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The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
April 13, 2011
Kingson Statement on the President's Fiscal Policy Speech
By: Eric Kingson, Strengthen Social Security Campaign Co-Chair
(Washington, D.C.) – The Strengthen Social Security Campaign, a coalition of 300 organizations representing more than 50 million Americans, released the following statement from Campaign Co-Chair Eric Kingson in response to President Obama’s deficit-reduction speech today:
"We applaud the President for reminding Americans that Social Security is not in crisis and that it is not a cause of the nation’s deficits. We cheer his strong opposition to all efforts to privatize or weaken America’s most successful and popular social program.
“We urge the president to take the next logical step: Remove Social Security from the bipartisan budget negotiations he is initiating. Past Congresses have diligently kept Social Security separate from deficit debates. Social Security is essential to the economic security of millions of Americans and can pay all benefits in full for the next quarter century. It should not be held hostage to a deficit-reduction deal.
We also urge the president to make clear to the American people that the Social Security proposals put forth by the co-chairs of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform fall woefully short of the principles he set forth today for acceptable changes to Social Security. Their proposals would slash benefits for future generations, increase the retirement age and end Social Security as we know it. Instead, the president should commit to following the will of the overwhelming majority of the American people who prefer increased revenues to cutting benefits.”