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The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
April 13, 2011
Senator Udall Backs President's Fiscal Policy Speech
Today, Mark Udall released the following statement on President Obama's speech regarding debt reduction and the economy:
"I agree with the president's overall message today. In particular, I strongly support ending tax cuts for millionaires - I opposed extending those irresponsible tax breaks in December. We must invest in programs that will move our economy forward, cut what doesn't work, and take aggressive steps to pay down our national debt. Such a plan is critical to encourage strong private-sector job growth and keep the American dream alive for generations to come.
"I agree that we must be honest about the challenges we face and work together to meet them head on. I fought to create the Bowles-Simpson Deficit Commission, and when the president released his budget, I was disappointed that he didn't embrace its bipartisan recommendations for sustainable deficit and debt reductions. While his blueprint today keeps faith with some of the principles of the commission's recommendations, I believe we need an even more comprehensive approach that puts everything on the table. Nevertheless, I welcome the president's leadership, and I hope that leaders in both parties will heed his call to sit down together - regardless of party affiliation - and commit to make meaningful progress on reducing our debt and getting our economy back on track."