Statement by the Press Secretary
On Tuesday, November 30, 2010, the President signed into law:
H.R. 5712, “The Physician Payment and Therapy Relief Act of 2010,” which provides for a Medicare physician payment rate update through December 31, 2010;
S. 1376, the “International Adoption Simplification Act,” which (1) makes the siblings of children adopted by U.S. citizens from countries that are party to the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Hague Convention) eligible for admission into the United States, provided that they are under the age of 18; and (2) exempts children adopted by U.S. citizens from Hague Convention countries who are 10 years of age or younger from requirements to present vaccination documentation prior to admission into the United States, provided that the adoptive parent ensures that the child will receive the required vaccinations within 30 days of the child's admission;
S. 3567, which designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located in Lynbrook, New York, as the Navy Corpsman Jeffrey L. Wiener Post Office Building; and
S.J.Res. 40, which provides that the first regular session of the 112th Congress will begin at noon on Wednesday, January 5, 2011.