The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement by the President on the Departure of Heather Zichal

For more than five years, I have been fortunate to have Heather Zichal as a trusted advisor.  She crafted my energy and climate change agenda in the 2008 campaign, then again on my Presidential transition, and as my top energy and climate advisor at the White House, she has been a strong and steady voice for policies that reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil, protect public health and our environment, and combat the threat of global climate change. Heather has overseen some of our biggest achievements in energy and climate change, including establishing historic new fuel economy standards that save consumers money, reducing mercury pollution from power plants to keep our kids safe, supporting the growth of homegrown clean energy that creates good new jobs, and enacting my Climate Action Plan that will help us leave a safer planet for our children. Above all, Heather’s efforts have proven that strengthening America’s energy security does not have to be a choice between economic growth or good environmental stewardship – it can mean both. I am grateful for Heather’s service, and I wish her the best in her next endeavors.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

FACT SHEET: Modernizing and Investing in America’s Ports and Infrastructure

On November 8th, President Obama will speak from the Port of New Orleans, one of the nation’s largest ports, where he will reiterate his call to invest in rebuilding America’s infrastructure, including strategic ports along the Mississippi River such as the Port of New Orleans, which support U.S. commerce and trade.

Despite making significant progress under the President’s leadership, there is still much more work to be done across the country to improve our nation’s infrastructure. That’s why the President continues to call for greater investments. Rebuilding our roads, bridges and ports will not only put Americans back to work, but also help to expand trade, keep American businesses competitive and create even more jobs here at home.


  • Ports like the one in New Orleans and around the Mississippi River Valley play a central role in the American economy by facilitating global trade and exports. The Port of New Orleans not only creates hundreds of thousands of jobs in the region but helps to drive American competiveness across the country.


  • That’s why the Obama Administration has invested significant resources into New Orleans, including funds to upgrade port facilities, to provide more efficient loading and storage, and to help make the transport of goods at the Port safer, cheaper and more sustainable.


  • The President’s support for the Port of New Orleans has helped grow the region’s exports significantly; since 2009, exports moving through the New Orleans region have increased 140%, including a 20% increase in the last year alone.


  • But more remains to be done, and the President has proposed increasing investments in infrastructure and continuing to promote a broad trade agenda. These proposals would ensure that the Port of New Orleans and other ports like it continue to grow.


President Obama Understands that America’s Ports Are Key to Our Competitiveness 

  • Ports like the one in New Orleans play a central role in the American economy in part by facilitating global trade and exports. Nearly 80 percent of the volume of international trade passes through our nation’s ports, which support more than 13 million jobs nationwide.  

  • In fact, the Port of New Orleans and sister ports around the Mississippi River Valley are among the largest and more strategically important ports in the U.S. The port system in New Orleans, South Louisiana, and along the Mississippi River represent the largest bulk cargo port area in the Western Hemisphere, and one of the largest port systems by volume of trade in the world. The U.S. Maritime Administration estimates the value of foreign trade through its New Orleans District, which includes the Mississippi River Valley ports, at $85 billion to $154 billion annually. In 2012, total tonnage along the Lower Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico was 128.6 million tons, up 10 percent compared to 2011. And, about 60 percent of U.S. grain exports are shipped through the Mississippi River. 

The Obama Administration Has Made Significant Investments in America’s Infrastructure – Including the Port of New Orleans and Other Key Ports in the U.S.

  • Since the President took office, America has begun the hard work of rebuilding our infrastructure, including key investments in our nation’s ports and waterways. Since President Obama took office, American workers have improved over 350,000 miles of U.S. roads and repaired or replaced over 20,000 bridges. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was the most significant transportation public works program since the New Deal, providing $48 billion to more than 15,000 projects across the country. 

  • The President also launched a government-wide initiative to improve the efficiency of Federal review and permitting of infrastructure projects through an Executive Order (EO) in March 2012 [EU3], which has added more transparency, accountability, and certainty into the review and permitting process. Since signing this EO, agencies have expedited the review and permitting of 51 major projects, including bridges, transit projects, railways, ports and waterways, roads, and renewable energy projects. Through the implementation of the President’s Executive Order, Federal agencies have also identified and institutionalized a set of best practices for efficient review and permitting, which range from expanding information technology (IT) tools to strategies for improving collaboration, such as having multiple agencies review a project at the same time, instead of consecutively. 

  • The President also established a Task Force on Ports in 2012 to develop a Federal strategy for future port and related infrastructure investments to make sure that ports like the Port of New Orleans get the attention that they need. 

  • Later this month, the Vice President will lead a delegation of U.S. officials on a tour of the Panama Canal expansion project, highlighting the global economic implications of investing in transportation infrastructure here at home. Leading up to the trip, the Vice President visited ports in Baltimore, MD; Savannah, GA; and Charleston, SC; as well as a major rail terminal near Toledo, OH, that connects East Coast ports with manufacturing facilities throughout the Midwest.  

  • The President has committed significant resources to maintaining and upgrading the facilities around the Port of New Orleans. 

  • Providing $26 million in TIGER grants to support the Port of New Orleans: In 2011, the Department of Transportation provided the Port of New Orleans with a $16 million TIGER grant to help support a larger $26 million project to rebuild a rail yard at the Louisiana Avenue terminal. This project will realign the tracks to provide for more efficient loading, unloading, and storage, making the transport of goods – including ultra-heavy project cargoes – safer, cheaper, and more sustainable. 

  • Providing more than $230 million of resources to the Mississippi River Valley to support flood and drought related dredging: As part of the Administration’s efforts to help the Mississippi River valley recover from recent flooding and droughts that can impede travel throughout the region, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers has provided more than $150 million on flood-related dredging and more than $80 million for drought-related dredging and rock blasting throughout the Mississippi River valley since 2011.   

The President’s Investments in the Port of New Orleans Have Helped Grow Exports from the Region and Supported His National Export Initiative

  • The Obama administration’s investments in the Port of New Orleans have helped New Orleans expand its export base significantly, supporting the region’s workforce and helping businesses up and down the Mississippi River Valley. Last year, more than 62 million tons of goods – like corn, wheat and coal – moved through the Port of New Orleans. Since 2009, exports moving through the New Orleans region have increased 140%, including a 20% increase in the last year alone. This makes New Orleans one of the fastest growing metro regions for exports in the country. And, because of these investments to more efficiently move cargo, New Orleans is now more able to take advantage of major opportunities like the expansion of the Panama Canal, scheduled to be completed in 2015. 

  • The strength of the export market in the Port of New Orleans has played a role in supporting the President’s broader export initiatives. President Obama believes that exports are central to our national economy and has made increasing exports a major focus for his administration. Through his National Export Initiative, President Obama has pushed to develop new trade agreements and encouraged overseas firms to buy American products. These efforts have helped grow exports across the country. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. exports have grown over 50% since President Obama took office.  Last year, every $1 billion in exports supported nearly 5,000 jobs in the United States – including jobs at the Port of New Orleans. 

The President’s Has a Plan to Make America a Magnet for Jobs and Production by Rebuilding Our Infrastructure

  • Despite progress made, there is still much more to be done across the country to improve our nation’s infrastructure and support commerce and trade

  • By most measures, the United States is still investing less in infrastructure than other nations. We spend approximately 2 percent of GDP on infrastructure, a 50 percent decline from 1960 and far less than countries like China. It is no coincidence that U.S. ports like New Orleans are facing new challenges and increased competition from our neighbors. 

  • Ports, like other parts of the national infrastructure system, need greater attention and investments. Last year, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure gave ports a C rating. Our ports are not keeping up with the growing volume of imports and exports nor with the kinds and sizes of ships that carry global trade. 

  • The President has already laid out a robust plan to put Americans back to work rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure: The President has proposed greater investments in the nation’s infrastructure, including immediate investments with a “Fix-it-First” focus. 

  • The President's plan would invest $50 billion immediately in our nation's infrastructure, with an emphasis on reducing the backlog of deferred maintenance. 

  • The President has also proposed a "Rebuild America Partnership" to leverage private sector investment. Combined with his plan for immediate investments, President Obama has called for new efforts to leverage private funds to rebuild our infrastructure. The President has proposed a National Infrastructure Bank, expanding the successful TIFIA program and changes to tax rules to encourage greater private investment. The President's new America Fast Forward (AFF) bonds program would build upon and expand a successful program created in the Recovery Act to attract private capital for infrastructure investments. 

The President has also worked to attract more foreign direct investment into the United States. This month, for example, the President hosted the SelectUSA Summit, bringing together leaders from around the world to demonstrate the benefits of investing in American companies and American infrastructure.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Readout of the President’s call with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

President Obama called Prime Minister Netanyahu today to discuss Iran and our ongoing efforts to advance a peaceful resolution of the international community’s concerns over Iran's nuclear program.  The President provided the Prime Minister with an update on negotiations in Geneva and underscored his strong commitment to preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, which is the aim of the ongoing negotiations between the P5+1 and Iran.  The President and Prime Minister agreed to continue to stay in touch on this issue.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 11/07/2013

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

1:06 P.M. EST

MR. CARNEY:  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for being here.  I have no announcements to make at the top of this briefing, so we can get right to your questions.


Q    Great.  Thanks, Jay.  What can you tell us about reports out of Geneva that the U.S. is prepared to offer some relief from sanctions if Iran takes steps to limit its building to make a nuclear weapon?

MR. CARNEY:  Thank you for that.  And bear with me, because I have a fairly lengthy comment to make in response.

The P5-plus-1 is engaged in serious and substantive negotiations with Iran that offer the possibility of a verifiable diplomatic agreement that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.  Those talks are continuing today in Geneva, where the United States is represented by Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman.

We are not going to comment on the specifics of our negotiating positions.  In general, the P5-plus-1 is focused on developing a phased approach that in the first step halts Iran’s nuclear program from moving forward, and potentially rolls back parts of it.  The first step would address Iran’s most advanced nuclear activities; increase transparencies so Iran will not be able to use the cover of talks to advance its program; and create time and space as we negotiate a comprehensive agreement.  This would stop Iran’s nuclear program from advancing for the first time in a decade.

In exchange for concrete, verifiable measures to address the P5-plus-1’s concerns during the first step, the P5-plus-1 would consider limited, targeted, and reversible relief that does not affect our core sanctions architecture.  That core sanctions architecture would be maintained until there is a final comprehensive, verifiable agreement that resolved the international community’s concerns.

If Iran does not live up to its commitments, the temporary modest relief would be terminated, and we would be in a position to ratchet up the pressure even further by adding new sanctions.

And finally, any agreement between the international community and Iran will have to prove to the international community that Iran’s program will be used for exclusively peaceful purposes in a meaningful and verifiable way.  Iran must also meet its international obligations and fulfill its responsibilities under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, its responsibilities to the IAEA, and its responsibilities to staying in compliance with the U.N. Security Council resolutions.  The P5-plus-1 remains united in this approach.

Q    How close are you to a deal?  There are some reports from the Iranians that it could happen today.

MR. CARNEY:  I have no updates on the negotiations.  They’re serious and substantive, and they are ongoing.  But again, what is being discussed is a phased approach that would have a first step, but I have no announcements to make about the details of those negotiations or where they are in the progress they’re making.


Q    Would you describe this as progress, Jay, when the Iranians are saying it so?

MR. CARNEY:  There’s no question, Steve, that over the course of the last weeks and days there has been progress.  You saw that in the aftermath of the elections in Iran, and we’ve seen it in a new openness from Iranian leaders to the demands of the international community, that they meet their responsibilities when it comes to their nuclear weapons program.

The approach the United States has taken with our allies has brought us to this point.  There is no question that the very extensive sanctions regime that has been put in place, the sanctions architecture that has been put in place, led by the United States, has had a dramatic impact on the Iranian economy.  And the Iranian leadership is very interested in getting out from under those sanctions and trying to reverse some of the negative consequences to their economy.

We have always said that we're interested in making sure Iran does not and cannot acquire a nuclear weapon through diplomatic means, one, because a diplomatic resolution to this challenge is obviously preferable, and it's preferable in part because it would be the most certain and verifiable way to make sure that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon.  But there is a limited window of opportunity here.

So we're taking advantage of a new level of seriousness that we've seen to engage in negotiations, but we are doing it in a way that makes clear that actions are what matter here; that steps that the P5-plus-1 would insist upon in return for the moderate relief that I described would have to be verifiable, and it would be reversible.  And if a comprehensive agreement were not reached, that relief would be terminated, and there would be the opportunity to ratchet up sanctions further.

Q    Some members of the Senate have been wanting to add sanctions.  Have you briefed them on this proposal?  Have you persuaded them to hold off on what they've been wanting to do?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, we have worked very closely with Congress, and Congress has been an excellent partner in general, in the approach that the administration has taken towards this challenge.  And the sanctions architecture that's in place is multilateral but it's also unilateral, and Congress has been an effective partner in helping put that architecture in place.

Our view has been that we need to allow for a pause here so that we can explore the potential represented by these serious and substantive negotiations.  And as I said earlier, if we were not able to reach -- if the P5-plus-1 were not able to reach a final agreement, a comprehensive agreement, then there would be the potential not only to terminate the relief that we'd put in place, but to ratchet up sanctions further. 

And none of the relief that we're talking about here as part of a first step in this phased approach, phased-in approach, would be irreversible.  It would all be reversible so that we could, if necessary, terminate that relief and then potentially ratchet up sanctions further.  Obviously, we continue to consult with Congress in that effort, as we have throughout.


Q    Jay, I wanted to ask you about the President's comments last night in Dallas.  He said, we anticipate -- he used the word "anticipate" -- that by November 30th, that the website will be able to work as it was supposed to.  It just sounds like there's a little bit of wiggle room there in using the word "anticipate."  Can you say what the consequences would be for CMS, HHS, people inside this White House, if that website is not working the way it's supposed to by November 30th?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I can tell you that the objective here has not changed.  Our position has not changed.  It is still that the website and its problems are being addressed by a team of experts, and that that work is continuing around the clock every day, and that by the end of the month we expect the site to be functioning at the standards necessary for the vast majority of the American people.  And that's what we've said from the beginning. 

So I wouldn't read anything into that, except to say that this is obviously challenging work, because the problems are many, and we've acknowledged that.  And the President has made clear that that circumstance is unacceptable to him, which is why he has demanded that all the action be taken that's being taken.  So the work continues.  And again, we expect the website to be functioning effectively for the vast majority of users by the end of the month.

Q    And what is the plan B if that doesn't happen, if the website is not working?  Are there deliberations underway right now inside the administration to perhaps extend the enrollment deadlines to all of the various things that you've been asked about at these briefings?  Is there a plan B?

MR. CARNEY:  Jim, I would say that right now the tech experts who can answer this question better than anyone else, in terms of what fixes need to be made and on what schedule they can be made, believe that this can be done by the end of the month so that the website is functioning effectively for the vast majority of users.  That has never meant that there wouldn’t be zero problems with the site, as is the case with almost any complicated and complex site, both private and public that exists.  But it has to be functioning effectively for the vast majority of users.

It's an important portal through which the American people who are interested in applying for coverage or at least finding out their options, that it's an important portal for them to use.  Now, there are, as we know and we've discussed, other ways for them to get the information.  And they can window shop already on the website, but we’re trying to make it better every day, and it is getting better every day.  But we’re not there yet.  I think Secretary Sebelius made clear yesterday that we’re not there yet, and I know anecdotally you see proof of that, that the site is not firing effectively on all pistons, if you will, yet.  But it needs to be, and that's why that work is so important.

And when it comes to the question of extending -- as I pointed out yesterday and I think Secretary Sebelius did too -- we are still fairly early in a six-month, open enrollment period.  And it is our belief that if the site is working effectively as expected that there is time to make sure that the people who are interested in enrolling in these options for coverage through the marketplaces will be able to do so in time to get insurance on January 1st.  And obviously the enrollment period itself lasts through the end of March.

Q    Because if you don't get it done by November 30th, obviously there becomes a very short window of opportunity for people to sign up for insurance so they have coverage starting January 1st.  So, I mean, that --

MR. CARNEY:  Your understanding of the calendar is mine as well, but I’m saying that it is our position that the work is being done, and that it will --

Q    Nobody is missing --

MR. CARNEY:  No, but that it will be completed, which is not to take away from the challenges that it represents.  But we believe we have the teams in place necessary to do the work and that that work will continue to progress and make improvements to the site.  And I think anybody who monitors this closely can say that the improvements that have been achieved are noticeable, but we’re not there yet.

Q    And just very quickly, the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee over in the House, Dave Camp, has issued a subpoena for enrollment numbers by close of business tomorrow.  Is the President, or is this White House instructing CMS, HHS to deliver those numbers?

MR. CARNEY:  I don't have anything on the subpoena.  I would tell you that we’re cooperating with Oversight.  We’ve addressed the issue of enrollment numbers.  If the purpose is to point out, which I’m sure it is, that enrollment numbers will be low for October, take it from me, they’ll be low in October.  We’ve acknowledged that they were always going to be low, and that was even when we did not expect the problems with the website that occurred.

So what is our responsibility is to make sure that the data is assessed and made accurate before it’s released publicly, because there are so many inputs here when it comes to the collection of data.  So that process will take place.  I believe Marilyn Tavenner remarked in a hearing earlier this week that, as we’ve said before, that that data will be available in the middle of November, which is consistent with the way this kinds of data is released for other programs.  So that remains our plan.

Q    Because she says by mid-November, you’re saying by mid-November.  That potentially could mean that you may not comply with the subpoena and --

MR. CARNEY:  I’m not the counsel, so I don’t have a response to the subpoena.  I can tell you that -- or to the reports of the subpoena.  I haven’t seen it myself.  But we’re working on a schedule.  I mean, let’s just focus again on the purpose of an exercise like that, which is clearly to make political hay out of what we’ve already acknowledged.  The website is not working well, hasn’t been working well for the first month of the rollout.  It’s improving daily, but it is not where it needs to be.  In large measure because of the problems with the website, the enrollment figures will be even lower than the low numbers that were anticipated because of the nature of these kinds of programs and the way that people tend to enroll when you have a deadline six months later.

So we saw this in Massachusetts, as the President pointed out last week in Boston, that in the very similar Massachusetts program, in the first month of that enrollment period for that program, only 123 premium-paying customers enrolled.  And of course that represented .3 percent of the number who eventually enrolled.  So I think that’s the model to look at, and then add to that the fact that we’ve had the troubles we’ve had.


Q    Jay, back on Iran.  Senator Corker has put forth a measure that would bar the administration from using its power to waive some of the sanctions during this interim period that you spoke about unless Iran agrees to stop all enrichment activities and comply with all U.N. resolutions on this.  Does the administration oppose such a measure?

MR. CARNEY:  I don’t have a specific response to the legislation that you reference, but I would say that no one is suggesting an open-ended delay to sanctions -- for new sanctions.  And there may come a point where additional sanctions are necessary. 

At the same time, it is important for Congress to reserve its ability to legislate for the moment when it’s most effective in order to give our current -- to give the current P5-plus-1 negotiations the best chance to make real progress in achieving our shared goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

I would simply say that we are at this point in large part because of the approach that the administration has taken over the past five years in building an international consensus behind the premise that Iran has been the problem when it comes to Iran’s refusal to adhere to its international obligations.  That consensus has allowed us to put in place the most comprehensive sanctions regime in history, which has had significant impact on the Iranian economy.  And that has come with a great deal of cooperation with Congress, and we fully expect to continue that consultation and cooperation with Congress. 

Our view at this point is that these negotiations represent an opportunity to achieve the goal that we I think share with Congress and obviously with our allies and so many others in the international community, which is to ensure that Iran cannot obtain and will not obtain a nuclear weapon.  We need to pursue that diplomatic opening because it exists, and we need to take the steps necessary to test the theory that the new Iranian leadership and the old Iranian leadership is actually interested in abiding by its international obligations and doing so in a way that is verifiable and meaningful and transparent. 

If that does not come to pass, we will absolutely retain the right and believe it will be important to terminate any moderate sanctions relief that might take place, and to even ratchet up sanctions if necessary.

Q    Let me ask you about Bob Menendez, of course the Democratic Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.  He says he doesn’t understand why, during this interim period for negotiations, Iran couldn’t be asked simply to suspend all enrichment activities -- not roll it back, not limit the number of centrifuges, but simply suspend it.  And what Menendez is saying is that’s what should happen before there should be any even limited rolling back.  Does the White House disagree with Senator Menendez on this?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I would say that we’re not getting into specifics about the negotiations taking place in Geneva, as I noted at the top.  I would say that the first step of this phased-in approach that we’re talking about here would have the effect of halting the Iranian nuclear weapons program -- halting it, which means basically --

Q    All enrichment?  I mean, the weapons program they deny they even have, obviously.  So would it halt all enrichment?

MR. CARNEY:  It would stop Iran’s nuclear program from advancing for the first time in a decade.

Q    From advancing.  So it doesn’t mean it stops the program, does it? 

MR. CARNEY:  It stops it from advancing.  So basically, when you talk about when we make --

Q    Does that mean the centrifuges are still spinning, they’re still enriching?

MR. CARNEY:  I would refer you to the IAEA and others on the technical means by which the halt is achieved.  But I would tell you that when our intelligence community and other intelligence communities make assessments about how long -- where they are in their program and how long it would take for them to develop a nuclear weapon, and where they are in the process of enrichment, that all that progress would halt.  And that essentially, by halting the clock and potentially rolling back where they are, puts time on the clock to allow for the pursuit of a more comprehensive agreement.

If that can’t be achieved, the moderate sanctions relief we’re talking about here would be reversible, and we would be in a situation where, acting with the international community, acting with Congress, we could reinstate all of the sanctions and consider ratcheting up sanctions to increase pressure.  Because, again, it's the approach that we've taken with regards to sanctions and the international consensus that we've built that has gotten us to this point already.

Q    And can you remind me of what the end goal here is?  Because it had long been to stop all enrichment.  Is that still where we want to go?

MR. CARNEY:  No, our stated policy has always been that we will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. 

Q    What's our policy on enrichment?

MR. CARNEY:  The United States' policy is to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.  Our view is, as the President has said, with respect to the right of the Iranian people to access a nuclear program, that actually we respect that right -- of a peaceful nuclear program.  What the specific nature of that program would be is a matter for discussion and negotiation.

So we respect the right of Iran to have a peaceful nuclear program.  Our policy objective, which we share with our allies and everyone involved, obviously in the P5-plus-1 and beyond, is to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Q    And I'm sorry, just one quick -- on health care, because I know you were asked about this, but I didn’t hear you get asked this specifically.  On Monday, the President said that, "If you have had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we have said is that you could keep it if it hasn't changed since the law has passed."  I'm wondering, can you give me a citation of when the President ever said such a thing?

MR. CARNEY:  Sure, we went through this the other day.  The President was referring to the law -- and I can obviously point you to the law and people who covered the law, who wrote the law.

Q    But he says, "what we have said."  I'm asking, when did he actually say that?  I mean, we've heard him talk --

MR. CARNEY:  I understand, Jon, and I answered this the other day.

Q    I don’t think you gave a citation of when he said this, so I'm just --

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I understand the point you're trying to make, Jon, and what I said is that he was referring to the law and to the publishing of the rule which was covered, again, by news organizations, about the grandfathering clause where Kathleen Sebelius and others were quoted.

The fact of the matter is, as you know, the vast majority of the American people already receive health insurance coverage through their employer or through Medicare or Medicaid, or through the Veterans Administration.  Fifteen percent of the country is uninsured, and because of the expansion of Medicaid or the marketplaces, have available to them quality, affordable health insurance for the first time.  Five percent of the country gets its insurance on the individual market.  The law is written so that those who had plans when the law was passed could have those plans grandfathered in. 

And the point, obviously, which is -- and I understand that there is a lot of discussion about this -- but if you had that plan before the law was passed, it could be grandfathered in.  What is absolutely the case is in the market itself, in that section of the insurance market, the individual insurance market, there is a tremendous amount of churn and always has been.  People come in and out of that market.  Their policies are routinely changed or adjusted, often downgraded.  And in this case, if you had a plan that was downgraded, and therefore a plan that already did not meet ACA standards that might have been grandfathered in and was made even less compliant with minimum standards, then it would not be grandfathered in.

But our focus is on making sure that millions of Americans who have not had access to affordable, quality health insurance are able to get access to it.  That's the purpose of the Affordable Care Act. 

And we're going to continue to make sure that by making improvements to the website, by engaging in the kind of outreach the President engaged in yesterday, but so many others are engaged in to get to Americans across the country the information they need to find out what their options are, that we steadily implement the law here and make sure that the marketplaces are stood up so that the benefits of the Affordable Care Act are enjoyed by as many people as possible.


Q    I'll get back to Iran in a minute, but since you had such a lengthy statement about something recently published, I want to give you a chance on another foreign policy topic.  There's a report that the administration is in talks with the Yemeni government about a detention facility there that would house some of the detainees currently at Guantanamo, specifically those from Afghanistan and other countries.  Can you say if these talks are in fact going on?  And is this a potential partial resolution to the President's long-sought goal of closing Guantanamo?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, we continue to work on transfers, and it is and remains the President's goal to close the Gitmo facility.  That's a goal shared by many, both Democrats and Republicans, including military leaders, because it's in the interest of our national security in the United States. 

I don't have anything specific on conversations or negotiations with the Yemeni government.  I think if you look back, there was a judgment made about transfers of Yemeni prisoners, or detainees rather, to which I'm sure this applies.  But I don't have a specific response to the --

Q    It would certainly be more than transfers; it would be a facility.  It would be a place --

MR. CARNEY:  I just don't have anything on that for you, Major.

Q    Is it sounding correct to you?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I'll have to take the question.

Q    Thank you very much.  You can understand Jon's question about enrichment and this standard of halting future progress, because the Israeli government is very concerned about where Iran is currently and that it may be within just a few technological steps of a nuclear weapon.  So if you could provide any other clarity, Jay, about what the benefit of this halting standard is in comparison to where Iran is and where Israel feels it very quickly could be.

MR. CARNEY:  Well, let's be clear that the United States and Israel absolutely share the same goal, which is to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.  And we work very closely with the Israelis on this issue, and we share a lot of information about it.

It remains our assessment that Iran would need at least one year to acquire one nuclear weapon from the time that Iran decides to pursue one -- so the breakout move that is often discussed.  And we would be aware of that breakout move.

If there were an agreement to take this first step as part of a phased approach, the halting of progress on this program would mean that that year would -- instead of being from this day forward, would be from the day forward that the agreement ended, if it were to end or not be fulfilled in the final agreement.  In other words, we would be essentially buying time.

Q    That would be one of the values of it.

MR. CARNEY:  One of the values to allow for further negotiations to see if a comprehensive, verifiable, meaningful, transparent and enforceable agreement could be achieved, working with the P5-plus-1, through the P5-plus-1.  And what we’re talking about here would be an agreement that would assure the international community that its concerns are being met, and that Iran’s obligations to the IAEA, to the United Nations Security Council and under the NPT are being met in a verifiable, enforceable way.

Q    By definition, this first phase, should it be negotiated, the IAEA would be the organization that would provide that verification proof.

MR. CARNEY:  They certainly have served that role in the past.  In terms of the process by which a first step would be implemented, I would refer you to the P5-plus-1, but also to ask you to let’s wait and see if an agreement is reached, because we will have to -- we’re still engaged in negotiations. 

But I want to be clear that when we talk about the first step and the actions that the P5-plus-1 would take, in exchange for concrete, verifiable measures to address the P5-plus-1’s concerns, the P5-plus-1 would consider limited, targeted and reversible relief that doesn't affect -- and this goes to the question earlier -- that does not affect our core sanctions architecture. 

We helped build that architecture; we were in a way the lead architect, the United States.  And we believe strongly that the approach we’ve taken that has led to the building of that architecture and the imposition of these very serious set of sanctions has served its goal well in forcing Iran to consider meeting its obligations under the international community because the cost of not doing so has been so high.

But as I’ve said in the past, we engage in these negotiations with our eyes wide open, and we are focused on actions and not words.  And we would take that approach through to the end.

Q    I know you don't want to get into details -- you certainly can't -- but one of the key points in a negotiation like this if you get beyond sort of atmospherics and get down to specific asks, meaning have we reached a stage in these talks where it’s not just general, but there are specific asks from the Iranians and specific asks from the P5-plus-1 on compliance, halting and sanctions relief -- can you at least say anything about that?

MR. CARNEY:  Whether we’re at the stage of --

Q    Yes.

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I can tell you broadly that serious and substantive negotiations contain within them discussions about what would be required to get to that first step.  And I’ve laid out for you here what that would look like from our point of view if such a step were to be taken and agreed to, and also what it would not be when it comes to no agreement from the P5-plus-1 to compromise the sanctions architecture; that any step we would take in response to Iran’s commitment to, in a verifiable way, halt its nuclear program would be --

Q    And can you define the core sanctions architecture, what the administration defines that --

MR. CARNEY:  I think the kinds of actions -- well, actually the kinds of actions that I’m speaking broadly, not specifically to what may be agreed to, but the kinds of actions that might be taken, the temporary, modest relief would be of the nature that would be easily reversible.  So it might be more financial rather than technical.  But the point being that the kinds of things that we would look at doing would be the kinds of things that we could turn on and off pretty quickly.


Q    A couple of quick ones on health care.  Recently, in the Federal Register, the Health and Human Services Department suggested that they may be giving an exemption to some unions, but also some businesses, in terms of some fees that they would have normally paid to help fund the health care law in 2015 and 2016 as I understand it.  The question:  Do you know anything about that?  It’s been reported by Kaiser Health News and others that that’s the interpretation of what they put in the Federal Register.  And is this a special treatment for unions who have supported the President?  But, more broadly, how are you going to fund the law if you continue to issue exemptions for some people?

MR. CARNEY:  Ed, I don’t have anything on that.  I haven’t seen that article. 

Q    From this podium, a couple of times you have suggested that the reason why people are getting cancellation letters is because insurance companies are stripping away benefits from existing plans, you said, and that took away the grandfathering opportunity.  We’ve talked to America’s Health Insurance Plans and they insist that the reason why people are really getting cancellation letters is that, number one, people are not in these plans for very long.  As you know, they often are in these plans because they’re in between jobs, et cetera, and so they joined these plans after 2010, so that’s why they’re not grandfathered.  And also, some of these folks have changed some of the plans.  So who’s telling the truth?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I think what you just said remains true as well, that some people who had plans were covered within the individual market prior to 2010, and those plans have been changed or downgraded -- which, again, if you just take the Affordable Care Act out of it, is something that happened frequently within the insurance market, as I think many of us have even experienced over the years with changes to the plan, changes to benefits and coverage, changes to cost. 

And in this case, if those plans were downgraded -- so in other words, even if the plan, originally when the law passed, did not meet the minimum standards of coverage, it would have been grandfathered in.  But if it were changed in a way that significantly reduced the benefits even below that, then obviously it would not be grandfathered in, it would not meet the minimum standards. 

But as I was saying earlier, it is definitely the case that because this section, this 5 percent of the insurance market has traditionally been a place of a lot of churn, that there are people who have come into that market in the interim.  And so it is the case that the grandfather clause did not apply to plans that did not yet exist or contracts that did not yet exist between individuals and insurance companies.

And look, I think it’s important here for me to say -- the administration, the President, the Secretary, we’re concerned about these individuals and we want to make sure, first and foremost, that they’re getting all the information they need to know what options are available to them.  I think we’ve seen a lot of evidence, and this is not about anybody purposefully withholding information, but just a lot of evidence that they don’t always know what the marketplaces offer them and whether or not they are eligible to receive subsidies.  And it’s on us to make sure that these individuals in that market who are getting these notices find out about their options. 

I think Consumer Reports reported earlier this week that, in many cases, individuals who are getting these notices are only being told that their current policy ends at the end of the year and being told that they have options from the insurer that they currently have, and they may not be fully informed about the fact that there are other options from other competitive insurance companies, or that they may qualify for subsidies.

And in some states -- in fact, up to a million people, I believe, of this section of the population would be eligible for coverage under Medicaid because of the expanded Medicaid program that a number of states have taken up.

Q    But so how do you react to The Washington Post this morning saying that you get three Pinocchios for suggesting this is the insurance industry to blame?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I would say a couple of things.  One, I did not examine all of the math, but I’m not sure that everyone would agree with the math specifically.  But you get no argument from us that there’s a lot of churn that preexists the ACA in this market.  This section of the insurance market has always been the most volatile.  It’s where people come in and out.  It’s where people’s plans change and where they’re often purchasing insurance that is the least kind of comprehensive because they’re in small risk pools often, and not in -- they don’t have the kind of purchasing power to drive down prices that people who participate in large insurance pools participate in.  That’s the reason that we created the marketplaces to begin with -- so that those with preexisting conditions, for example, were entered into a bigger pool which would help keep costs down for insurers and for the insured.

So I don’t take an issue with that.  And there is no -- we're not blaming anyone solely for this phenomenon.  What is the case is that some of these insurance plans that were out there, as we've seen in some of the reports, were pretty crummy.  There's the woman -- as I cited earlier -- the woman from Florida who got a fair amount of attention whose plan turned out not to cover hospitalization and others.  It's not uncommon in that market for insurance plans to be less than comprehensive, and to contain annual caps or lifetime caps, or carve-outs where coverage for specific conditions is not provided.

So there's no question that, again, preexisting the Affordable Care Act, that that market was volatile, and that those individuals in it were the least able to -- or were the most vulnerable to decisions by insurers to change their plans. 

Q    Right, but you said you -- nobody is blaming anybody, but on November 5th you said, "Insurance companies that chose to strip away benefits from existing plans in the interim, that canceled existing plans in the interim, they took away that grandfathering opportunity, and that’s a reality."  It sounds like you’re blaming them. 

MR. CARNEY:  Well, for that -- what I'm saying is that’s not everybody who's gotten a cancellation notice, because as you note and others have noted, obviously some people have bought into the individual market in the interim between passage of the Affordable Care Act and the launch of the marketplaces.  But there certainly is a universe of people who have had their plans changed or downgraded, and the fact is, a plan that doesn’t meet the standards that were introduced last year doesn’t get grandfathered in because it didn’t exist before 2010.

My point is simply that we -- even though -- and we make this point -- this is a slice of a small percentage of the population, these are very important people in the health insurance universe.  The marketplaces are designed in part to provide them security and certainty, the kind security and certainty that they haven't necessarily had because of the nature of that market. 

And we're going to continue to work hard to make sure that everybody in that market, as well as in the broader universe of people who are looking at the options on the marketplaces, are getting all the information they need so that they know what their options are and they know if they're eligible for tax credits, and they know whether or not, as more than half of them -- as will be the case for more than half of them, they're actually going to get better coverage for the same or lower cost.


Q    Jay, Humana has come out and said that they have slashed the amount of enrollees that they're expecting in half, from 500,000 to 250,000.  Doesn’t that suggest or raise real concerns that you might not get the numbers that you need to get to make this policy --

MR. CARNEY:  I haven't seen that story.  I don’t know what time period that is.  The fact is, as we've said, enrollment for October will be lower than expected, probably significantly lower, because of the problems with the website.  It stands to reason, and we acknowledge that.  It is not an acceptable problem.  It is one that we are working diligently to overcome.  It is one that the President is not happy about.  But it certainly makes it harder, and has made it harder through the first month anyway, for individuals who want to enroll online to enroll online.  So what was already going to be a low figure will be lower.

Q    But if you have at least one insurance company already coming forward and saying we're slashing our expectations not just for this month, but in general, in half --

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I haven't seen that, so I don't know the timeframe. 

Q    But why not consider extending the enrollment period by a little bit, just to give people a little bit more time, to give the law more time to get the required number of people to sign up, particularly those young people?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, Kristen, what I would say is that we are still in the early part of a pretty significantly long open enrollment period -- six months.  We believe that the website will be functioning effectively for the vast majority of the American people by the end of this month.  And if that's the case, that there will be time for those who are enrolling in order to have insurance on January 1st to do so.  And we are going to work all out to make that happen, both by making the improvements to the website, but also in the broader outreach and education campaign that we're engaged in so that folks out there know what their options are, know what's available to them and know by when they need to purchase insurance.

Q    Let me ask you something that Senator Max Baucus asked Secretary Sebelius yesterday, which is why not just take the website down and put it back up on December 1st?  Why not allow the tech experts to do their work and to take away what has become sort of a political football?  I mean, obviously, as you know, Republicans continue to latch on to every glitch, and there seems to be more and more glitches.  So why not take the website down?

MR. CARNEY:  It was the judgment of the teams working on this that it could be fixed in this manner where there are regularly scheduled times when the site is worked on and improvements are made; and that during this period, while these improvements were being made, that the site -- while not functioning to the standards we want it to function to -- is still functioning in a way that allows for people to get information and people to register and ultimately enroll in an insurance plan. 

Q    But sometimes it’s not functioning, though, so that people can get even information, basic information, Jay.

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I certainly don't disagree with that.  But I would say that if sometimes it isn’t, that means sometimes it is.  And during those times individuals are able to get information and are able to sign up and to enroll, and that's obviously the goal here. 

Your question I think contains within it the suggestion that if the website were down completely for a period of time, Republicans would stop criticizing.  And I probably -- I think I doubt that. 

Q    Well, Jay, you were asked -- and I’m not making that point -- but more so that with each new glitch, it provides more fodder --

MR. CARNEY:  Well, there’s no question.  And I think we have acknowledged forthrightly and directly that this is not functioning the way it should, and that's unacceptable.  And the President is the least happy about this among a lot of people who are unhappy about it.  And that's why we’re dedicating the resources and the brain power to the problem that we are.

And we are focused on, as I said the other day, on the end purpose here, the end goal, which is not can we win the day or the week in the back-and-forth over Obamacare, a back-and-forth that has been going on for four or five years now, but can we deliver on the promise of affordable, quality health insurance to every American.

And it’s not a happy situation when you have a website like this not functioning as effectively as it should, but it just means that we have to be focused on fixing those problems so that the benefits can be provided to the American people.  We can't take our eye off that ball.

Q    When you were asked earlier this week when specifically the enrollment numbers would come out next week, you said you didn't have that earlier this week.  Do you know now, now that we’re ending this week?

MR. CARNEY:  Mid-November is still my understanding.  I don't have a specific date.

Q    Monday, Friday?

MR. CARNEY:  I don't have a specific date.

John, then Peter.

Q    Two questions, Jay.  First, you’ve said a couple of times that by the end of November you’re going to have the site functioning effectively for the vast majority of Americans.  Vast majority is 70 percent, 99.9 percent?

MR. CARNEY:  I would refer you to CMS and their regular briefings on the status of the progress being made and for that question. 

The point being, I think as I said earlier, that we probably will never say that tomorrow there will be zero problems on a website like this.  There aren’t zero problems on any website that I use, right -- that any of us use.  So what our point is, is that it functions effectively for the people who need to use it and are using it.  The goal here is to meet those standards so that people can get the information they need, input the information they need to input, and enroll in a way that is satisfactory to them and allows them to enroll in these insurance markets -- because again, as I was saying to Kristen, that's the goal here. 

And it’s not to get the perfect website.  And it’s not to get -- it’s not to win the political battle, because we are sort of back in that scrum that we’ve been in for so long here.  And I know that we’re here because of the problems with the website that we’re responsible for, and we accept that.  But we’re still there.

And in the end, this is still a discussion and a debate about is it the right thing to do to reform our health care system in a way that builds on the private insurance markets that we have, but can provide access to affordable, quality health insurance to millions of Americans who don't have it.  And the President’s belief, which has animated him since he ran for President, is that the answer to that question is, yes.

That's what we debated when the law was being considered by Congress.  That's what we have debated ever since as Republicans have sought to repeal it.  And I would just remind folks that, in the end, these discussions circle around the question of should we have reform or not -- because the alternative is, again, coming from the critics, is to return to the world before the Affordable Care Act.  And that world is not one that I think most Americans want to return to. 

Q    If I can move from the P5-plus-1 to the 2014 Ds-plus-1 yesterday, Michael Bennet from Colorado, the Ds-plus-1.  (Laughter.)  How big of a problem is it for the President in terms of the 2014 elections, in terms of trying to keep the Senate, if the Obamacare website isn't up and running, if the law isn't being implemented effectively?

MR. CARNEY:  Look, I think that the problem is in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in a way that provides the benefits that it promises to millions of Americans.  That’s the problem.  And from that, obviously, flows a lot of potential problems -- most importantly, that people who need coverage who have a preexisting condition, who are cancer survivors but don’t have affordable care now, need that care.  That’s what we're focused on.

And remember, every one of the Democrats who voted for this and believed in it and fought for it, and with the President defended it against the constant assault by Republicans and outside opponents, continued to believe in it, and believe it's the right thing to do.  In yesterday's meeting or in any other meeting about this, the concerns that Democrats have about the rollout of the marketplaces are the same concerns that the President has, which is that the website is not functioning effectively -- that’s a problem.  That information isn't getting to the individuals who are getting notices in a way that makes clear to them that they have a lot of options and they may qualify for Medicaid, they may qualify for tax credits -- that’s a problem.

Also a problem, as the President identified yesterday, is that there are a number of states in the Union -- including in Texas, a very large state -- where governors made the decision essentially to refuse, on behalf of their constituents, assistance to their constituents in the expansion of the Medicaid program -- millions and millions of Americans who would qualify for coverage under expanded Medicaid who are being denied that coverage because of the ideological decisions made by some in different states, because of the decision by the Supreme Court that allowed them to make that.

Now, we're working with governors across the country about that decision-making process, because in the end, as we've seen in Ohio and Arizona and other states, not just Democrats but Republicans are recognizing that this is the right thing to do for their constituents, that they have Ohioans and Floridians and others who want and deserve the benefits that are afforded by the Affordable Care Act.  So that's what we're focused on. 

What I said yesterday about politics versus policy is that the President is focused on getting the policy right.  He is not pleased with the fact that an aspect of the implementation here of the marketplaces and the rollout has not gone well.  And his energy is focused on working to make that website more effective for the American people.

When it comes to the ongoing debate about health insurance reform versus the absence of reform, I think that I know the President and I know the Democrats are going to be where they've been, which is they think it's the right thing to do.  And Republicans who argue that it should be repealed and offer nothing in replace are arguing -- don't forget -- that the provision within the Affordable Care Act that forbids insurance companies to deny coverage if you have a preexisting condition would be removed; that kids who now are able to get insurance under their parents' plans up through the age of 26 would lose that privilege; that the benefits given already to seniors for their prescription drug bills would be removed. 

And it's interesting to hear sometimes critics say, well, they like this provision, they like that provision.  But anybody who knows anything about this knows that you can't make sure that folks with preexisting conditions get coverage if you don’t have the individual responsibility provision.  The whole has to work.  And we're going to keep fighting for what we believe is necessary, which is providing this affordable, quality health insurance to millions of Americans.

Q    Jay, back on Iran, you said a few minutes ago that the U.S. and Israel shared the same goal:  preventing Iran from having a nuclear weapon.  Yet, apparently, there's a big difference brewing with Israel on this negotiating strategy right now.  Netanyahu said today that this evolving deal would be a historic mistake.  To what extent are you concerned that you've got to split with Israel --

MR. CARNEY:  Look, there is no daylight between Israel and the United States, between the President and the Prime Minister when it comes to the objective of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.  And all options remain on the table to achieve this objective.  We've made that clear all along.  We now, because of the effectiveness of the sanctions regime that this administration helped put in place and led the way in putting in place, [have] an opportunity to explore whether or not the leadership in Tehran is serious about living up to its international obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty to the IAEA and to the United Nations Security Council. 

And it is absolutely the right approach, in our view, to test whether or not they're serious, and to do that in a careful way that would have as its first step an agreement to -- potentially, if there is an agreement -- to halt all activity, advancement, rather, on Iran's nuclear program and to potentially roll it back; and in exchange for that, to allow for some temporary, moderate relief, but reversible relief.  And then we would explore whether or not -- in a verifiable, transparent and meaningful way -- Iran was willing to assure the international community that it has forsaken its nuclear weapons program. 

And we believe -- and the reason to do that is because we believe, as we've said all along, that the best way to ensure that Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon is to do it diplomatically through Iran's agreement and in a way that is verifiable and transparent, because alternative means of addressing this program are not as effective necessarily, certainly not for the longer term.

Q    You spoke of the idea of buying time.  What's to prevent Iran from playing for time during this phased-in process that appears to be playing out here?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, look, the point I made earlier is that the first step would address Iran's most advanced nuclear activities, increased transparency so Iran will not be able to use the cover of talks to advance its program, and thereby create time and space as we negotiate a comprehensive agreement.  It would stop Iran from making progress from advancing its nuclear program for the first time in nearly a decade. 

But your question is a good one because it goes to the heart of verification here and our insistence that we take steps that are concrete and that actions are concrete, and they're not just promises.  So any step we took would have to be verifiable. 

Q    Does the administration trust Iran?  Does it trust the leadership on the other side of the table right now? 

MR. CARNEY:  We have a long history of mistrust here and a reason to be highly skeptical.  We are pursuing U.S. national security interests when we engage in substantive and serious negotiations through the P5-plus-1.  We do it in a way that makes clear that any progress we make has to be verifiable and transparent, because our goal and our objective is to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.  And there is unity within the P5-plus-1 on both the objective and the process that we're pursuing at this time.  


Q    As a general principle, if the Congress were to send the President a measure that constrains the ability to provide the limited, reversible relief that you were talking about, would he use his veto to protect the momentum in this process?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, we're working with Congress and we consult with Congress.  And we have requested a pause in new sanctions, but it's not a decision to support or not support sanctions.  I think that we have demonstrated our ample willingness to ratchet up sanctions in order to put the kind of pressure on Iran that has led to this point.

So the willingness to pause while we explore this possibility is really a demonstration of support for the possibility of a peaceful, negotiated resolution to this issue rather than a march to war or resorting to the other ways that we might have to address this problem if we can’t reach a negotiated, verified agreement.

Q    But if Congress is trying to stop the President’s waiver authority, does that not call into question the U.S.’s ability to deliver on an interim agreement that he’s talking about?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, again, we’re negotiating and consulting with Congress over this issue, and updating them on what we’re doing and what the P5-plus-1 is doing.  And our belief is that it is in the interest of the United States to pursue the possibility here of achieving an agreement, to do so in a way that ensures that any relief that might be attached to a first step that would halt advancement on the Iranian nuclear program and maybe roll back some of its advances, that the relief attached to it is reversible, is temporary, is moderate, and would hold in abeyance the opportunity for Congress and the United States in general, as well as our allies and partners in this effort, to terminate any sanctions relief and to in fact ratchet up sanctions pressure, if necessary, at the opportune moment if that moment arises.

Roger, and then Dan.

Q    The GDP numbers that were out today showed a huge buildup of inventories, which suggests a potential slowdown of the economy in the fourth quarter, as they work off those inventories.  How concerned is the President about a slowdown of the economy in the fourth quarter, and might he be addressing that in the economic speech in New Orleans tomorrow?

MR. CARNEY:  Roger, I think I can trust that you of all people read the blog post that we put out in the wake of the third-quarter figure.

Q    I didn’t see any reference to the fourth quarter.

MR. CARNEY:  Look, I think we can say about the fourth quarter that the first month of that fourth quarter included a shutdown.  And we fully expect, as well as outside economists and analysts expect, for that shutdown imposed upon the American people by House Republicans will have a negative impact on the economy and will have a negative impact on job creation.  I don’t think there’s any question about it. 

I think you’re going to hear from the Office of Management and Budget later today about an assessment that we’ve done on the costs of the shutdown, and others have done assessments as well.  So in terms of analyzing today’s data, I would refer you to the CEA and the blog post.  I think that what is true is that the 2.8 percent growth represents solid growth -- the 10th straight quarter of economic growth and an increase in growth each of the last four quarters.  And it comes in over estimates, as I understand it, over consensus estimates -- and that’s good.  And I think the private sector growth embedded in that number is even more robust. 

And what it tells us is that this economy is poised to continue to grow and perhaps grow more rapidly and create more and better jobs, and that Washington needs to stop throwing up obstacles in the way of positive economic growth; doing things for ideological and political reasons that actually harm and reverse the progress that we’ve made.  That’s what happened in October.  And I know, because other stories arise and they’re important and they need to be covered, that the shutdown now seems like a long time ago, but the economic consequences of that foolish pursuit are with us today and will be with us for a long time. 

There are people in America who do not have a job today because House Republicans chose to shut down the government over their opposition to the Affordable Care Act.

Q    Will he talk about infrastructure in New Orleans tomorrow?

MR. CARNEY:  I think you can expect that he will talk about the need to build infrastructure as part of a broader effort to strengthen our economy for the long term and to increase exports.  The President takes a comprehensive approach to the economy and the investments that he believes we need to make, the kinds of investments that have traditionally been supported by lawmakers of both parties.  Infrastructure is a key part of that. 

I mean, the virtue of investment in infrastructure is that it’s a double win because you get the immediate effect of building and the jobs created from that, and the economic energy and activity created by that, and then the long-term benefit to the economy of improved infrastructure, whether it’s ports or airports or roads or highways or bridges. 

I mean, these kinds of -- that’s why when you get something that has all that benefit, both near-term and long-term, you tend to get bipartisan support.  And there has been bipartisan support for that kind of robust infrastructure investment in the past.  We believe, and the President has put forward, that there are ways to achieve a bipartisan agreement for infrastructure investment and we’re going to keep pursuing that.

Q    Jay?

MR. CARNEY:  Steve.  Oh, and then Dan.  I said you next.  Sorry.

Q    Jay, I wanted to ask about -- getting back to this question of what Congress is proposing.  A lot of members of Congress are proposing on this question of if you like your plan, you can keep it, period -- the President's promise.  Mary Landrieu's proposal, she calls it the “keeping-the-promise bill.”  The promise she's talking about, of course, is the President's promise.  What would be so bad about grandfathering in all of these plans that people have now that many of them clearly like, but are contacting their lawmakers and are very upset about?  What would be so bad about signing a bill like that into law?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, Steve, what I can tell you is that, as I mentioned earlier, we are concerned about those individuals and concerned about the need to get them all the information that they should have so that they're aware of the options available to them, and the fact that, again, more than half will be able to purchase higher-quality insurance coverage for the same or lower cost; that half will qualify for tax credits; that up to a million will qualify for enrollment in Medicaid.

I think the broader question -- and I don’t know the specific legislation or the details of the specific legislation that you're referencing -- goes to, if we say that every insurance plan that doesn’t meet the Affordable Care Act's standards can continue in perpetuity, you're essentially saying there are no standards to be met.  And it is certainly the belief of the drafters of the law and of the President that one of the purposes here is to set some minimum standards for coverage so that every American has some -- who gets insurance coverage has some security and certainty about the benefits they're going to receive, and that you don’t have -- which happens I think all too frequently for some individuals -- you don’t have the rude awakening when you get a bill and find out that the plan you have that you thought would cover your costs upon further inspection does not. 

Q    Senator Landrieu's bill has some things in it.  It says those people who are going to keep their grandfathered plans would be told about the deficiencies, would be told that they don’t have hospitalization, for example.  They would be informed. 

MR. CARNEY:  Sure.

Q    And that they could keep it not necessarily in perpetuity, but as long as they keep paying their bills.  What would be so wrong about letting them keep the plan that they like?

MR. CARNEY:  Steve, all I can tell you is that the reason why there are minimum standards is so that all Americans have that certainty and have that guarantee of basic quality insurance coverage.  We're concerned about the individuals, and I'm sure we'll be discussing them both here and elsewhere going forward.  But we've seen again and again, I think in some of the reporting, that not everybody out there who's getting notices is getting all of the information they need to ensure that they know that they have an enhanced array of options available to them.  So we need to work on that.

More broadly, if I could also mention that it was also the case that with some of these plans there was an option for early renewal that insurance companies and the insured could take advantage of.

And what is true, too, is that there’s an opportunity here for insurers to take advantage of the fact that there’s going to be a huge influx of people in the market now, purchasing insurance, and there is a desire to make sure that all those individuals are getting the information about the new plans that are available.

But our focus right now is making sure that these individuals are aware of what their options are and making sure that they avail themselves of their options so that they can discover that in fact, in many cases, they're going to get better coverage for less.

Q    Would the President veto such proposals?  There’s going to be one on the House floor next week Fred Upton’s proposal.

MR. CARNEY:  Steve, you’ve loosely described a proposal that I haven’t read and I’m not sure is on paper.  So for me to issue a statement of administration policy about it I think would be getting a little ahead of myself.


Q    Thanks.  So based on reports, this phased agreement could -- I mean, we could have an announcement on this as early as Friday.  Will the President be actually speaking with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who described this thing as a, as Pete mentioned, “a mistake of historic proportions,” to ask him to support at least the first phase or other phases of the program?

MR. CARNEY:  The President, as you know, speaks regularly with Prime Minister Netanyahu, and I’m sure will be speaking to him again in the near future.  I don't have a planned conversation to preview for you.  This is an issue that the two discuss frequently, that our counterparts discuss frequently.  Again, we have an immense amount of cooperation with the Israelis on security issues and on the challenge of Iran, and that continues.  And it’s enormously valuable to both countries in our view.  So that conversation will continue.

And again, I think it’s important to note that the goal here and the objective here is identical, which is to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.  And we are where we are because of the consensus that the President built around the need to respond to Iran’s refusal to meet its international obligations, the demonstration of the fact that Iran was the problem, that Iran had declined to come into compliance.  And the result was the sanctions regime that has exacted a price from Iran, and that's why they're at the table now in large part.

So the policy thus far has been effective, but we are where we are.  And the purpose here is to get to a place where we can verifiably and in a meaningful way, and in a transparent way, make sure that Iran is honoring its commitments and has forsaken its nuclear weapons program.  We’re exploring the potential, and we’re working in close consultation with our allies and partners, including Israel on this issue, and we are obviously working through the P5-plus-1 on it.

April, last one.

Q    Jay, two questions.  One, President Obama is having a screening tonight on a movie about Nelson Mandela’s life.  Nelson Mandela is an iconic figure that the President has a close kindred spirit with.  Has this White House reached out to the Mandela family recently to update on his health condition?  Have they talked to the family recently?

MR. CARNEY:  I don't have any presidential conversations to read out to you.  Obviously, we are in consultation with some degree of frequency with the South African government because of the importance of the bilateral relationship. 

When it comes to Nelson Mandela’s health, I would not comment beyond referring you to his family and to the South African government.

Q    And lastly, earlier in this briefing, someone in the front row talked about consequences.  Is this White House ready to start talking about consequences after all the problems with the rollout after four years with this website, the ACA website?

MR. CARNEY:  Could you be more specific?

Q    Consequences against those who built the website.  Simply put, I mean, they put it out and it wasn’t working.

MR. CARNEY:  Well, the President is focused on getting it right going forward and not Monday morning quarterbacking.  Right now, the intensity of the effort has to be on making sure that the improvements are made to the website so that the marketplaces are functioning effectively for the American people. 

It's important that the teams that helped build the architecture here are in place working with some of the new tech experts that we've brought in, because obviously they know best what the sort -- the insides of the website and the Internet architecture.  So we're focused on fixing the problems, not on Monday morning quarterbacking or singling out people for blame.  Right now, we need to get this thing working, and that's what the President has insisted that the teams at HHS and CMS do.

Q    But this is such a historic piece.  Even the Vice President even said -- made mention, when he finally signed it into law, how much of a big deal it was historically.  But then, this is a key -- yes, you know what I'm talking about.  (Laughter.)  But this is such a key piece, a cornerstone of this administration.  And for it to go out so big and so wrong, I mean, was there not a tongue-lashing if there were not consequences of heads rolling?

MR. CARNEY:  As a rule, I don't read out internal meetings.  I would simply say that the President, as he has told you, has not been pleased with the way that the website has functioned.  But he's focused on, and made clear to his team that they should be focused on fixing the problems so that the American people get the benefits they deserve and they get them sooner rather than later. 

As you mentioned, this is obviously an important piece of legislation that I'm sure will be looked at for many years in the future.  And we don't want to deprive historians of the opportunity to give a lot of analysis.  So, for now, we'll just focus on fixing the problems.

Q    Jay, can you confirm that Senator McCain is coming to the White House?

Q    Is it about Iraq or immigration or --

MR. CARNEY:  The President and Senator McCain -- thank you for the question.  Yes, Senator McCain, as I think he announced, is coming to the White House to meet with the President.  Senator McCain and the President meet and speak with some regularity, as you know.  They tend to address a range of issues.  There's no specific topic today, as I understand it.  I'm sure they'll talk and touch on a number of subjects.

Q    Jay, can you do an ENDA reaction?  There were 10 Republicans in the Senate who voted for cloture.  It goes to the House now.  How much political capital is the President going to invest in pressuring the House to do something?

MR. CARNEY:  The President believes it is absolutely the right thing to do to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.  And we'll have a more I'm sure formal reaction to the Senate vote.  If that, in fact, has happened while I've been up at the podium that is good news.  And we commend the senators who voted “yes.”  And we hope and insist that the House take up the legislation.

To oppose this kind of legislation is to announce that you want to be left behind by history.  The necessity of making sure that every American has equal rights is fundamental to our history and to who we are.  And that's what this legislation represents.  Some of the objections that I've heard from members in the House are reminiscent of objections that opponents of other civil rights legislation put forward.  And they were wrong then and they're wrong now.

This is the right thing to do.  It's the right thing to do because we're all equal.  And so the House should pass it.  The Senate has, and we congratulate the Senate.  Thank you all.

2:20 P.M. EST

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:

  • Tommy Beaudreau – Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget, Department of the Interior
  • Thomas A. Burke – Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency
  • Neil Kornze – Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior
  • Caroline Diane Krass – General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Ericka M. Miller – Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, Department of Education
  • Stefan M. Selig – Under Secretary for International Trade, Department of Commerce 

President Obama also announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts:

  • Cheryl D. Alston – Member, Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
  • Dallas L. Salisbury – Member, Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 

President Obama said, “Our nation will be greatly served by the talent and expertise these individuals bring to their new roles. I am grateful they have agreed to serve in this Administration, and I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead.”

President Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:

Tommy Beaudreau, Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget, Department of the Interior

Tommy Beaudreau currently serves as the Acting Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management at the Department of the Interior.  In addition, he is the Director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, a position he has held since 2011.  From 2010 to 2011, he was a Senior Advisor to the Director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement.  Previously, Mr. Beaudreau was a partner at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP, where he practiced from 1997 to 2000 and again from 2001 to 2010.  He clerked for the Honorable Jerome B. Friedman of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia from 2000 to 2001.  Mr. Beaudreau received a B.A. from Yale University and a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.

Dr. Thomas A. Burke, Nominee for Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency

Dr. Thomas A. Burke is the Associate Dean for Public Health Practice and Training at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, a position he has held since 2008.  Since 2009, Dr. Burke has concurrently served as the Jacob I. and Irene B. Fabrikant Chair in Health, Risk, and Society.  He has been a professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management since 2002, and the Director of the Risk Sciences and Public Policy Institute since 1995.  From 1994 to 2002, he was an associate professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management and previously served as assistant professor.  Dr. Burke held the position of Deputy Commissioner for the State of New Jersey Department of Health from 1986 to 1990, and previously served as the Assistant Commissioner.  From 1980 to 1986, Dr. Burke was the Director of the Office of Science and Research for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and previously served as a Research Scientist in the Office of Cancer and Toxic Substances Research. From 1976 to 1977, he was a Public Health Trainee at the University of Texas Health Science Center at the Houston School of Public Health.  Dr. Burke received a B.S. from St. Peter’s College, an M.P.H. from the University of Texas School Of Public Health, and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.

Neil Kornze, Nominee for Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior

Neil Kornze is the Senior Advisor in the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at the Department of the Interior, a position he has held since 2011.  Previously, Mr. Kornze worked for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in a number of roles from 2003 to 2011, including Legislative Correspondent, Legislative Assistant, Director of Nevada Operations, and Senior Policy Advisor.  From 2002 to 2008, he was an International Election Observer at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.  Mr. Kornze received a B.A. from Whitman College and an M.Sc. from the London School of Economics.

Caroline Diane Krass, Nominee for General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency

Caroline Diane Krass is currently Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice, a position she has held since February 2011.  She served as Acting Assistant Attorney General in 2011.  Previously, she served on the National Security Council as Special Assistant to the President and Special Counsel to the President.  From 2007 to 2008, she served as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney within the National Security Section at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.  She served as Senior Counsel in the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice from 2000 to 2007, and previously served as an Attorney-Advisor in that office.  From 1999 to 2000, she served as Deputy Legal Adviser at the National Security Council.  From 1996 to 1997, she served as Special Assistant to the General Counsel at the Department of the Treasury, and  she served as Attorney-Adviser in the Office of the Legal Adviser at the Department of State from 1994 to 1996.  Ms. Krass clerked for the Honorable Patricia M. Wald on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.  She received a B.A. from Stanford University and a J.D. from Yale Law School.

Dr. Ericka M. Miller, Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, Department of Education

Dr. Ericka M. Miller is the Vice President for Operations and Strategic Leadership at The Education Trust, a position she has held since 2007.  Previously, from 2005 to 2007, Dr. Miller was Vice President and Director for Isaacson, Miller, where she led the K-12 education practice for the executive search firm.  Prior to that, Dr. Miller worked for the McKenzie Group, serving as President and Chief Operating Officer from 2002 to 2005, and as Director for its Division of Organizational Development and Government Relations from 2001 to 2002.  From 1997 to 2001, Dr. Miller was the education legislative assistant for U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey.  From 1995 to 1997, Dr. Miller was an assistant professor at Mills College.  Dr. Miller was also an Assistant Managing Editor for the Washingtonian Magazine from 1987 to 1990.  Dr. Miller serves on a number of nonprofit boards, including the George Washington University National Council of Education and Human Development, the George Mason University College of Education and Human Development Advisory Board, and the Board of Trustees of the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria.  Dr. Miller received a B.A. from Georgetown University and a Ph.D. from Stanford University.

Stefan M. Selig, Nominee for Under Secretary for International Trade, Department of Commerce  

Stefan M. Selig is currently the Executive Vice Chairman of Global Corporate and Investment Banking at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, a position he has held since 2009.  From 1999 to 2009, he held various leadership roles at Banc of America Securities, including Vice Chairman of Global Investment Banking and Global Head of Mergers and Acquisitions.  From 1992 to 1999, Mr. Selig held various senior investment banking positions, including Co-Head of Mergers and Acquisitions for UBS Securities.  In 1988, he was an original member of Wasserstein Perella & Co.  Starting in 1984, he worked in the Mergers and Acquisitions Group at The First Boston Corporation.  Mr. Selig received a B.A. from Wesleyan University and an M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School.

President Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts:

Cheryl D. Alston, Appointee for Member, Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Cheryl D. Alston is the Executive Director for the Employees’ Retirement Fund of the City of Dallas.  Ms. Alston began her term as Executive Director in 2004.  In addition, she is a member of the Council of Institutional Investors, the National Council of Public Employee Retirement Systems, the Texas Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems, and the National Association of Securities Professionals.  Ms. Alston is also a Vice-Chair of the Volunteer Center of North Texas.  Ms. Alston was first appointed to the Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation in 2011.  Ms. Alston received a B.S. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and an M.B.A. from the Leonard N. Stern School at New York University.

Dallas L. Salisbury, Appointee for Member, Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Dallas L. Salisbury is President and CEO of the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).  He first joined EBRI as Chief Staff Executive at its founding in 1978.  Previously, Mr. Salisbury held positions with the Washington State Legislature, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Employee Benefits Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.  Mr. Salisbury previously served on the Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation from 1991 to 1994, and again from 2011 to 2013.  He received a B.A. in Finance from the University of Washington and an M.P.A. from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Presidential Nominations Sent to the Senate


James D. Peterson, of Wisconsin, to be United Stated District Judge for the Western District of Wisconsin, vice John C. Shabaz, retired.

Robin S. Rosenbaum, of Florida, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit, vice Rosemary Barkett, resigned.

Nancy J. Rosenstengel, of Illinois, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Illinois, vice G. Patrick Murphy, retiring.

Kevin W. Techau, of Iowa, to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa for the term of four years, vice Stephanie M. Rose, resigned.    

Ronnie L. White, of Missouri, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri, vice Jean C. Hamilton, retired.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

President Obama Nominates Kevin W. Techau to Serve as U.S. Attorney

WASHINGTON, DC- Today, President Obama nominated Kevin W. Techau to serve as U.S. Attorney in the Northern District of Iowa. 

" Kevin W. Techau has distinguished himself as a fair, tenacious and respected attorney throughout his careers in both public and private service," President Obama said. "He will serve his country with distinction as U.S. Attorney and it is my honor to nominate him for this esteemed position."

Kevin W. Techau:  Nominee for United States Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa

Kevin W. Techau is Associate General Counsel at American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company, where he has worked since 2007.  Prior to that, Techau served as a Commissioner of the Iowa Department of Public Safety from 2002 to 2007 and as Director of the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals from 1999 to 2002.  He was an Assistant Federal Public Defender with the Iowa Federal Defender’s Office from 1996 to 1999 and worked in private practice at the law firm of Grefe & Sidney from 1992 to 1996.  From 1985 to 1992, he served as a Judge Advocate with the United States Air Force.  After leaving active duty, Techau served with the Iowa Air National Guard from 1993 to 2011.  In 2011, he retired from the Iowa Air National Guard as a Colonel with 27 years of military service.  Techau received his J.D in 1984 from the University of Iowa College of Law and his B.B.A. degree in 1981 from the University of Iowa.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

President Obama Nominates Judge Robin S. Rosenbaum to Serve on the United States Court of Appeals

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama nominated Judge Robin S. Rosenbaum for a seat on the United States Court of Appeals.

President Obama said, "Judge Rosenbaum has a long and impressive record of service and a history of handing down fair and judicious decisions. She will be a thoughtful and distinguished addition to the 11th Circuit, and I am extremely pleased to put her forward.”

Judge Robin S. Rosenbaum:  Nominee for the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit

Judge Robin S. Rosenbaum is a United States District Court Judge in the Southern District of Florida, a position she has held since her appointment in 2012.  Since 2009, Judge Rosenbaum has also taught as an adjunct professor at the University of Miami School of Law.  From 2007 until her confirmation to the district court, Judge Rosenbaum served as a United States Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of Florida.  From 1998 to 2007, she was an Assistant United States Attorney in the same district, where she served as Chief of the Economic Crimes Section in the Fort Lauderdale office beginning in 2002.   Before joining the United States Attorney’s Office, Judge Rosenbaum clerked for Judge Stanley Marcus on the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in 1998, worked as a litigation associate at Holland & Knight from 1996 to 1997, and served as staff counsel at the Office of the Independent Counsel in Washington, D.C. from 1995 to 1996.  She began her legal career as a trial attorney at the Federal Programs Branch of the United States Department of Justice from 1991 to 1995.   Judge Rosenbaum received her J.D. magna cum laude in 1991 from the University of Miami School of Law and her B.A. in 1988 from Cornell University.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

President Obama Nominates Three to Serve on the United States District Courts

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama nominated James D. Peterson, Nancy J. Rosenstengel and Judge Ronnie L. White for District Court judgeships.

"These individuals have demonstrated the talent, expertise, and fair-mindedness Americans expect and deserve from their judicial system," said President Obama.  "I am grateful for their willingness to serve and confident that they will apply the law with the utmost impartiality and integrity."

James D. Peterson: Nominee for the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin

James D. Peterson is a shareholder at the law firm of Godfrey & Kahn, S.C., where he is a member of the litigation and intellectual property practice groups and heads the firm’s intellectual property litigation working group.  Previously, Peterson worked as a law clerk for Judge David Deininger of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals from 1998 to 1999.  Peterson received his J.D. in 1998 from the University of Wisconsin Law School.  Prior to his career in law, Peterson was a faculty member at the University of Notre Dame.  He received his Ph.D. in 1986, his M.A. in 1984, and his B.S. in 1979, all from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Nancy J. Rosenstengel:  Nominee for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois

Nancy J. Rosenstengel has served as Clerk of the Court for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois since 2009.  From 1998 to 2009, Rosenstengel served as a career law clerk to Judge G. Patrick Murphy of the Southern District of Illinois.  Previously, she worked at the law firm of Sandberg, Phoenix & von Gontard from 1993 to 1998, where her practice primarily involved products liability, medical malpractice and Jones Act litigation.  Rosenstengel received her J.D. cum laude in 1993 from the Southern Illinois University School of Law and her B.A. cum laude in 1990 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Judge Ronnie L. White:  Nominee for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri

Judge Ronnie L. White has been a partner in the St. Louis law firm of Holloran White Schwartz & Gaertner LLP since 2007.  Since 1996, he has also served as an adjunct professor at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis.  From 1995 to 2007, Judge White served as a judge on the Missouri Supreme Court, and he served as Chief Justice from 2003 to 2005.  In 1994, he was appointed to be a judge on the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District where he remained until his elevation to the Missouri Supreme Court.  Judge White was appointed City Counselor for St. Louis from 1993 to 1994 and worked at the Law Offices of Cahill, White & Hemphill from 1988 to 1993.  During that same time period, Judge White was elected three times to the Missouri House of Representatives.  From 1987 to 1988, he worked both for the law firm of Young, Russell, Crawford & Black, and for the Office of the Special Public Defender.  He began his legal career by working as a trial attorney in the Office of the Public Defender in St. Louis.  Judge White received his J.D. in 1983 from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law and his B.A. in 1979 from the St. Louis University. 

President Obama Speaks on the Affordable Care Act

November 06, 2013 | 13:17 | Public Domain

In Dallas, President Obama speaks to canvassers and navigators who are helping consumers learn about and enroll in quality, affordable health insurance plans through the Health Insurance Marketplaces.

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Remarks by the President on the Affordable Care Act

Temple Emanu-El
Dallas, Texas

5:36 P.M. CST

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Edna.  Give Edna a big round of applause.  (Applause.)  Well, it is wonderful to see all of you. And let me just make some special mention of some people in addition to Edna who are here. 

First of all, your outstanding Mayor, Mike Rawlings, is here.  (Applause.)  Outstanding County Judge, Clay Jenkins, who's doing a great job on affordable care.  Thank you, Clay.  (Applause.)  Wonderful Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson is here.  (Applause.)  And we want to thank Rabbi David Stern and Rabbi Asher Knight of Temple Emanu-El for hosting us here today. (Applause.) 

And the main reason I’m here is to thank all of you.  Edna’s story is a story that is repeated all across the country -- people who got sick and didn’t have health insurance; folks who thought they had health insurance and then it turned out, because of the fine print or them not filling something out right, they were short of what they needed in terms of getting healed. 

And when I ran for office, obviously we were in the midst of a Great Recession, and my number-one priority was making sure that we didn’t go into a Great Depression, and making sure that we started putting people back to work.  We’ve now seen the economy begin to recover -- although sometimes Washington is not helpful with things like the shutdown.  We’ve seen 7.5 million new jobs created.  We’ve seen exports at record levels.  We’ve seen a lot of growth in places like Dallas, and people are starting to get their footing back, home prices starting to recover. 

But what I also understood was that if we did not start tackling our health care system in a serious way, it would continue to undermine our economy, it would continue to hurt families, and it would continue to hurt businesses. 

And there’s a reason why it had never been done before.  Starting with Harry Truman, people had talked about how we were going to make sure that everybody had affordable, quality health care.  But through Democratic and Republican Presidents and Congresses, we couldn’t get it done.  And the reason is it’s hard.  It’s a big chunk of the economy, and a lot of people, even if they don’t like what is going on, are always nervous about change.  So it was a challenge.  But we were able to get it done, in part because of grassroots folks like you that fought so hard to make sure that we were able to deliver on universal health care. 

And that is what this is all about.  Ultimately, all the politics, all the chatter sometimes leaves out the fact that the system we had, the status quo just wasn’t working for too many people.  And so it was important for us, as difficult and challenging as it has been, to go ahead and move forward to make sure that folks like Edna, when they go to the hospital because they’ve been stricken with an illness, know not only that they’re going to get good care, but also that their families aren’t going to go bankrupt just because somebody in the family got sick.  That’s what we’ve been fighting for.

Now, over the last three years, we’ve already put a whole bunch of benefits in place.  A lot of people don’t know that they’re in place because of the Affordable Care Act, but they’re already in place.  So if you’ve got a child who’s 25, didn’t have health insurance but now is on the parents' plan, the reason for that is because of the Affordable Care Act.  Seniors are getting discounts on their prescription drugs, saving hundreds of dollars because we deepened the discount through the Affordable Care Act. Insurance companies have to treat customers right because of the Affordable Care Act.  No more lifetime limits, no more dropping people just when they get sick. 

But to finish the job, now what we’ve got to do is sign up those folks who don’t have health insurance and improve insurance for those who are under-insured, who don’t have very good insurance, and have been subject to the whims of the insurance company.  And that’s what this is all about.  And that’s the challenge that we’ve got over the next month, three months, six months, next year.  And if we get that done -- when we get that done -- then we will have created a stable system in which there’s no reason why people shouldn’t be getting health care in this country.

Now, I’m the first to say that the first month I’ve not been happy with.  (Laughter.)  You’ve all heard about the website woes.  Nothing drives me more crazy than the fact that right now, there’s great insurance to be had out there, choice and competition, where people can save money for a better product -- except too many folks haven’t been able to get through the website. 

Now, this is like having a really good product in a store, and the cash registers don’t work and there aren’t enough parking spots and nobody can get through the door.  And so we are working overtime to get this fixed.  And the website is already better than it was at the beginning of October, and by the end of this month, we anticipate that it is going to be working the way it is supposed to, all right?  And folks are working 24/7 to make sure that happens.

But remember, the insurance is already there.  And if people can't get through the website, they can get on the phone to the call center and people can take their application and walk them through this process, and people can apply in person if they've got committed folks who are out there helping people to sign up. And that’s what all of you have been committed to doing. 

And it is so important, because the truth of the matter is, even if the website were working 100 percent, a lot of people would still need help to navigate through this stuff.  A high percentage of people who don’t have health care also might not have ready access to a computer right away, or it might be confusing for them and they would need people to help guide them through this process.  And that’s true, by the way, if they were buying any kind of insurance.  Sometimes it's a complicated process.

So the commitment that all of you -- that congregations, that faith-based groups -- are engaged in is critically important.  And it's not going to stop; even after the website is running perfectly, we're still going to need all of you to be making these efforts.  And I want to make special mention of the Mayor's and Clay's work, and Eddie Bernice's work to get people signed up, because that’s the kind of commitment that we're going to need on the ground on a day-to-day basis.  

So my main job here today is to say thank you.  And as Clay has said, nothing is going to stop us from getting this done, because we're on the right side of history.  It is the right thing to do.  It is the right thing to do for our economy, our businesses and our families.

Now, the last point I want to make -- I know that sometimes this task is especially challenging here in the great Lone Star State.  (Laughter.) 

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  We're up to the task.

THE PRESIDENT:  But I think that all of you understand that there's no state that actually needs this more than Texas.  (Applause.)  Think about it.  We were just talking on the way over here that in addition to signing people up for the marketplaces so they can buy private insurance, part of the Affordable Care Act was expanding the number of working families who would qualify for Medicaid.  Now, because of a Supreme Court ruling, it's voluntary, which states decide to expand Medicaid coverage, which don’t. 

Here in just the Dallas area, 133,000 people who don’t currently have health insurance would immediately get health insurance without even having to go through the website if the state of Texas decided to do it.  There's over $500 million just for this county that would come in to help families get health insurance -- has nothing to do with the website -- if the state of Texas made this decision.  And your neighboring states have made that decision because they look at it and they say, this is a no-brainer, why would not -- why would we not want to take advantage of this. 

So the state of Arkansas has already reduced its number of uninsured by 14 percent -- already, just in the first month -- by signing people up for expanded Medicaid -- 14 percent.  State of Oregon -- 10 percent reduction in the number of uninsured already, in the first month, right away, folks are signed up, just because the Governor and the legislature there made the right decision. 

There's no reason why this state can't do the same.  And I mentioned that in the Dallas area it's 133,000 people who stand to benefit.  Across this state, you've got a million people -- because this is a big state -- a million people, citizens, who don’t have health insurance that could get health insurance right away if the state of Texas decided to take advantage of it. 

So one of the things that sometimes gets me a little frustrated, although I understand it because I’m in politics, is folks who are complaining about how the website is not working, and why isn’t Obama fixing this, and all these people are uninsured, and yet they're leaving a million people right now without health insurance that they could immediately fix.  There’s not a lot of logic to that. 

But that's okay because we’ve gone through barriers before; we have gone through struggles before.  Eventually, though, if you stick with doing the right thing, you get it done.  It will happen, all right?

And so I just want all of you to remember that as challenging as this may seem sometimes, as frustrating as may be sometimes, we are going to get this done. And when we do -- when we do, not if -- when we do, you’re going to have families all across this great state of Texas who are going to have the security and the well-being of high-quality, affordable health insurance.  And that's going to be good for business.  It means that all the providers around here, instead of having to take in folks in the emergency room, they suddenly have customers who have insurance.  That means those of you who already have health insurance, your premiums will not be subsidizing folks who don't have health insurance.  People will get preventive care, which means that people are likely to be healthier. 

And that's within our power.  That's within our grasp.  So this is a pretty motivated group.


THE PRESIDENT:  This looks like a group that's ready to go. 

THE PRESIDENT:  I’m here to tell you that I’m going to be right there with you the entire way until we get this done, and everybody in Texas and everybody all across this country have the affordable health care that they need.

Thank you, everybody.  God bless you.  (Applause.)  God bless America.  God bless the State of Texas.  (Applause.)

5:49 P.M. CST

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