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The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release

Senator Akaka Backs Middle Class Tax Cut Framework


Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) issued the following statement today:  
"On Saturday, I strongly supported two proposals to permanently extend the tax breaks for middle-class families, extend unemployment insurance, and provide relief to small businesses and workers.  I was highly disappointed that my Senate Republican colleagues chose to unanimously oppose both proposals in order to force the extension of the irresponsible Bush-era giveaways to the wealthy, which will continue to add billions to our national deficit.  Refusing to extend unemployment insurance and allowing taxes to rise on struggling families in this difficult economy is simply unconscionable.  
"Working families in Hawaii need our help to put food on the table.  They will spend the money locally and help our economy.  I simply cannot allow these middle-class tax cuts to expire or abandon the unemployed during these tough times.  
"I will support the President's compromise proposal in order to help working families and people out of work, but I have strong reservations about continuing tax cuts for the wealthy that recklessly add to the deficit and our national debt."