 | Public Domain

President Obama delivers remarks at a reception celebrating LGBT Pride Month in the East Room of the White House.

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President Obama Speaks on Immigration Reform

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In the Rose Garden this afternoon, President Obama reiterated his commitment to immigration reform and reproached House Republicans for their unwillingness to confront this important issue.

Speaking a year ago to the month when the Senate passed an immigration reform bill, the President outlined what Republican obstruction has meant over the past year:

  • We have fewer resources to strengthen our borders;
  • Businesses can still game the system by hiring undocumented workers -- which punishes businesses that are playing by the rules and hurting the wages of hard-working Americans;
  • The best and brightest that come to study in the United States are still forced to leave, heading overseas and subsequently competing against our workers; and
  • Eleven million immigrants are still living in the shadows, instead of having the opportunity to earn their citizenship.

What's more, "it's meant the heartbreak of separated families," the President stressed.

Meanwhile, the majority of Americans -- ranging from law enforcement to labor to faith communities -- continue to support immigration reform.

Related Topics: Immigration

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Presidential Proclamation -- 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act



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Few achievements have defined our national identity as distinctly or as powerfully as the passage of the Civil Rights Act. It transformed our understanding of justice, equality, and democracy and advanced our long journey toward a more perfect Union. It helped bring an end to the Jim Crow era, banning discrimination in public places; prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; and providing a long-awaited enforcement mechanism for the integration of schools. A half-century later, we celebrate this landmark achievement and renew our commitment to building a freer, fairer, greater society.

Through the lens of history, the progress of the past five decades may seem inevitable. We may wish to remember our triumphs while erasing the pain and doubt that came before. Yet to do so would be a disservice to the giants who led us to the mountaintop, to unsung heroes who left footprints on our National Mall, to every American who bled and died on the battlefield of justice. In the face of bigotry, fear, and unyielding opposition from entrenched interests, their courage stirred our Nation's conscience. And their struggle helped convince a Texas Democrat who had previously voted against civil rights legislation to become its new champion. With skillful charm and ceaseless grit, President Lyndon B. Johnson shepherded the Civil Rights Act through the Congress -- and on July 2, 1964, he signed it into law.

While laws alone cannot right every wrong, they possess an unmatched power to anchor lasting change. The Civil Rights Act threw open the door for legislation that strengthened voting rights and established fair housing standards for all Americans. Fifty years later, we know our country works best when we accept our obligations to one another, embrace the belief that our destiny is shared, and draw strength from the bonds that hold together the most diverse Nation on Earth.

As we reflect on the Civil Rights Act and the burst of progress that followed, we also acknowledge that our journey is not complete. Today, let us resolve to restore the promise of opportunity, defend our fellow Americans' sacred right to vote, seek equality in our schools and workplaces, and fight injustice wherever it exists. Let us remember that victory never comes easily, but with iron wills and common purpose, those who love their country can change it.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 2, 2014, as the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. I call upon all Americans to observe this day with programs, ceremonies, and activities that celebrate this accomplishment and advance civil rights in our time.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-eighth.



The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President at Nomination of Robert McDonald as Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.

4:34 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Please be seated.  Let me start by thanking Acting Secretary Gibson for welcoming us here today.  I am pleased to be joined by our Vice President, Joe Biden, from leaders across this department, and our many partners, particularly representatives from our incredible veterans and military family service organizations.

I want to begin by making a basic point:  Those of you who serve here at the VA do absolutely vital work every single day for our veterans and their families.  I know how deeply you care about our veterans.  Many of you are veterans yourselves -- veterans serving veterans.  You help them transition to civilian life, go to college, buy their first home, start a new business.  You have some of the best doctors and nurses in the country and provide some of the best specialized health care.  At our national cemeteries, you lay our veterans to rest with dignity and compassion.  I know that millions of veterans are profoundly grateful for the good work that you do.  And I am grateful, as well.

But we're here today because of problems that have outraged us all.  That includes the inexcusable conduct that we've seen at too many VA health care facilities.  So I’m here for two reasons -- to update you and the American people on how we’re fixing these problems, and to announce my choice for the next Secretary of Veterans Affairs to help move us forward. 

The first thing everyone should know is that those responsible for manipulating or falsifying records at the VA -- and those who tolerated it -- are being held accountable.  Some officials have already been relieved of their duties.  Investigations are continuing.  And as I’ve said, where we find misconduct, it will be punished.  And I’ve made it clear that I expect the VA’s full cooperation with all the ongoing investigations into wrongdoing.

Second, we’ve reached out to 135,000 veterans so far to get them off those wait lists and into clinics.  We’ve added more staff, sent mobile medical units, and we’re making it easier for veterans to use hospitals and clinics outside the VA.  And we’re going to keep at it until every one of our veterans is off a wait list and they receive the care that they have earned.

Third, we’re moving ahead with urgent reforms at the Veterans Health Administration.  That 14-day scheduling goal has been removed from employee evaluations so there is absolutely no incentive to engage in inappropriate behavior.  Providing the highest quality care when our veterans need it -- that’s your incentive.  There will be new measures of patient satisfaction from the veteran’s perspective.  And today’s outdated VA scheduling system is going to be overhauled with the latest technology.  

More broadly, the review that Rob Nabors conducted of the VHA found -- and I’m quoting -- “significant and chronic systemic failures,” including too little responsiveness, transparency and accountability.  And that is totally unacceptable.  It recommends that the VHA be “restructured and reformed” with stronger management, leadership and oversight, as well as more doctors and staff.  And I totally agree, and we’re going to make that happen. 

I’ve asked Rob to remain at the VA for now to help move these reforms forward.  Hiring of new VWA [sic] leaders has been frozen -- VHA leaders has been frozen to make sure the new team we’re putting in place is the right one.  And based on the recommendations of our panel of experts, I will be nominating the next leader of the VHA.  I want to get the best leader on the job and get going on these reforms.  And we’re going to work with Congress to make sure that the VHA has more of the doctors and resources it needs to deliver the care that our veterans deserve.

Fourth, we’re instituting a new culture of accountability.  The very idea that senior VHA executives would receive bonuses this year rightly appalled many Americans.  And those bonuses have already been cancelled.  A review is now underway to make sure that when employees speak up about a problem, action is taken -— not to intimidate or retaliate against the employee, but actually to fix the problem.  Everyone is going to be held accountable for doing better.  And Congress can help by giving the Secretary more authority to remove senior leaders.

Finally, we’re rebuilding our leadership team here at the VA.  I want to thank Sloan and others here who have stepped up to serve in new roles during this critical time.

And I have to say, Sloan, you have been an outstanding driving force behind the reforms that are now underway.  We’ll be relying on your steady hand during this period of transition and through your continued service as Deputy Secretary.  And I know all of you will have an outstanding partner and Secretary in my choice to lead the VA going forward -— one of our nation’s most accomplished business leaders and managers, Robert McDonald. 

Now, I’ve gotten to know Bob a bit over the years.  He’s come to the White House to share his perspectives as we’ve worked through complicated issues.  He’s no-nonsense.  He’s pragmatic.  He does not seek the limelight.  He repeats a Japanese saying -— he worked and lived in Japan for six years while at Procter & Gamble.  The saying goes:  “He who climbs Mount Fuji is a wise man; he who climbs it twice is a fool.”  (Laughter.)  Now, Bob actually climbed Mount Fuji -— once.  (Laughter.)  Bob is a wise man.  (Laughter.)  And if you need any more evidence that he’s wise, you need to meet Diane and his family who are here today, because they are a wonderful family, and obviously they’ve served along with him in the past. 

For Bob and his family, the mission of caring for our veterans is deeply personal.  His father served in the Army Air Corps after World War II.  Diane’s father was a POW.  Her uncle was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam and still receives treatment from the VA.  So this is not an abstract mission for them.

Bob is a veteran himself.  He graduated from West Point, where he and Sloan were classmates, so this is a bit of a reunion.  Bob served as an Army Ranger in the 82nd Airborne Division.  Back home in Cincinnati, he and Diane have teamed up with the USO to honor our veterans.  

But what especially makes Bob the right choice to lead the VA now is his three decades of experience in building and managing one of the world’s most recognized companies, Procter & Gamble.  The VA is not a business, but it is one of our largest departments -— some 340,000 employees working in more than 1,700 facilities, serving nearly 9 million veterans.  And the workload at the VHA alone is enormous -— some 85 million appointments a year and some 25 million consultations.  

As CEO of Procter & Gamble, Bob oversaw more than 120,000 employees, with operations around the world, selling products in more than 180 countries, in more than 2 million stores, reaching some 5 billion customers.  In other words, he knows the key to any successful enterprise is staying focused on the people you’re trying to serve.  He’s renowned for his operational excellence.  He started his career out in the field and worked his way up, serving at virtually every level of Procter & Gamble.  He understands that grand plans are not enough.  What matters is the operations that you put in place and getting the job done.

Bob is an expert at making organizations better.  In his career he’s taken over struggling business units.  He knows how to roll up his sleeves and gets to work -— putting an end to what doesn’t work; adopting the best practices that do; restructuring, introducing innovations, making operations more efficient and effective.  In short, he’s about delivering better results.

He also knows the importance of building what he calls a “high-performance team” -— putting the right people in the right jobs, rewarding them when they do well, and holding them accountable when they do not.

And, finally, Bob is known for his integrity.  He’s still guided by that cadet prayer from West Point:  “Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.”  He served our country in uniform.  He’s now prepared to answer the call once more.

So let me state the obvious -- this is not going to be an easy assignment.  Bob knows that.  But like any Army Airborne Ranger, Bob has a reputation for being ready, jumping into tough situations, taking charge, and going “all the way.”  So Bob, on behalf of all of us -- to you, to Diane and your family, thank you for your readiness to serve again.

My bottom line is this:  We’ve got to change the way VA does business.  Over the past five years, this agency has done some excellent work in dealing with a whole range of real difficult challenges.  And I don't want people to forget that.  We have had a huge influx of returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.  We have had -- I think had to manage what was a good decision to make sure that folks who previously had difficulty accessing VA services were finally admitted, whether it was because they had PTSD, or folks with cases previously of Agent Orange, all of which meant more people coming into the system.  We have had to get up and running, and it’s now -- we’re doing quite effectively work in terms of the Post-9/11 GI Bill to make sure that our young people are able to get the training they need after they leave our military.

So across the board, there’s been some terrific work, but there’s a lot more that has to be done.  We’ve got to fix some things that are broken.  And Sloan has started that process, but we’re going to have to keep in driving until we get it done.

We’ve got to regain the trust of our veterans with a VA that is more effective, more efficient, and that truly puts veterans first.  Bob is the manager we need to help get this done.  So I urge the Senate to confirm him as soon as possible.

I also urge the Senate to finally confirm my nominee for CFO, Helen Tierney; my nominee for Assistant Secretary for Policy, Linda Schwartz; my nominee to lead the Board of Veterans’ Appeals, Constance Tobias.  They have all been waiting and waiting and waiting for a vote -- in Constance’s case, for more than a year.  We need them on the job now, and Congress needs to act and help us do right by our veterans.

And we’ve got to do right by veterans like Corporal Kyle Carpenter.  Some of you may have seen the story of Kyle.  I recently had the privilege of presenting Kyle with the Medal of Honor for his actions in Afghanistan where he used his body to shield his best friend from a grenade blast.  Kyle spent two and half years in the hospital.  He endured nearly 40 surgeries to rebuild his body and his face, and he’s gone through excruciating rehab.  And to see him standing in the White House, strong and proud, receiving his Medal of Honor, was something I will never forget.  It was an inspiration. 

Today, Kyle is medically retired, so part of his journey of recovery has involved the VA.  On the one hand, he’s now in college and with the help of his VA educational benefits.  And it’s an example of the good work that the VA has done.  On the other hand, his experience with VA health care has often been frustrating.  He said it was okay that I share this with you today, so I just want to use Kyle as an example.  He is an American hero -- by any definition.  Sometimes we use that word too loosely.  This guy is a hero and deserves everything we can do.

But like other veterans, Kyle sometimes had trouble just making an appointment, or had to wait a month to see his doctor, only to be referred to another doctor and wait another two months for that appointment.  He often felt like a number, he said, being passed between doctors, who sometimes didn’t know his situation or why he needed a certain medication.  He’s relied on the help of a patient advocate.  But at so many steps along the way, it’s just been a lot harder than it should have been.  As his advocate said, it “shouldn’t be this way.” 

So the VA does many things well -- like delivering Kyle’s educational benefits.  And we need all of you to keep doing that important work, like reducing the disability claims backlog, and improving care for post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury, building on the good work that’s already been done in reducing homelessness among our veterans, helping veterans get their education under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, and helping find new civilian jobs so they can enjoy the American Dream they help to defend.  And it’s a good time to mention the great work that the VA has done with Jill Biden and Michelle in partnering with the private sector so that that transition from military to civilian life is a lot easier for our veterans.

But when it comes to delivering timely, quality health care, we have to do better.  We have to do better for Kyle.  We have to do better for all our wounded warriors.  We have to do better for all our veterans, from all our wars.  They’re looking for us to fulfill Lincoln’s pledge -- to care for those who have borne the battle and for their families and survivors.  I’m confident we can do that.  And so long as I am President, we’re going to keep doing everything in our power to uphold what is a sacred obligation.   

With that, I want to invite Bob to say a few words.  Thank you so much, Bob, for taking on this assignment.  (Applause.) 

MR. MCDONALD:  Thank you, Mr. President.  Mr. President, thank you for your confidence in me that this nomination demonstrates.  It would indeed be an honor and a privilege, if confirmed by the Senate, to serve as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to improve the lives of our country’s veterans and to help change the way the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs does business.

Mr. President, in your remarks just now, you’ve made it clear what you expect -- a VA that is more effective, more efficient, and that truly puts our veterans first.  If confirmed by the Senate, my priority would be to lead that transformation.

My life’s purpose has been to improve the lives of others.  I went to West Point to be an officer in the Army to try to help free people who were living in non-free societies.  I became an Airborne Ranger Infantry Officer in the 82nd Airborne Division because I wanted to be on the front line in leading that change.  I joined the Procter & Gamble Company 34 years ago because of its purpose, which is to improve the lives of the world’s consumers.

Mr. President, thank you for mentioning my father, Diane’s father and uncle.  Yes, for our family, taking care of our veterans is very personal.  We need to put care for the veteran at the center of everything that we do at Veterans Affairs.  At Procter & Gamble, we always focus on our customer.  At the VA, the veteran is our customer, and we must all focus -- all day, every day -- on getting them the benefits and the care that they’ve so earned.  That’s the only reason we’re here.  I look forward to working with the dedicated men and women of the Veterans Affairs to accomplish this mission. 

I’d like to thank my family for supporting me throughout my life, but especially during this next chapter.  My wife, Diane; my daughter, Jenny; my son-in-law, Scott; and my son, Rob are all here today.  My parents and Diane’s mother could not attend today, but thank you for your love and support.

Thank you again, Mr. President.  I look forward to working with you to transform Veterans Affairs to better serve our country’s veterans. 

Thank you.  (Applause.)

4:51 P.M. EDT

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Letter from the President -- War Powers Resolution Letter regarding Iraq


June 30, 2014

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)

As I previously reported on June 16, 2014, U.S. Armed Forces personnel have deployed to Iraq to provide support and security for U.S. personnel and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. In light of the security situation in Baghdad, I have ordered up to approximately 200 additional U.S. Armed Forces personnel to

Iraq to reinforce security at the U.S. Embassy, its support facilities, and the Baghdad International Airport. This force consists of additional security forces, rotary-wing aircraft, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support.

This force is deploying for the purpose of protecting U.S. citizens and property, if necessary, and is equipped for combat. This force will remain in Iraq until the security situation becomes such that it is no longer needed.

This action has been directed consistent with my responsibility to protect U.S. citizens both at home and abroad, and in furtherance of U.S. national security and foreign policy interests, pursuant to my constitutional authority to conduct U.S. foreign relations and as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive.

I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148). I appreciate the support of the Congress in these actions.



The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President on Border Security and Immigration Reform

Rose Garden

3:04 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  One year ago this month, senators of both parties –- with support from the business, labor, law enforcement, faith communities –- came together to pass a commonsense immigration bill. 

Independent experts said that bill would strengthen our borders, grow our economy, shrink our deficits.  As we speak, there are enough Republicans and Democrats in the House to pass an immigration bill today.  I would sign it into law today, and Washington would solve a problem in a bipartisan way.

But for more than a year, Republicans in the House of Representatives have refused to allow an up-or-down vote on that Senate bill or any legislation to fix our broken immigration system.  And I held off on pressuring them for a long time to give Speaker Boehner the space he needed to get his fellow Republicans on board. 

Meanwhile, here’s what a year of obstruction has meant.  It has meant fewer resources to strengthen our borders.  It’s meant more businesses free to game the system by hiring undocumented workers, which punishes businesses that play by the rules, and drives down wages for hardworking Americans.  It’s meant lost talent when the best and brightest from around the world come to study here but are forced to leave and then compete against our businesses and our workers.  It’s meant no chance for 11 million immigrants to come out of the shadows and earn their citizenship if they pay a penalty and pass a background check, pay their fair share of taxes, learn English, and go to the back of the line.  It’s meant the heartbreak of separated families. 

That’s what this obstruction has meant over the past year.  That’s what the Senate bill would fix if the House allowed it to go to a vote.

Our country and our economy would be stronger today if House Republicans had allowed a simple yes-or-no vote on this bill or, for that matter, any bill.  They’d be following the will of the majority of the American people who support reform.  Instead, they’ve proven again and again that they’re unwilling to stand up to the tea party in order to do what’s best for the country.  And the worst part about it is a bunch of them know better.

We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the border that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all.  In recent weeks, we’ve seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other countries by smugglers and traffickers. 

The journey is unbelievably dangerous for these kids.  The children who are fortunate enough to survive it will be taken care of while they go through the legal process, but in most cases that process will lead to them being sent back home.  I’ve sent a clear message to parents in these countries not to put their kids through this.  I recently sent Vice President Biden to meet with Central American leaders and find ways to address the root causes of this crisis.  Secretary Kerry will also be meeting with those leaders again tomorrow.  With our international partners, we’re taking new steps to go after the dangerous smugglers who are putting thousands of children’s lives at risk.

Today, I sent a letter to congressional leaders asking that they work with me to address the urgent humanitarian challenge on the border, and support the immigration and Border Patrol agents who already apprehend and deport hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants every year.  And understand, by the way, for the most part, this is not a situation where these children are slipping through.  They’re being apprehended.  But the problem is, is that our system is so broken, so unclear that folks don’t know what the rules are.

Now, understand –- there are a number of Republicans who have been willing to work with us to pass real, commonsense immigration reform, and I want to thank them for their efforts.  There are a number of Republican leaders in the Senate who did excellent work and deserve our thanks.  And less visibly, there have been folks in the House who have been trying to work to get this done.  And quietly, because it doesn’t always help me to praise them, I’ve expressed to them how much I appreciate the efforts that they’ve made.

I believe Speaker Boehner when he says he wants to pass an immigration bill.  I think he genuinely wants to get something done.  But last week, he informed me that Republicans will continue to block a vote on immigration reform at least for the remainder of this year.  Some in the House Republican Caucus are using the situation with unaccompanied children as their newest excuse to do nothing.  Now, I want everybody to think about that.  Their argument seems to be that because the system is broken, we shouldn’t make an effort to fix it.  It makes no sense.  It’s not on the level.  It’s just politics, plain and simple. 

Now, there are others in the Republican Caucus in the House who are arguing that they can’t act because they’re mad at me about using my executive authority too broadly.  This also makes no sense.  I don’t prefer taking administrative action.  I’d rather see permanent fixes to the issue we face.  Certainly that’s true on immigration.  I’ve made that clear multiple times.  I would love nothing more than bipartisan legislation to pass the House, the Senate, land on my desk so I can sign it.  That’s true about immigration, that’s true about the minimum wage, it’s true about equal pay.  There are a whole bunch of things where I would greatly prefer Congress actually do something.  I take executive action only when we have a serious problem, a serious issue, and Congress chooses to do nothing.  And in this situation, the failure of House Republicans to pass a darn bill is bad for our security, it’s bad for our economy, and it’s bad for our future. 

So while I will continue to push House Republicans to drop the excuses and act –- and I hope their constituents will too -– America cannot wait forever for them to act.  And that’s why, today, I’m beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own, without Congress.  As a first step, I’m directing the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General to move available and appropriate resources from our interior to the border.  Protecting public safety and deporting dangerous criminals has been and will remain the top priority, but we are going to refocus our efforts where we can to make sure we do what it takes to keep our border secure. 

I have also directed Secretary Johnson and Attorney General Holder to identify additional actions my administration can take on our own, within my existing legal authorities, to do what Congress refuses to do and fix as much of our immigration system as we can.  If Congress will not do their job, at least we can do ours.  I expect their recommendations before the end of summer and I intend to adopt those recommendations without further delay. 

Of course, even with aggressive steps on my part, administrative action alone will not adequately address the problem.  The reforms that will do the most to strengthen our businesses, our workers, and our entire economy will still require an act of Congress.  And I repeat:  These are reforms that already enjoy the wide support of the American people.  It’s very rare where you get labor, business, evangelicals, law enforcement all agreeing on what needs to be done.  And at some point, that should be enough.  Normally, that is enough.  The point of public service is to solve public problems.  And those of us who have the privilege to serve have a responsibility to do everything in our power to keep Americans safe and to keep the doors of opportunity open. 

And if we do, then one year from now, not only would our economy and our security be stronger, but maybe the best and the brightest from around the world who come study here would stay and create jobs here.  Maybe companies that play by the rules will no longer be undercut by companies that don’t.  Maybe more families who’ve been living here for years, whose children are often U.S. citizens, who are our neighbors and our friends, whose children are our kids’ friends and go to school with them, and play on ball teams with them, maybe those families would get to stay together.  But much of this only happens if Americans continue to push Congress to get this done.

So I’ve told Speaker Boehner that even as I take those steps that I can within my existing legal authorities to make the immigration system work better, I’m going to continue to reach out to House Republicans in the hope that they deliver a more permanent solution with a comprehensive bill.  Maybe it will be after the midterms, when they’re less worried about politics.  Maybe it will be next year.  Whenever it is, they will find me a willing partner.  I have been consistent in saying that I am prepared to work with them even on a bill that I don't consider perfect.  And the Senate bill was a good example of the capacity to compromise and get this done.  The only thing I can’t do is stand by and do nothing while waiting for them to get their act together. 

And I want to repeat what I said earlier.  If House Republicans are really concerned about me taking too many executive actions, the best solution to that is passing bills.  Pass a bill; solve a problem.  Don't just say no on something that everybody agrees needs to be done.  Because if we pass a bill, that will supplant whatever I’ve done administratively.  We’ll have a structure there that works, and it will be permanent.  And people can make plans and businesses can make plans based on the law.  And there will be clarity both here inside this country and outside it.

Let me just close by saying Friday is the Fourth of July.  It’s the day we celebrate our independence and all the things that make this country so great.  And each year, Michelle and I host a few hundred servicemembers and wounded warriors and their families right here on the lawn for a barbecue and fireworks on the Mall.

And some of the servicemembers coming this year are unique because they signed up to serve, to sacrifice, potentially to give their lives for the security of this country even though they weren’t yet Americans.  That's how much they love this country.  They were prepared to fight and die for an America they did not yet fully belong to.  I think they’ve earned their stripes in more ways than one.  And that’s why on Friday morning we’re going to naturalize them in a ceremony right here at the White House.  This Independence Day will be their first day as American citizens. 

One of the things we celebrate on Friday –- one of the things that make this country great –- is that we are a nation of immigrants.  Our people come from every corner of the globe.  That's what makes us special.  That's what makes us unique.  And throughout our history, we’ve come here in wave after wave from everywhere understanding that there was something about this place where the whole was greater than the sum of its parts; that all the different cultures and ideas and energy would come together and create something new.

We won this country’s freedom together.  We built this country together.  We defended this country together.  It makes us special.  It makes us strong.  It makes us Americans.  That’s worth celebrating.  And that's what I want not just House Republicans but all of us as Americans to remember.

Thanks very much.

3:21 P.M. EDT

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement by the President on the Deaths of Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrach, and Gilad Shaar

On behalf of the American people I extend my deepest and heartfelt condolences to the families of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar, and Naftali Fraenkel – who held Israeli and American citizenship. As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing.  The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth.  From the outset, I have offered our full support to Israel and the Palestinian Authority to find the perpetrators of this crime and bring them to justice, and I encourage Israel and the Palestinian Authority to continue working together in that effort.  I also urge all parties to refrain from steps that could further destabilize the situation.  As the Israeli people deal with this tragedy, they have the full support and friendship of the United States.

President Obama Nominates Robert McDonald as New VA Secretary

June 30, 2014 | 18:02 | Public Domain

President Obama delivers remarks at the nomination of Robert McDonald as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

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